Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • OFFICE OF TNE ATl’ORNEY GENERAL. OF TEXAS AUSTIN Xonorable Sidney Latham Secretary 0r State huetin, Text18 Your lottar 41 booewh. 2oy 1049L r8queatfng tha opinion ot thiod.mrtzxmhwh hh. .kkti& at:t.d therein read8 aa I&&& photoatatio oopy o? 0 ,rbove naaed pri3posed oorpofa- lo oopy ol our letter of Deem- l,soed to the attorney for the Cod end a photoatatio aopy 0r ired to our lettar. i the ch,ster io aatirfactory to this office, the neaoaoary filing foes have been paid snd satiofactaryovfdenoo heo been furnished relstive to the pey.3entof the copltel - etook. Tho only question thi$ dopertnont is in doubt about lo whether Sub-Dlrielon 80 of hrtl- ale 1302 authorizeTexno oorporetionoto bo formed for the tranoaotionof bu#inasa in this rtute. “80 are therefore reepeotfully raqus8tin& I the opinion of your departzmaatin anewer to the r0ii0wfeg qu44ti0a8; "1. 3s tht8 offloe ruthorimed to hpprovo ana it10 a charter under the provialonoor Sub-Divimlon 80 or Art lo14 1302 when 1t I# the igtorrtof the oorporrrtlon to trahsaot fts butilnem ln thla ~@ate? - *t. ShoWI thfm dopartmnt approve and tile tha snolosed aharter?* The parposo olauaa of the ohartor of the proposed aorpora- tion road* am r0imOt Sabdlrision 80 of Aa'UolaltfJt, ~maoa'8 .Annotot& Civil Stetuto8,~rudm, fn pert, a8 followrt "To 40 bu8ino.a ia any State dt, forala aountiyr "(a) Tha .stabiimUeat of 1~14 ooapaalaa to buy, own, ~11 and oonroy real l8ta tom4 &nor&is, and eqay U mining, agticultulro and stock rnlsing. "(0) + * * anyorparatloa erganlme4 hero- uador ahall only own 8uoh,rool letete ia thle Stat0 88~ may 44 nooosuary rot It*, ofrl44. * * *n ...? /- 793 Aoguhr ~oeaton, U3897,waa 8n a4t to aand iuticlaa 841 and 642, 2, Tltlo 21 0s ma Sovised Clrll at~tutaa 0r Chapter !kXaa, rolattag to tha oreutlon 0r oorporationp. Liubeeotion39 0s raid AOt reads aa r0110~8: "l'hoontobllahmcmt 0s land aimkm148 to buy, own; 0011 an4 4onvoy xoal oatata la MJ stat4 or fom%i(gi couatry; but mob ooa- 9any rho11 on&y own luoh raal aatat4 In thlr Stat4 eO.may b4 noarsaary for it0 0rri00.* . SubdlriaionSo.,SPQM. ‘wasmm.404 by tha lkaaty-aovonth Logialaturr, Regular 3488fon, 1901, by mu84 Biu 110.43s. sala Rowe Bill lo. 4SS, lup x a p,r o vidw, Inp ut,a sio llo wa ; ‘SO. for the ptwp004 0s doing boainesr ln cny stat0 or ror4Lga oountky,r “(a) The eetabllehwat of load eOmpao1oa to buy, owns,8@ll an4 oonvey raal artata an4 - aine~ala end ~rgag4 in m&I-, agrIOultti0an4 atook rriaIng. ‘(0) * + * prorIQod, that 4ziy &rporation organlaad wdor the 9rorI010~ Of tbl~ lubdltlalon ahrll only own lu6h real oatate IP t&la Stow aa my b4 n*ooarary r4r itB 0rrie4. * * * -340. 3. Whoroaa, 0wy oit:ioonr 4r tb state or, Twmo am daalmw 0r roraag oorporw tfona for tho purpoaa 0s lnwgin(1 In buolaoaa In ;ICltIoo, Cube, 9uortO Web an4 the Philipplnm Islands an4 rartow othar for4iga aagntrliag 4aQ ahoreaa, auf 9rascurtoorporat1on laws 4~4 Inab- quete to worer such Borwrata powur a8 u4 n40488~p t0 the r0r3ttbtion 0s luoh oo?np4d14a for th4 &Wlr~OO,sr an4 upan th4 torma provldod la this Aot, and are oow 84ering inaorporatloain other Ytatos or the ilnionwhich ellorroorpontiona for auoh purpo448,tha8 4aprIrin6 tha state of Tore8 Of the la(;ItIiurte rovoauoa that would be duivod rrofa tha buainosa 4ntorprise 0s her cit%tsna~ end Werena, the grosmt a4eato~ of the kglalaturo 18 wariq ‘It8 ol.004,end the oalonduo 01 the 3onato and HOUU~ 4~4 IB a orow4a4 mmdltfoa, ,i 794 Therefore, an bmorgen67bxlot8, and impratl~o pub114 n4o488ity domrn&8 th4t the COnBtitUtiOnal Rule requlrlng bllla to k road on thr80 88woral daya finoach Hour4 ha suapendod, and that thb -at tari 4ff4ot end b4 in Pcmco from an& after its pae*ago. and it ia 80 onaotod.' Roforrlng to Yubdlrlmlon80, iirtl4181308, VWIIO~S’BAm+ tat44 Cltil Otatut48, it I4 statd 1~ VO~UM 10, 20~48 J~l8gr~d0~8, Pago BD@s *+ + * A dome8tlo corporationsay bo or&anit- o dfo r tha lxpn88 purpose of oonduoting ioni@ bUelnor8; &at without the 4ZQr488 authorimatfon of its chartor, it may oonduot ioroiga bu8iarr8 80 rat am it la parfaItto by th4 low of the ior- 4le 4tat4.