Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • _. ,:... .., :.. <; :%iiF ‘5....,. 2’ OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN JiononbJo 11.C. Vobor Toxu btbb Board or habl hulaor IorvoodBuildlng matla, Toxbr part, bI f0110va1 irlons of Se-t* Bill dent81 llaearr 0r bw la the stat. of Tsxu if for bny rmloa t&t vith the Texm 3kte or b&on kroh 1 of b lloea8ro~sliornro bar baaa rurpeadwl for the above reaooa and ha ooatinuor to preotloe dentlrtrf, lllop~l~, vho hr urisdlotlea? UUJ the toxbr Stbto Board of Doak 1.Lrulaorr nroko thr rurpoadodllornrr oa thorn rouadrt Or does tha Cowthro to ooarlot the 1foen~oe of lllrg~l pmotloo ilr#ttO 646 Eoaonblo R. T. V&or, hgo 2 Art1010 555oa* V.raon’8 Aaaoktod Cl*11 Sktutrr prorld*r, la part, a8 follov8: ll. It rhll k the w of all porroar aowlevfull~ quallflo4uidmga od la the pmotloe of dontlrtw la tblr 8L to, or vho rh811 hmufkr k llooa88dfor ruoh prsotloo by the Ikk Board of Doakl~laon, to bo nglrtorod l8 ruoh pnotltloaon vlth the State Bow4 of Doat. Smaiaorm 00 or befon Jboh lrt of -oh 881~~4~ roar. koh porroa 80 ng- lrtorlng rhll p8~ la oonaootionvlth ruoh UI- au81 ngirtntlan for tho rooolpther4mftor provldodfor, l f00of Ho0 ($5.00) Dollar8, muoh pa eat to b8 wdo to mid gt8to Bo8rd of Doakl Llaorm. Rvow ponoa 80 nglrtoring ,8hll ii10 vlth 88ld Bow-d 8 vrltton 8ppllm- tloa rotting forth ruoh hots aa the Boati rar nQulm. . . . . #2. If say porroa nqulr8d to nglrtmr a8 a pnotltlonor of doatlrtz7uador the pro- vlrloar honof, rhall fall or nfuro to 8pply for ruoh nglrtntloa aad par ruoh fw oa or bofom Jkroh 18t of l8oh aalondar year, a8 lwnlmboto rot forth, hi8 llooaro to pnotloo doatlstq, lssuod to him, rhll thonaftor rtaad 8u8poadod80 tht for thoroaftor la pnotlolag doatirtr7, ho rkll bo rubjoot to UN poa8ltlor lmpoaod by kr upon say porsoa ualmfkll~ pmo- tiolng dentlrt~. ?rov1404,that muoh llooa8o rh8llba ro-Sarkt8ddt4aytl.w uponvrlttoa ~ppll88tlenof tho holdor udo to mold Board vlth ruoh lnfonvtloa or f8otr vhleh th8 Borrd ma nQuln, y lo o o mp a blo yth d po q ma t o fth a ma1181 r8glrtrrtloafoor in arroerm 8ad 8a 8d- dltloml roa of Flro (#5.00)Dolbrrr. , . . .' (sblp~818oum) Artiolo 748, Vomoa*r Aaaoktod ?oa81 8t8tut.rpro- vldor 48 follov8, %o pormoa rhll lxtrrot both or porrom 8ay other oporatlon portalalng to dontlrtryor HoaorrbloIt.T. Vobor, hgo 3 - doakl rurgo~ for pa7 or for tho pwporo of ldvortirlng, lxhlbltla# or colllagl4 modlolao OX'inrtFUBOnt, ti$SS muoh pWSOX& Sh11 fiMt hvo oampll@d vlth tha protlmlonr of the lav N@diZ& - pF8OtlOO Of dU&iStl'J i!k thL8 atat.,@ Artlole 7520, Vomon’m A8aotat.U row1 tktutor, prOVidO8l8 fOllOV8t 'Soo. 4. The Stat0Bawd ofD8at81Sxu- laws S&11 bo, -4 It rb~ll ba tholr dutf, and they an ho-by luth o r lr to wlnvoko, orsool OC maupeada4 11OWSO or liOOa8O8 that B&y have booa lmmuod by ruoh Bowl, If la tha oplnloa of 