Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • ;. O&FlCE ,OF THE Al-l-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Dwr air: : '. the adminlatr6tioa ,31Aer the raot6 ion of thi8 'amp ro1lont proofeta Jour opinion with reference nt oa&ng h~d6ril funda allotsd for ICamrgenojMaternity and XaifaxitCarea'fn.payingior 96X6 ~~VOlIWit68 Of iataOt# Of.6llli5ted2FaWi.Whih thsf'ira without the bound8 of kXa8. Bpeoliioallp, m6y th6 Stata Departeemt Or B6alth pay'foz aarn gf~811 riY66 or ini6ntr while ~thap 8~8 in other states o? ~th4 Unioa. '"Pl%aBe aOadd6r tb% folloUing 6tat6mmt OOnt6iR- ed in the Dtreetfve of.tbe U. S. Children'6 &.m66u $ioh say bb pertinent to thie queetlon: ~. ‘. _, 779 Eonorablr George X. Co&, g~g6 2 "'ihe Childma 8 Bur6au urges thxt tit% lauuigenoy'a6t%rSt~ and infant 06r6 be _ ~@kRiai8t)l’%sd 80 that atat. btirbere Wi11. 00% b% a barrier to the $%rOtl66% of rem- 106 6Itd th# prO~t#iOn Of 06r6. Xhath'tir oag. se ~aiitborit6dIn th6 Sttotoin which tti rppliimnt lives or ,fotE0 State In UhiCi~Wl~ 18 t0 k &V6a r6htiT%4 ilS- I ., Illltefiil,’ 8bl6%‘~t& 66fl16%8~ UP6 iinrnoad ihJI s%d6ti, htUd8 -6ttt6d t0 th% Stat6 oa a 0+8% ba8I8. Par ewple, *ban a phybleI6.a aotlol~ la yoiu Stat0 re- QU%6$8 au'~ x rintioa,ior 6QC8 tor 811 %l&33ti16 #ttiOnt, 18 r%&mmended it that %Unh:WithOXh6t&Xl 6PJGot%d b8 ilT68fi.OtiV6 Of kðer the.patI&nt -18 Alvin& In your titta~*.Qt i8 t0 b6 $%l$V%r%d it3 Jortr Stat6 or.ln an adJo,*bg.State. If hospital hiI+~$ tier 8uah,oiroilPultQn%%% la to ba Sn:%m adjoining Stat%, authoriaation $OEhq8pital 0-e I8 r600ma%nd66, 6t t@6 86m6 rat. thi8 bO~pi+Rl il, paid by the adjoin$dg St8t6, proVld6d that th6 hO8pit.d ha8 be'@ approvrrdior the %06rgen,oy titer- nlty an4 lnfantyagre profgwm bf the State .' hiiclth.+agqiey'oi th6 Stats in wb.iahth% benpltal i8 J.ooatd. Th6 adjqining State health agenay should be advised of thee% . .aut&r&sgtiozm w that prorlqloa may be made by, th$n ior ~aOrSlB& or 00Oi6l 8@rv- iO%8e:’ +- 5Up3V18iIBnt .tO xa =OrMtiOS Cifotilar! NOO.13, July SC, 1943. *A180 OOa8Id6lrth6 following a8 g1Ven in 6nOthOr lectlon of vaq InfoayultIoaClraular No. 1s. fseued Maroh, 10411: "'&y woman in the It6t0, $rnt@OtiY6 oi 16($6X jm3id6nor, whose hwband 18 811 %ldi8t%d daplti tb mu. 8. ----Will b0 %ligibl% for tb.m%6ioal and hospital raaternIty,8srrIc8.-4 SIgllarly, any In- bat under.one year of age.whom father Wan anliat66 mea --- will be 6ligiblo ior p6dIatriO and oth6r t66dIoa1,6Ul-@C61, and hoepit6l care provided Ulld6r the plan.' ‘I rO6p6OtfUlly Z’6qUe8t 6Il O~i.SliOll UpOIl thl6 qwstton in ordsr that 1166~ properly.administer iunde alloted Texas for this a%rvlce." * 780 ., . ‘lOtAl 16tt%S Ot 6 16t%Z d6t% 6U~plSllKVAtin~ th6 iota- going r6qas6t i6 a9 Lollowsa, "I:UB bt?+ttdtn@ YOU 6 liU~~~~lf#bZitt0 th6 r6qtl%6t trara$hla dspart@%at d6t.d D%oaPb6r 14, 1943, for 68 Opini~ Ofirh%t&br of not the Rtst6 Dbpsrtwmt a$ R%%lth 8h%ald p8y for k6dIo61 6ti/lr h%6p:t61 8anfO*r, rfm@Nd to t&i WiVeq %nd ohtldma of en- lI8t%d,nUn *$%n tii8 aaT@ U68 &i+%n 6uWIde two bouad6ria8 Of the.cltet%.~The fUCd6 Zbr.the pay&t of this omxe am shed% at6ilcrb~6 for thi8 purpose 6ti.lld~i+t%r%d .thrOtigb: th% OhildS%n*8 @t&%60 Of tit@ b%p6rtl66EtOf bbOT. $0 -1.8h61i- att8tRJst @&dry the qUk@titiQ .6t6ted ,in the l%tWr oi D8O%mb%r14. Tb% Qhildr%n*8.Btu%%u, In tEeir.Qiiwt$;ite quoted 3s o&r prrwloua l%tt%r, etotru’ tbfit h&% 8bfi batm@ry sh%%ld be no brrrrier in t&% psymeaa~~ of there,8fWvIwti, whereas the pl6n th$b ~89 pert&fled by the Att6rDbJ 0%KI%r61~ 8t6tU8 th6t any nom6n'%r ,infaat tuul%r Qqlt pap of ag% 1Iolng In th%~etalie 6nd rho $0,%l$&ibl6:ail1 b6 entitled to the wdioal aad@ bospitsl 8626, 6r@.th6 paymctatfor this 06r% till be 1~8d~:Troathe fed%rel tonde that. ar6 aV6il6bl6. St ehotid be mot66 th6t %n me utor- ney~(I%mr618% OpInI%n Btib6r O-tW3, OaCober 19, lQ4S, it %t6t66 that t.h68t6t% Rs6lth D6pllStllWtii36OtIng 66 6ll6dnati%tH5tiW 6g6Bt SOS th6 ChildrQn16 %Utf$6ll oi th% De~6rtmutt of Isbar. Th6 gu%8tlcm, ~thsr%for%, ir; *06n S'h%gti+ps.ZI%rlth Pbpsttmtit pay for hoapitaliz- atioa and a%di%al Obr% madered in the torQ%ring atst6m and StilL SOU&dy with th% .8t6t% l#t6tUt%S OQ,aa%&‘ning the sa3iIni%trai;ion of tund8t' "1 hop6 thfs will glr% you euffIol~ infortitlon to #lCtSifyour qU%8tiOn, *~* ** In OonneoGIon with the qrrsetiasund%r aoa6Id6ratIon n% h6V6 errrklilly aoneId%nd th6 8tat%S%l&6 aoat6Snod in fh% Dir%etit% ot the U. b. Ohildr%h'6 Rur66u, whi6h a&% quoted ia yoL~r.letter, o%r Opinion No. 0=5l3SS,and Yub8eation 10 of 5%6tion 2, CZensrftl Ptiovl6lon8,3. 8. R%o;:'bWk,, ths depa~torsntoi 6ppropri6tlon biil, 48th Leglalatur%, 1993, p%ge 10&l, uhfah X%646 e6 ioSlowa: Assistant Ni;EP

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5773

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017