* u th. BPBb Of 04IiOF41 -tOPI AIHDtaQ44 ~rDW4tiODT. YoCellor. Smrutary of &ate. 10 8. W’. (a) 6W, it la 44ib: a* * * x plvatb eoworatloa ho8 no right to tran8aat it8 bu8lncl88 in the Stat. witbout the authority ltiQon04B in 4u4h a mar a8 the Stat8 may dinot. A Oofporatibn, Being an anlrlalal - porooa, ham only push powor a8 oonlorrodby its quirtrr, and *aa adlJ tramart ita buaSnsr8 in $h$ ynsr and ia the tbrrltory pwaitbod bf law, By rxprerrr ltatutooy prorl8lon8, the aequl6ltlonor lund by 4 oorporatton I8 roetrlctrb to the Mpulram%t8 of the oorporatlon to saablo lt to de buolaoss r1thl.nthe Stute or to that puroharrd by the Qorporationto 84a~r4 a bebt. (EW ati. 13SV, Vornon*r rinnotatodGlril Stetuto*). Arti 136P, Vomon~r Anaotatod civil Statut.44, prohlbito a OOrpOrotiOaW&o*4 lauin purparo i8 th@ aoquiriticnof lmd by pur- shoreo,loam, or otherwlob, from aequirlng say land in !hxa8. Said rtatuto r4ad,8am follow: *Ho privhto aorporation h4r4tofar4or hero- uftsr 4h;rrterod or orontod w&or4 nmln purpon4 of bu8in448 18 tbo aaquieft;on or ownerohlp of land 795 by guroh484, loisso or otherwl44, rhall heroalter b4 psralttadto require 4ny land wIthin this :it*t4 by puroh~ae, 14444 or otbmwlw.l hpparoctly,the main qUO8tiOA InvoLrcd in your roquaat 18 wh4thor OOrpOratiOAB or@fIis4d UIldOrsubdlvlelonSO, S4otIon (4). Artlolo lSOS& oaa legally traurnot burInoe4 ln thlo Stat,. or nðer euoh protl~ioo8 Of the etatUt authorirta a doaratio oorporatIon to 0rgkoi.a~ ior th4 4xpreaa purpoim or ~onduotln6 burla``a IA-45s Ytato Othsr th4n Toxar or fOroig4 oountrlr8. We kr4 fall46 to find 4ny Toxae 0884 dlnotlf paulrig epoa tho qeratlon unbar oon8ld4ratIoa. Bnmv*r, fn vlou of the iorufgoing BtatUt48 and tb8 em4rgonay claun O? Ibun Blll.Ho. 43S, lup r a it, Ia oar oplnlon that oorporetfonrorgadised and inoorporated endor Bubdirlaloo 80, Sootion (a), Artialo 13C2, are not authoriz.rd to tranmot kui#LOaB ln tbfr Btat8. Stated anothof war, it lo ouz opinion that oorporatloaa organiad undsr 81~bbU~i810n SO, Sootlon (41.. &loAa 13018,or4 4uthorlr4d t4 tra484OtbU8in.88 In BOW othar stat8 Or ?OrclI~ OQWltr~ Olllr and -8 not authorlsodto tWW46t~bU4iUiBB in tbla State. In oonotruin6 8 *tateta, a oourt 18 66t r48trIot4d to it8 bw. *'ftmay refer to othox gortIOnU OS the Ad, that 18, tbo eajation or title, aid the pre8mbl.a aad 8Iwrgrnoy 014~40. It la atatrd lo Faxa Jurirprtadonm, Voluam SO, Paw elr7: *a4 $U~j1480 Of UI BRWr&4nOf 4m84 18 AOt to olarify OT d8oW4 the Antontion of the L46Ia- latch, nor to brplrin th 4xpr488 laq~m of the sot, but merely to luatif~ 4urp4nrionof tbo Gem- ltItutionaI&lo roqufrla$ ths bill to b4 rood QB - thrn 84parat4 day8 or to m4k4 the not im4diately 4ftrotiT4. It may not bo lntokad for tbr pur90z4 or raldng 4n ambf6ultr in 4 8tatut4 or to oontrol ite PlaiB 34aalng Or pUrp44a. BUt an omergauey ~Olau44 may bo fJOABidOr4d if, it 8h8dB li@kt UpOn the fnqulry anll'wlllaid tb4 oourt la lroortalala(a the la~i8lati+o iAtOAt, 8V’M thOUgh it 18 not Of- frotivo to surpend the Con8tltutlonall&114.* Ln VioW Or what Ii&Sboon BclidhcrOtOfOr4, it i8 oUC opiz&m that both of your pueIrtion8, a8 quoted above, ahould be anmered in tha nagatlvo, and are IO an8wemd. Youra very truly Ardell Wllliin8 Assicltant

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5777

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017