Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • 6FFp OF, THE ATTORNEY GE,NERAL 0,~ TEXAS AUSTIN . . . . . . dibility of such cchoo1s. .’ itlod to send on% of its cllug out of the state ami the ~erfox~znco of such duties and what would they b.c alloyed co wj hia ~35. r Cioa for conducfing an I.nvca’tfigation of such ixol& Me answcti gow rirot questiori, %30.” . _ . .: : . : . . _ . > .. $23 _. ~. .* .. .. ‘fiignprable 3, &&ey tsrlght , page 2 . . -_ :* .j .*--~-.a . : _~ Scdtlon 7 of the Aot re@httng the ractice Of ~Odirop6oto~sIn Texa8, Lws 48th .Lsgls2ature P19b3), Reqilar Session, Chaster 359’(Vernon’s An&ot%ted Civil Statutes, rirti- -‘ :,. .c .ole~ $3.2a, Section 9) provLdoo, in part, that! ,- . , l . .I?0 echooJ of ohipopractio shailbe . . .sl .: . ., dearnodrac~grxteed unless an& ~untll it shall be 80 - .:.’:.l classlfled by the Board, an& the Bonrb ohall have 1 .. .:. . authority ana it is hereby made Its iluty to so act. / .All clasai~lcatlons sh611 be baaed ugoa ovldonoe ’ i deemed sufficient by ths Bow&. Classlficfttlons . .. ., . ..~otheswiao made shall be without cffeot. In mktiarz, . ‘such olassificatlons the Boer14 mav act &on auv avL-..‘-. : :.‘. @mco intro&cod bcPora it, incXudln~ the peraoua,?l knotilodr,o SIXI testlmong of its rq&ars or a~J+f -them, or ‘upon rem of inopectors ap--olnted y tho : :. . - Ed or other CisinterosteB, lmpartZa1 persons of ~* gor3dcharacter,‘posscssirig sufffoicnt knovXo&a, .akil.l and ability to uako the aala inspections .and ., _. ., ~.!- ~.‘reports;.- 813 reports of inspectors shall be .ln . pitlhg, ~oeM.fleti by affidavit,, arm3shall be pr’Ima ..,‘;. ..: . . faaoie ovidcncc of the truth of tho statements eon- . . ; plncd therein. Any member of the Roard mag be so- -. m as, In-: but &all b- mmut&g: to BWV - gpll!ntaPFi7~~o Qo I of the Raard to make ~14s praotic School mmad ia an 0 plication for license. ;:. . : to praatice ChtropraatLa. a 7,22ji$B8iS. QurS) :. p,-;& AZlSvering gouP eecon~ question,. Section 2 oft the Act pro&w 1 ._ _ ‘. i . a per &I of Ten I&!rs ($10) to each . ‘&Wber of the Board for such tin3 a8 is actually m. :~ spent Ln the Oischarge of official duties, ph3 travalLu~ expenses of Ton Cents (ZO#) ,*r mile. Such sa3aarics and expenses ahall be paid out &’ said fund. : by the SMte’TreasweP on the uarranta 0% #ho Camp- troller of Public 6acounts, on vouoh&ro approved by the Roar& , . . .o . : A Board memberticking ouch inspectiom Is vithtn the dlscbarge of his offioLa1 duties end is entitled to rccelvc the ‘per c&m Rnd olilea.go provided by the jict. Espaalally. is this f&tlonbills db not contain any appro- pri&iou forkthe %ato Board of Chiropractic~xxomlneroam we -,;= ‘thereSore must lo& only to the'provisions of the iict itself. In 'thisconnectio,?.a;a eopecialZy tioq to the tlafs .69partgenton op@,i&on is wadlo a _. : ._ . . ~Yhra very truly Bavid Wwtch Asskmint I . . . .~ : ,_ .’ ,/. . .,. : . . .. ‘.. I .: . .: , ,;. .. I _’ : :‘a... .. ._ .’ i .. : - . *I

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5781

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017