Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ,, &norable 300 aoraon cowlty Attoroe~, thy ooclnty ; Pupa. Texu 08 Jane 8, 19936,the r0ii0wikt4 Order was ent***d In tb minute8 0r tha Commlaaloaen' Court: **Kleatian held Yi&y14, 1@96, oanvra8ad an4 ruulta deolti to 7 8# f0110W8: g@For the orsatlon aa6 Lsaorporati.on of the i&rayCotadz Wind Srooba Qoaurvatioa Dl~triot. **SSC Vote0 ""~db&.nat the wetioa UA iaoerpor*t~a et the taraloopntl rind amMa Ooasorvrtioa DirtHat hrticlu 163e-&, Vernon's 6nnotrttedCIVIL ;titatutae, in regard to the canva@a of returns and order deolrlrlneererltlon 0r wind iiroelonDlstriotl providea ua iollowclr “YQO. 3. When tho returne of the eleotion mntlcnob in Sex~lon 8 huve boon oantamod by the C~mtda.d.oner~Court, tho nrult or euoh electIon ahell by order entered on the Mlnutea oioaiwl and Ineorpcwataddth all rI&tlr, authority cod prIvilegr8 heroin oonfsrred a~tlau- thorIw4 bJ Seotion 89, of Artlole XVI, of the con8titutfo~. r0r the purpow or oon6arvIngand re- olaw the 803.1In luah DistrIat.w (Unaersaorlng oura) Sal4 artlalo eeoee to be Imperative In mob provialona requiring that an order of the Countr Jud&e drolvring suob Oletrlct aroatod and inaorporstd bo imao ciad lnt( lr d, eta., before such Dirtriot ahall k deem& lo@lly areated and Inoorporatad,ata. If luoh an or&r, aa oontompiatod by th atatote, warn Ln toot a&a of lamed bf tha County 3a6gr and ha id14 to eator mm, em roqulred b$ thlr ltatato, than, in that 8vent, w 1.e no reaaon why 8ue ahou.Ld not now or hcroaftor ba anton& *MO pro tuna In tha Ylwtea or the Comatiaionon* aourt, and a seztlrfea BODY thereof antord In the Doed &Word8 of the Countr, Thla gr&aun itlregsirdto looal 09t103 prohibitioneleotiona ,laap- proval ln thr iollowiq o(~maz la3 s. w. (aa) 614; Yoavor t. 8t4t0, 1SS 8. r we l&nit tb amllaatlon or luoh oaae~ it to onter a nun0 ii-0 tan0 judwnt orordor only. It iotiii im taken, tin .oroatfoa and Inoorporatlbnof luoh Dlatriot shall data from tbo tlnw ot tha aotunl entry ot the oerti?io& oopy in the De& RoooZda, and not data back to the ieautmoe of the order. Iicwevur,it no rush order was over made. wo kucw ot no authority prchlbitlng tho lssuonoo ct one ot this tlW by the present Ccuntl Jutlge,brsoa on tho duly entoroa order deoltmlng the rosulta of the elootlon. In elthor of the two nsxt abcvo sot out Instaaoeo, auoh or&or met be enterud and a oertitied oopy thereof be N- ooraod as speoI?ical)jaet out in tho statuto in order to OCIQ- ploto the legal oroetlon an4 lnocrp0ratIonof ouch District. It Is to bs untlarstood thrrt we are not,here passing upon the legality OS your elaotlon, but we are assuming, for the purpcsos ot our answer, th a l t vo r y tU.ng Qne In the attemptoa orortlon of suoh Dlotrlot up to and lnolu8Ingthe entry on the Connissloners* Court uinutss of tho order dOOloring tho result at said lleotlon, was regular an4 acoordlng tc law. yletrust ttm above satls?aotcrIl~answers your quea- tlon as tc the aroatlorra? a Wlad i3rcsIonConservationDietriot. In wgard to your qusstloa dolt torming a 9011 Ccn- Senatlcn Mstrlot, we have Oantolly 0cnsldoredarticle lbSaa-4, Vornon*s Annotated Civil Statutes, togothor with Ito logIslstlve history aa aftoatlng #aid Artlolr USa-g, an8 rind DO reoscn why the lmd4WnOra of yosr oooat~, prsvidiag the State 5011 Conserva- tion Board find8 it 4esirabls anA neoesaary, ooul4 not form such a Dlatrlot atter a lads1 llootIsn, lto., under the terma of said Article lb5s4. In this eonsmotIon, ua oall mar lttubtlon to sub- l80tion (b) ot SeOtIos Ic0t uld Art1010 liNa4, whom a8 a Doolaratlonor Pclloy It grovidos that: “* L l th e lgeaolor oreated, powers o o nter r ed and the lotivltlao oontsmplatsd In this i*otfor the o o nsena tlo onf lo lla ndwater r ea o ur ~e~ und fo r th e ro&iotlon 05 pub110 6amage reoultlng iron failure to eonaerve suoh rutural rJsouroe8, shall be supplo- mentary and oompls:~ataryto the work of various river on4 othar authorltles scu eatabllshedin the Stato and tc othor State offloero, ogonoIOs, and tlIstrIotslngsrgod Is oloaoly nlatod pruJeot8, aad shall not be duplIaotlre thsroof nor ccn?lIotlngtherowlth.m 6e ~180 oall your attention to oubacction C. of iiec.5 of &bum3 3lll x0. 444, .4oteof the 47th Lc&ieltit.ure, ikqp.11~~ ;leeaio~,(~~ndingthe Aat of the 46th Zeglslature euthorizlngmuch 6oil Coneerwtlon Dietrlets)on p.:ce511, whioh stste8 al)followar "Thi8 net &hall Uot 1x1anplea affect, lm- pair, nor lapin@ upon the pro+lmlonaOS Rouse Bill Ho. 978, not. bt the tQ#ulat Sea&ion of the Forty-fourthLegislature, under which Wind Erosion Conuenation Dirtri~btr have boon areatab or may hrmftar be arwtW!, but tha 8um ir, expresalr praaonrd in aacfMaaoe with the term thereof; the Atate doll Gonnnatlon Board ahall hare authority, worzing alth th& gotemin$ bo6l.a of the Wind bv- elan Consmotlon Di8triot8, to put lnto operation in eaid Sin6 Gsoaion CotmonrrtionDistricts such gro~isiosxs or thl8 at.rs ema not in aonfllot with the prar~.oioim of Houe6 Bill Ho. 978, Aota of the Its&&,2 hfJ8iOJl Of the ]POrty-fourth&&JilrletUre." Your6 tory ally Robert i.. LattiPore. Jr. UL:LP

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5801

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017