Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN lkumrablrc. n. Csvnaes ~.tats Auditor Carl to1 Bulldln(; Awtln, Tuaa cxuwasreportss our letter or ~r?coctlt dste . S., frwldos ior ‘%mms Ian ~mnneotion thrl Stat4Pll Tablfo C7th Leg.,' p. 152, raaorde of the State fauoatiofl, x4 find that t3ic B iAttrFrStt3d -at dirtdot his ha OS waning th?t ths ctn filin< thasa suppl~seatal orts should 9100 pay carWin axpsnsss or t&c $?itatd D4Jprtiwnt la that oo5llcotlon. 'The Dfstrlots naturelly have to psp tholr own loa. rrpsnae, in ta:tlng ths sop;lcscntttl CMQII~ ia the 4~~34 ~451143 that they h.~vc to staml the expense of th? Originel~amaus. 356 33gsttmod or DUOS- tlon pyz all of the Stste axpenra in can- n%ation with checking the rrgul~r cenaua ro11s, tto., but ia now sn@ has barn ml-' lectlnf fro- the School 3f.striots ftllaC Xonorabls Or Ii4 ~Wt4ra Page 2 ,thsaa aupphaentrl a8na~a rrporta; a'fra of 30$ (3s$.et first) for 6a u hloholaatlo la- .. oludrd on au& suppl.aaental oenaus reporta. *we arb not a&6 as to the Ati(gallty 0r tha oollda6ing or meals r0e4 by *ha Dame- . wet of 2Jduoatloa aad shall (piatl;l:a -@aolabr a ruling iraa yab oa th+ ma8t0~~ .Xp Pt lagal for tha MptrtrP8H fo aafiaat q suah fsa uadac tha ~pro~lalona of the Artl.ole. te uhioh raferraoo la mad6 abgve, or uudu ony ,qther ‘Ar~lOl~ la fit6 8tatu~44? *A raooad qti&tlat hrlr’aa la th%s .ooni ~wtlan..-.~~?i~e.?cttae oolkotad 8e lbeva do- rortbsd .ao brlag drpoaited $n aa Aurtin Bask rlth~ d isburssm~ta from them bet= . metIe la the form of ohaoka hatins only ‘tha algnattma at aa smployaa of the Dapsxtmat . or Fd'duoatlaa, Xtt other wopda, Shla aarsy is bdng hsadlid is “Laoal Pu&W of. that: Dape#taeat rhi& asy ba 1llsgL utadal! the : Statrtttra tht as&r ‘prorlalua for the’ baadllag. ai &ate Zttada through th*..State “l%saaury. Plsaei. a&lee uo aa to tlila-shoti tharr ftta4a~~(whrthor or not lo@4 ~oallodt.w3) br d6poa,$ta3 $11. the Stab3 Trsarurtry ,rlth pay- menta.‘thersf~oa a&e on warrant&~drawn againat the Treatiursr, a&I subjoo% to,tht aa r eatrlotiouo aa other .S.ta to .Yuatl+ in their axpaaUlturaa? ,; p.. tiottr praiapt iCpQ,to bh.aa qiaa$iaaa ~111 ba great* a~pr6,olatsd.* ~. Ohorrla or rdjaoeat thereto o? aanps, WaarvutiOn~, bulldlng or dam pTOjCUt8 eponeorod by Faders1 ttOVO~AWltt Or State ~SXtlitWA\,owershfp sad whom oreatlon results In sn unusual inareass ln aoholsstlo Honorabla 0, 8. Cernaaa Faga f population in a aohool dlatrlol’upoa tha oartlilad - rapueat ot the oouaty aoporbtandui% of the oouaty in '*blah aoah an wmaael lnaraaea arla6a, the Stat. Snparintandant of Pub110 Ihatruotiao et dlatriot 4Xp4~a4, ah4U raquira 4 4u applemnta i roholartlo 06asw to ba taken of Urn atriot iaroltad. In tha lwa t that tha ooaaw baola luthorlsod ahowml . rub- ltential lnora~rr irr roholaatla opoletbd, the 8bta Su~adatandaat of Fubllo l[nrtrw 0laa my rpgaova l laantel oaaaw roll, addin@ w&Q 