Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bnorabla John T. Eutohlson Oouaty Attorney Urnalar Coun8g Parh, lbmaarr Ikar Sir: Your 18ttar of ib 3, raqaertla&tha oplaloa of this t¶epmQmaO aa atated Chania, reads, la part, a8 Ibllmat %he pa)ror tha #l!iO.OOa month, hay do sot have say bow#lSO.OQ a moath fhdp have thr *l&t pag'a& that awiwnt, aad order d out of fha gmaral fund :oSthe has a populatloa oi jo&S Inhabitants l!eQeralcbMU8. Artlola 3902, Varmn*a Aaaotatad Girl1 Stahutrr, prcwldrr~, ta part, am'Mll6w8: *Hon.John T. Hutohlaon,pa%.2 diatriot, _ Funty or -_ preolnot ._ orrioem ahallr*qulrr ffu a*rno** or a%puci%s, aaalstantaor alarkr in thr p%riora%no% of hla duties he shall apply to tba County Coml%slon%r%* Oourt of his county for authority to appoint au& deputlea, aaslratanta or al%rka, atsting by sworn applicationthe numbor naadrd, the poaltlon to bs tlllaa and tha amount to b% paid. sala applloa- tloa ah%llb% %OOoapanladby a etatammt %honlq the probable moalpta rroa r%%a, ooml%slona and %mp%n%%tlon to ba oollro8ad by aald orflcr dur- ing the iieoal year and the probable dlabura%nmnta which ahall lnaludr all aalarisrand expanasa of said ofrio%; and said oourt shall m%k% it% order atitborlelae; th% appolntmntior audh daprtl%a, aa%latant%aa ol*rk8and flx the compaasatlon to br pald thamwlUin the limltatkmd boreln pn- aorlbrd ariddefertin% th% number to br appolntad as In tb diaOr%tlOnOf %%ld 00iarOm%f ba pr0p%r;. provldod that In no.oaaa aI&aXltubaOoaml%%lon%ra~ Court or %ny armbar *nor att%mp$ ta lntia%n0% .th%appointmat oi~'.anf poraon aa deputy., aaslat- ant or olrrk In any ottloa. Upon the .*ntry0r auoh order thr orrlarra applfing ror aueh aaal*8- ants a%putl%8 or olrrka ah%ll.be %a*rl%%d to appoint thrla; provided bb%t aald %%tap%naatlon ahpll not ~rraeadthe nnaxlmuaam0uat herdlnaftsrsat out. The ooap%mitlon whloh my b% pll0vmd tooth% do- put&as,-aaalti8aatr or olrrksabov% namad ~z'or thlar aerriors am1 br a r%a%onabl% on%, mot to oxoard the romwlag amount*: (I . . . . “3. In ocuntleshaving a population.or(37,501) thirty-a%t%athousand ilrr hundnd and on% and uot, more than alxty thousand (6o&OO) inhebitents, rlrat aaaiatantor ohirf d%puty not to %xo%%d tnnnt@ono huudrod ($2100.00)dollars p%r %n!U; other aaolet%nta, deputfee or olerke not to sxossd %Ieht%%n hundred ($1800.00) dolbme per annum onoh. Frorldad that nothing in this Act ahall br oonetrusdas .r%p%%llngor aifeotlig Bsotlon 2 or B. B. No. 694, Chapter 315, dots 1995, 44th L%@la- Letura, page 724.* Tbo forrgolngprovlalon of Artlola 3902, 1% applloabl% to Lamr county as said oounty ha% a population of 50,425 lnhabl- Hon. John. T. Rutohiaon, pas% 3 taata according to the 1940 Fader%1 Cansus, The marlaum annual salary that the County Oormlaalcmar%*Court oan ~lagallyauthorize ror the ohlef deputy ah%rlff of aati oouaty la Rr%nty-on%Hundr%d Dolhr8. Ths ~~ximuprsalary for other deputy aharlffa oannot ls@ly %xo%sd Rlghtsen IlundreaDollars saoh par annum. Th%rofor%,ln anaw3r to your flrat queatlon, you adria%d that it la our oplnloa that th% Caralaalon%rafCokirt of Lamar County does not hate the la&al authority to authorlzo %n lnomase ln the salary or tih%twa deputy sh~rlfra in %ny amount exossdln$ $150.00 raoh a mtinth, In tlew 0r the4tirs~olng~atatute and wha$ haa h%reto- iorr barn a%lda your asaond qttoation la r%ap%otfuUy anawarad in the nagatlrae Your* vary truly A'M'ORB31RQBiERAL OF+EXAS ‘Bo (a) Afiall Wllll%ar Aaalet%nt AWttP Asrio APPROVEDJAR. 8.1944 (a) Grover sS3.le~a ATTQRNtYG,BTtRAL0F~TRX.M APPROPtD OPINION CO- BY (8) EWB, aIRMAX

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5766

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017