Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Xoaol\blo Arnold Smith CourA~ Art torno~ xontgomery aount~ Conroo, Tuar Dear air1 , addnsrwl to the Quootloxl8 for an make any &lffsreIlor in regard osltloa uhether tha Dlstrlat d or var dnft.6 into the Nilitaly “4. Cm thm Dlrtriot Clerk plaoa hlr we upon the ballot for election won though ho 18 in lllltb~ Servloo ld ii DO, 18 it neossr4rf tbbt ho k prermIt In Juluary OS nut par to talc. the 0dh 0r 0ff100t~ J Honorable Arnold Smith, Pago 2 ArtIolo 169L Vornoa’o hnototrd Civil Statutes, pro~VIUo8 ior th8 elootion rt oooh 6onbrol rlootIOn 0t a Clark or the Dlotrlot Court or oaoh oounty for l term 0r two rboro. Artlele 1695, Rarfoed Civil strtutoo, proiIdo8; Who no r o r l r a o o no y o o o u r o In th s o tflo o of dirtriot oldrk, lt shall be rlllod by the dlrtrlot judge or luoh oountyI and ouoh 8 pointer shall 61~0 bond on4 qurllfy and may hold 1 I8 otfleo until the next g4noral llea tlo n. Whore I taomr~ ooouro In 0 oounty having tuo or mors biotriot oourto, tho iroono~ shall be flllod by the JuQoo of luah oo;lrto; and Ii ther toil to ogrro, tho Oorornor, upon the oertItIooto oi luoh ju&oo, ohall order 8 opooIol llootlon to iill ouoh va0anPOy. Art1010 1696, Vornon’o Annotot8d Girl1 Gt6tute0, reads t “The dIotrIct clerk may, In writing, UC+ dor his hand and thtr oeol of hi8 oourt, lp- point one or more deputloo. The oppointmont 8hall bo rooordrd in the Octloe 0t the oounty olsrk. 3uoh deputlro shall toko the ofrlolal oath, and 8hrl.l rot In tha mm8 of their prlnoi- pal, on4 rnor bo and perform all 8Uoh ortiolol was so mar be lowrully donr and prtoraad by luoh rlotk In person. If the olerk doer not reside rt the oounty aeat ho oh811 hove a deputy rooidlng than.’ Tho luthorltloo oitoa In our oplnlon O-%46, o oopy of whloh lo horrto lttaohod, would appear to oontrol the queo- tion ot rooonog on& I8 oppllooblr to the dlotrlct olark of your oountg. Until B vaoanog I8 8otablIohad, both the dlo- trlot olork and hi8 ohioi deputy are ontItle to tholr salary. We a lso lnolow oopIos ot opIdon8 O-3060 and O-&65. The latter hold8 tbrt . oountg rttornoy rho voluntarily joIar4 tho IntollI6moo Corp. OS the United State. Army woo not pro- hibited tram &rrwl~@ his oolory LO long aa then IO no Voo.on- oy In the ottloo. In opinion O-3060, this drprrtaent ruled Honorable Arnold Smith, Pago 3 that on induotion in the United stats0 Amy as a draftee does not *root* 0 vaoanoy. The SongoIng opinions are rppllooblo to the 0tt10. or DlOtrIOt Clerk. In *nowor to your quootIono 1, 2, and 3, It is the oplnloo of this dapartdwnt that no rooanog 10 oreated where a dirtriot clerk, without rsolgnln8, rolunteoro or IO drattr~ Into tha milltory oartlor o? thr units4 States, nor is he prohib:ted from drawing hf. calarr rroa thr orrioOr*o solory Pm&. A Ilrputr appoint04 and qualltlod under M- tloloo 1690 and 3902, Vsrnon’o Annotated Civil Statutes, any. perform tho auti00 ot thot 0rri00. Rmlotlto to your fourth quootlon, ooma apparently oontemplater military oerrIro without the Stats. In our oplnien O-4591, aI80 l nolooed, this do rtment hold that a oognty attornry uhq beoama on otrlorr Ei tha UnIted stat.8 xanl Reorrte raa not prohibltod fma plaoIn& his name on the ballot ?or naleotIOd nor ?roB taking tho oath O? Or- tiw. Artlolo 5697, i3erlood Civil Statutes provides: “saoh dlotrlot olrrk, before antering upon his of?IoIal duties, shall give bond, to bo approved by the GonuiiooIonsro oourt OS the oounty, pryoblo to tha Governor, in the sum of tire thousand dolloro, oon4ltIoned tor the roith- tul dloohargo of thr dutioo ot hi. ottloa, and shall lAro take a nd luboorIbo the of?IoIal oath whlob shall bo Indoroad u on tho bond. suah bond &.a4 oath shall be tI P04 and raoorda4 in the oitioo o? the oountr olerk.” Artlola 16 ot said ltatutoo, provides: *iaoh ottloor In this Stoco, whethar oleoted o r lppoIntoa shall, before anterlrg upon tho autlra o? hia offloo, tOk0 aa4::auboorlbr tha oath prooorIbe4 by Artlolo 16, saotlon 1, o? tho Qonotltotlon or this state; ena ii ho @hall be roqulred by ion to aira on ottiolal bond, ~814 oath ohall bo riled with said bond.” Xononbla Arnold tilth, ?aga 4 mi0i0 ti 0s UI~ lktut.00, ~F~VI~OI "All oath., . . . . a&r k rdmlnlotorud ~0d l 00rtifiOa4 or th0 hot ~1~00: ‘1. . . , , “a. IrWhoutwo3ktoaadvIthb thb uidkd bkt00, bbr0n w 0x0* 0s l 00w or noord hovia~ a lebl, amy nokm pub110 or w ~omiooloner 0s doodo duly l old*& w&or th e lm or thlo state noidIxq vipe hla sow othor 8kte or krrltoq. “3. xi without the unltod Uktoo, kr0tu any notar Qublle, or any mlaloter, caaaloolatmr or ohw e d lrr~lno of tb United 8tatao, aw 01dant & a ndl00r o dItea to th eo o unt~ vh e n tb lSfld&vlt ur b0 kkoa, or uq b0a8d geluml, oonoul, tlob-maoul, oaamlw~l agent, *loo-oa- urolal lpnt, doputT oonoul, or oonoular lg m t 0s thb Vnitod Itstoo, rooldmt ln lucth oountry. ‘4. u&or of oay board or omlooIon ormted Q %o law of this 8tatb, in utter pert8lnIag to the dutloo thereof, ma7 ldmlalotor oaths or brfiruti0n0.” lar~0mg OUTr0wh qu00ti0a, it IO tb 0pini0n or this dapartmnt tI;. t ouoh diatriot elork so quallflod and sitwtod a0 in our aaowr to tha rim three quo0tiono sub mltkd, WJ mum his wo to k plaood en the ballot for re- llootlon ad lf l1oot.d mar tab tha oath rlthout the Stat. kr0n any wthorioed parson named ln Artlole 2?6, Xevlood ai~ii at0tuk0 0s 50~80.

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5791

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017