Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  •            OFFICE OF THE     ATTORNEY     GENERAL   OF q-R-G
    Honorab-r Uneet      @ainn
    County  Attorner,    Pl Par0 County
    iI1 Panti, Texar
    Your letter  of De06                      uestiag    the opinion
    of thlr     department  on’the                       themia     reads,   in
    0 or the   re-
    u al60 please advise ou whothor or
    tlfioster       lamed   by Dootorr   outelds
    Teraa are aoooptable.        Pmthermore,
    where medioel oertitioatw             are signed by amy Dootor'~,
    who are at posta ln the Stat.             of Texas, but act re-
    gistered   phgsloianm       in the Stat0 of %xae, am they
    acceptable    to the County Clerk? This is very lm-
    portant,   since there are thousand@ of aoldlsrs               ap-
    plying for marriage         llaeases     and mtiy of them brine
    iaedioal certifioatos         iseued by their     army physiolans.
    “i$S a praoticsl   matter, wo ballere    thet es*-
    ff          tlfloatea      laauad by am      Doatora  residing within
    the-Stats      should bs aooaptabla,     but a mcra aSriouS
    QueStion la preaantod when the OartlflaSte            IS la-
    mad by a Dootor sow          time prior t0 the SppllcS-
    tion for S llaoneo,        IS aonw other Stats or even
    some other couatq.
    “Thaw*,uaat~lon   of Sartlildstaa      iSSUsd la SOmS
    other oouatry ariaea~by virtue          o? persona SeSkiW
    to obtala oertlfioatea        for porforlrmO8 of Proxy
    Iprrrlagaa.     Of  oouraa,   the Clerk 18 aat interested
    l   la the puaatlon of proxy lParrlage8           but oaly la por-
    Sorming his duty la laaulng lloanaSa.               Tha oath ra-
    qalred to ba takoa awaora that’thara              la no lagal
    objeotloa    to tha pertorimmoa oi the merrlaga.              Of
    ocmraa, IS the proxy marriage          la lllegl,      the oath
    oould aot bo algaad and the nmrrlaga lloenaa-should
    not ba laauad.        If la ,our owa opinion that proxy
    amrlagaa     aro not ra1f.d la thla Stats.            Ii the At-
    torney General deems it propar 0n6 is818 it 18
    oloaely    anotigh related    to tha duty or the Clerk
    in the iaauaaoe Oi lloOnaaa, I would aQpraOiata his
    OQlalOa oa this queatloa         so that our Clerk may be
    aided     aooordfagly.*
    &tlolo      46040,   Vernon’s   Annotated   Civil   Gtatutee,   roads   as
    *Beion    the County Olerk shall   laaua any
    Plarrlaga     lloanaa the bun ShSll     odoca a oSrtltl-
    Oats     i&mu S reputablS:licSnaad   Flyalolan    to whew
    that     ha la iroo tror aU roao~aal     dlaaasaa.a
    It nil1 be noted that the ton$olnfg  ltatu~f~praaorlbaa      no
    tim6 that tho oortlrioato rrom a ro*PJt'cibloiieaaaad   phyaiolin
    shall remain valid for thS purpoas ,& ~issufn& e Amiags        llosase,.
    %MrSUy     S~akfn8~ WhSa a statute,prSaOrlbS8~0~)tlm within whloh
    SS aot muet bo dono, than bha sot should ba dona within S maon-
    able time.
    What is a reaaoaabla time wfthia whloh an sot must be done
    ordlnar$ly iwan so muoh tia@ as la naoaaaary, under.the oi.roum-
    StanOeS, and whet the dutiaa raqulra IS tha partloular SSSS. (See
    Words and Phraeea, Per& Ed., Vol. 6, page'376). &Sted mother
    way, reaaonsbla tLno la auoh pro.qtltuda    as the sltu.:rtion    of the
    pnrtlaa  and the oiroumtanaaa    of the ease will allow. It never
    olBsna an lndulgenao  in unneoeaasry  delay or In delay ocoaaloned
    by vain and frultleaa   effort  to do tho aot required.      (See
    Fronoh v, Lewis, 
    218 Pa. 141
    , 11 L. R. A. 948, N. S.)
    In ~SWC~     to your first    question,   you are advised    thtlt it
    is out opinion    that the oertlflosta      from a reputable   and licensed
    phyelolsn   remains vslld   for the purp6so of issuing       a marriage
    lloanaa   under Artlclo   46040, aupra, rot a reaaonnble       letqth   of
    time after the phyalolan has iseued auoh oertlfloate~
    The phyalolaa      making the 04rtlflaatemust, under the terms
    of   tho atntuta,     be ‘reputable”       and “licensed.”     In the abaenaa
    0s apeolal    leglalatlve       authority,    Texas does not reoo(pllaa      the
    l.ioanalng   and reglatering        of phyalolana under the law of another
    Stats. The only phyalolana             permitted to praotlce medlolna in
    this 3tate without        lirat   obtaining    s llaenso    aad reglaterlng     un-
    der the laws of thie State are those phyaloisna apeolfioally
    exempt from suoh registration             as provided by Artiole      4504, Ver-
    non’s Annotated Civil Stotuteo.              Therefore,    the physloien    re-
    ferrod to in Article         46040, aupra, oould only man a physloian
    who la licensed       in ‘and who prsotloaa       medloine in the Strite or
    Texas, or ono who la apeoifloally             exempt from suoh license       and
    registration      under Artlclo      4504, lupre.
    It la our oplnloa      that oartlfloatea      issued by .phyalolrlna
    who two not lloenaad        and praotlolng    within tho State oi Texas
    aro not aooeptablo       under UtlOle      46040.   In other words, ba-
    fore the oertffloate        la seaeptablo    to the Coun$g Clerk,       auoh
    phyalolan    must be lloenaed in an4 oaa who practloea             madlolna   in
    the Stata of Texaa,~ or on0 who is lpoolfloally             lxaapt from auoh
    lioanaa    and raglatratloa      under iatlolo 4504.       In tier   of the
    fore~oln6,     it la our oplnlon      that Army doctors who ero at a
    post in tha Stats      of Texas, but aot registered         phyalofana    la
    the Stats of Texas,        are authorfxod    to laaua oartlfl~atoa       under
    wrtlola    46040.
    In view   of what    &a boon heretoforesaid, we damm it ua-
    aeooaaary to express       anp~ opinion regarding
    proxy aarrlages.
    khea the County Clark La oogalzant    that the oertfflcate      haa baaa
    iaeuod by a reptabla   lloeaaad  phfaiolan  who la raglatered      and
    praotlolng madlolno  in this Ststo,   or by en &my doctor who lg
    ,t . post in thlr 3tuto,         hl8 inquiry    is ended.   Nowhero doaa
    I Leglrlaturs     authorize,     O? roqulro,    the Clerk to go beyond
    ,,br crrtifloato       itself.     AOO~rdln&lT, ii the omtifiaata          be
    :irrued by a rrputable         llOennr@d phy8lolan     who ia regietrred
    'ad lioenaed       to practioe     nedioina    in this Stat.,  or by an
    km       dootor who ie situated on l g o a t in thlcl Stata, and if
    #it oertifler      that the applioant       ior 8uoh lloen6e   18 *free from
    iall remreal        diaraaer*     and if the other rtatutory raquira1IPrntr
    b0 IEd, it is the duty Or the Clerk to forthwfth               i,,a,Je the
    j uoonD@.
    Toure very truly
    Ardell    William
    23, 1943

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5755

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017