Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  •                                         . ...
    3ear   3lrr
    the tax ?olluotor accept tee mneg ~8
    tonderad and Issue radeqtim reooipt’? ‘~iottld
    ~aymint of'the tax aal;tm lspsmnoo of the radeap-
    tiO5    reOei>t         QUt    tit10       baO$       ifit0   the    OSi&iAti           CWAer'"
    x5     O-
    OPWOA    rr0. 0423,   wricte5 by .mkt0ut
    Attorney Genernl     cflsna2. LBpriS,and approved by ?irst
    .4asiatcult .utoPnog   oeneral  ‘# . P. l4oore(artenitms  Chief
    Justlee of the :3ugrera Court of Taxa&), we aeld in part
    06 r0rm8t
    under nrtiala 7283, Civil X.atutee,
    my be h0a n0 a matter of right lf ereroloed within
    two yews after tae purahssertadeed la fllod for
    *Atiiole 728&b of the Revised Civil Statutes
    allow  redemptisn 08 a sattor of right 0517 if exer-
    cised within two years rrom the date or sue.
    “Artiole         7328,       civil         3ta&utmt, outlining the                      ..
    pracleealngto follow in                        tax    suite, proridea that if
    0&y biWt         90 fYJld f%Ad PtlFOhCtQtd by the 33tet0 3.8 AOt
    redeemedwithin                the time gax6oribsd by                       lw,        tne
    a b sr iif
    lSbal.i srll the 8am                           at publh?          outory       to
    the higheot bidder for oash    aS t&o  psinoipal entrmoa
    to tt;eoourthouee in the oounty whorain the lentilioe'
    after duo AOtfOts. It itapovided t!u%tthe sheriff
    ahall mu& tie amuat reoeired fws mch sdla to the
    State %'rhreaa~XCir
    titer b%b3tf;l~   t&s il.WUAt of the
    oountp taxoe, iAtW88t    AAd penalty or the oounty tax
    which he @ml.: pay to Fhc onu~tp treaswr.
    Wmasnted            dirrortmtig,                the   gtostion         is     whether
    the oounty tar oolleotor end OomgtrolXar,jtrlorto
    a&y oala bp ths snsrlfi, can waive   the oaln and acrcept
    thit CnXOSt, ~OAAlti08 curdiAt0re8t.
    “Ia       the 0830      of L30gue      VS. i?tete,   57 3. ‘.i. 34, _
    3up.    Ct.,         affirma       22 3.    ~2. t75,  hiAd    had basn sold
    for    taxes         for     lU8l+ und bid In by tho .:t9te. 2&eresl%ur,
    the State brou;;htsuit sK!ainstanother clalzmnt For
    rjuas1681 taxea, L)Y~11 ds athars f!Lermftxr nssesocd
    against 9x3 lnnd. ~~soovery mes allmod, it bei.rq aeld
    that ciiuLtate ic no ZPI:~ welved it6 ri,+ts acqulrod
    uAc9r th3 Eels.
    George il.Zhepy.ard,
    “In state vs. :iutley,278 2aa. 206, the ~;uprwic
    Court of ,YewSotidaoheld t&t SO loner aa ri;zhto   cd
    othsr gartles did not fntervane   it  was within the
    power or Ghe Bounty trocraurar, a8   the went OS the
    dtate, to ;;rra.itradamptlon,althou& the period
    allowed 3s Q ratter OS right had expired.
    “In Sahroiber ~8. Y@ynlhan, 
    47 A. 851
    , tho
    2uprem Courb OS ?enrmylranlaheld that a purohase
    at a tar 6al1 bg the caunty weo abandoned by %t
    whara tba land was not thereafter ohargad by tha
    ooedsslozmra with OOtmty and road taxall,as prwlc?ad
    by its law, bub was u@moasad aa before and sold Sor
    ’ the tares so a38sasatl.
    Court OS Misaissipgi,an Aot 0S 1875 provi&kzq that
    tbo Stats would abandon all olalmo w.tdorIts prs-etint-
    fng tar titles ii the mmara would pay the tares for
    1374; and in deSatit of paymmt provision belncjmde
    for a resale OS aald lands, It wa6 beld that uhero cho
    Jtate &ad bought lands far taxes in 1867, and %                            

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5771

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017