4 maJorit of ruoh Board, any ponoa or pw8onm to VhOn l liOui80 ha8 been 188U0d by Bald bard .tOPZOOtiOO dUlti8tl’y %a this 8ktO, Sk11 hV0, oftor tho lrrumoo of ruoh 1Iooaa0, violateduq of th8 proP*lrloM of the 8trtut.rof th8 dtato Of %X&S X'WtitlIqto t& prrOtiO0 Of dOntlmt4 in this dtito, or ly of tho protirioam of Chapter 7, Title 12 of tb ?onal Codo of the gt~te of Tuam, or 881~ uoadmoatm that my horoaftor bo rudo thmnto. . . . ‘sea. If Bald Board Sh8ll asko clndoa- 5. tor u-g odor 88noolllagor *u*pu4ing uq liooaro or 1~OOQ808 a# honinrbovo rorldod, the ~or~~o~fipor80zuwho80 llooa8o ah8P1 Iwo bran md nroked or 8U8p01bdOd ~87, vlth- la thlrt7 t" SO) da78 aftOr tb rklng &ad OatOr- lng of mu8b o r & otake r ,a alppa81 to tb8 Dlmtrlat coUrt of the ooUat7 la VhlOh tbo all0 od off~a8o oooumed br flllmg UI lpproprlato pbtftloa for muoh pIl~O80~ you vi11 ob8or?o that Art1010 45508, SUpl*L,Sp8Oif- 1Orllj SUbjOOtS8 wr8CUi f8iliXlg t0 pIr th# UlaU81 X'8gi8tNL- tloa too to the "~MltiOS irpO8Od br lav upoa say pemoa un- hVi\lllJ PMOtiCing dUbtiSt~.' Arti 748, SUpl'& prohibitstb p?aOtiOO Of dUr- tiStl7 %&SD 8uoh 55OPScQ ShB11 flMt brv0 OOrgflOdvlth th. Eono~bl8 It.2, Vokr, ?Sgo 4 rovlmloamof tJm lm rsgulatin( thr pnotloo of doatimt~.~ iib ViOU817, t0 .rJ th8 f8ihl’B th8 UrnWl hepro*1*1oa* X'O,(iStlWtiOll fH of ths l&v ngulat- i8 l fbiluro to Oomplfvlth iIFg th0 pMOtiO0 Of dUiti8t aad vlth 8Uoh fSilun thy pnotloo of dontlstry la pro lbltoduul unl~vful. 1; Artlolo 7520; 800. h1 l~paa, ooafor8 oa the Btato Boml of IkatSlbulaors tho duty" to nvoko or wool ths lioonss 'If In the oplaloa of l nmjo r lt of tho Board’ ths liOMSO0 &S ViOhtOd Of th8 pl'OV18I 001 Of tho SktUtOS oh inO1UdO8,Of loUUMO~Art1010 it 18 slur th0 BUrd itSOlf do- 'It 18, Of OOUFSO, VOll SOttlOb tbt thS pnOtiO0 Of dOlLtiSt4,ntiting SS it do08 t0 tho puuilo health 18 8UbJOOt t0 gOVOmOnk1 oon- Tho 8tato thonfors &S ths povor to pMS&ibS reasanablo MgU&tlOaS for th8 gZUat- m of llooamosto pnotloo d~tlst~, snd ~7 dolopk to ~a Sdainist~tlvo born%%% or rgoaor ' tho Suthoritrto pus upoa tho qudlflortioau Of &p'JIliWltSaad t0 gl’a.at OF I'SfUSO~iSOa808, Lik8v180,the Ststr, -7, for oaumo, nvoko muah ~1COIl8O8,lkd MT al80 dOlO&J4tO ut fWOtlOa t0 muoh board or l gOno~.' Fxsnolroo 1. Board of Doatd xxminorm (WV. App.) 149 8.U. (2) 619, error l'.fUSti. FurthSmon, u%l la StrOagthof this, 7ou vi11 aoto tit mado in 8OOtioa 5, h'tiOl0 7520, SUplU, iOr pl'OV181Oli 18 en appeal to tho dimtriot oourt m tha order nvoking or OCUlOOlling hi8 11OUlSOr &l ViSV Of th@ fOPSgOingUld in UMVOF t0 JOU’ QUO*- tit& 70U &x’s l’88mOtmlr adVim th&t thS Tmxrs Btati Bmnl of Doakl Sxbmlaor~ERJ nvoko 8 mumpo38o6liooaso for pno- tiO% dOnti8tFJ 111O(p117. Yours tov truly AWOlUXY-OFTKXA8

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5742

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017