4Qmu.ar ,a& ‘W onei l Ui llgibla roholrotl~a to tha roll@ of tha diaklotr.. Said a roll ahall bq oaaaw es it April~22, ezid no &ljuakueat i,a a elutlo lpgmrtioh- aoat in a diatrlot ontltla4 6hurto o&all bb la ea . eaount #ora than that aaoo8mar~ for tho rd6itluml ~pduttt244 n46dod to, 0*4 t4k th4 n40a4 0r 0~4b clls6rlota sad whioh ehell be rg$rorad bt’ thi- 66eta Dapatfmat of E&iaetlon.a Ii la our oplalar that the pQrir4 *at dirtriot. axponaa* rafara only to tha apoera ooano06od with tha t&w Of tb4 8U~~hOUfEhd OOMW 4 th4 dtQ@,iOt 4nb do68 not authorlm #a State Supalataadant to aailaot MY r40 Or Oh4p64 60 6& 4 0~4 Of l edditlaaal ax wiaa ~~w~4,fiby tha se++ tllvlrtorr qf Y 4’aapsrtaoa6 6P . ‘, ‘ma ~a@op~lcrtlon Bill for fiJia l%aorrtita and A&llniatratlre rmw Saaata of thaS%ataOfm~~aineat by thaw Forty-al&i La~alatura aontd,aa or $20.8~ ror thr Sob001 .aenaua of Sduoation for aeoh o? the Sea Cesersl and Speoiel Lawa, Aaba of 48th teglelaturer I I L q ‘i:. 9. l 7 Ho&able C. 8. Cavnaaa Fag*. 4 \ followisg this l9flo rlatica asa es a part or t&a Aot ia Oaatioa (l5)b oi t L Oasarsl Provlaiaks, uhlah wads la port da r0110ttrt me ~proprlatlcas hetaln protid a to bd eon- #true6 en tha mexlaw auw to bo a latad to and to? the revere.1 purgoaos naaed hboaia, end tha swank arm intended to awar; and shall oovaz the .. attire most of the rai eati*a ltaam l rhsll llot bo $tlDDl+MAl 1ad f?Or ray othw1 a4 ot%amin prQWti tp ahall be made, a&r &atlaz$ o%u? be tno,wrrd by sw domprrtaiast of tklm Mati, . . .* 800 Taaoa~a T&am-8asaltm law 8arrloa, 1913, Ro. 5, 9a&a 1025. Thla j+mrision l&mt or0 la- map 14smatin('Cb.e tl ma la broad eaouo& la our op Pnlan, to prohib f 6 t 8,a Stetr Dqm+aat a? Z&t+ mar ahaz8la(l b4o +mal diatrlota a ire or 30$ 01 15$ par fPpl1 or sss ouhar emuat to .a plement t&o approp?iabion ma40 by t&a Lagia- Xaburs for x s Caams Div~shs of &tie Dogutaant, 3s raalire that tb uork la tha Coaaua Dirialas ta iaaPaeaad by the paaaega oi Oh6 mob aobho~litla6 the taking oi n lupplaasatal oeusw, but t&a L Irlaturo did Sot ,888 tit ta raka ~na addltloaal ap9roprl&+$laa to gmg swh saltloml expaaat aoi’ did It m~tkwir~ tRa dapu at r0 asflaot awe fxan ‘thr roap2otlva ~biatrlotar If bhe phrase *at dlabrirt ax~aiisanautfw?lzad the State Dagmxbiant to oollaat thaaa fair from tha d~atriots~ (am- olslaad bl aimrbera of the Dapwbarat of Edaoatlao) they would .ooostltata publlo armmy asA ahaul ba CL8 rltad ln the s6ata Treasury asd not in ea Adatla bask. ftl* our opinion that the OOll4OtlOs of the faaa &s: maa~Ww?ited by any law aad tbot tha State her so intarasS Ln the furid thor orated, haor 8-a should not be da$oalta4 la tha Wet+ TraaaurlpI, but should be raturnad to bha raapaetlta dirtriots ~~~~~~hr:dZ,~6~11aatad. Sao Dealyl vs. Rlo~ezaak CTOznad F g.LQ . ---

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5802

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017