- OFFICE OF THfi ATl.ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN .. Aonorable T. #. l%mblo .._ Plr*t Asalatant state supers.nten4wt : Awtb, Texfls Daar Sir1 be an4 i&e al& ls~‘il&bg iitmitkd M e8 t6 bore- - after read aa follousr 225 "'Itrtlole2Ri5. Dl84olation. "'(a) epuh aoMollae6ed dliltrlikrr acay,1.n the 88si dannaT pror14.4 ior their ooa80114etlon * be dl88olved anC ttr0dirtriata inslud8d tber8h restored to their orl&fnal 8tatus, erospt that it i&811 not bs n~owrary to provld8 polling p~aWI¶!in C&Q& dlrtrlot. Isaiah 8uuh dietriot Wh@A 80 ?e8t&84 oh811 humane and br liable ia itr pror8Ca &wt of $ho outeQandla4 ttiaaol`` obl?~tltrnr of the oonrelldat-+ct amriat. suah prorata part :te br bm.4 oa tha reletion Ohr tokl 88or8at3dv~lmtloa of all property h tha dl&rlot boars to ths tot01 rrro,rad tmlaatiw af roporty .lnthe oan8olid88md dirtriot,~ 8s ahawn By the wrrrma8ns roil9 Of thr 41rtrfot ior'thr ouTTent fwT* Ho l~rotloa for thr di8rolutiao of ml4 ooasolldata& 418triot.arb8ll.br held. uatll tbrw ( ) ura havr rlapwd oiler oh8 date ot the 8E 80Tlkoa +t rlrlobreoh al~trlok w~rO 0oaw~atee. “’ wj Qa the .pitltion oi twwlt~ (#)I, &.a sajorlto,oS tho lemllr qorl.ifhd totaa8,pf lay ownon 8Ohoql,hlatriut, 01 in&opoaault 8~Otlael dl~trlot,.praylagfor t&s yltidrawel fros a ooa- solldated U3otrIot, if three (3) yeara hale rl8g8d & ta r.th bsfsta of th ell.*0tb a %n wb iubWOb a ia me4 ~r r e 00ii80udwd.6h 8 00ite~a d l rh.811glvr no$iro 0r the 48M of saeh also% ton by ~bllolltloa of thr order 1Ii8018 ns*spmgor publIshed in the-artuatit for twenty (20) daya p r io rto the a r t* o nW h lQbr uebll8ot~laa88%G'. 0?4sred, orby @eting l netlo8 of aueh.aleotNa ia the alrtrlo6 aerlrLn~ the rlrotSaa. 5%. CaEmhrlonstcl',COart l&all 88 it* Mxt mestirrg oaara`` the retursa OS suoh slo~tlixfi, end if the tot** matt in raid 418trMt ehm 6,aeJoritf ia f8ror or rlthdymlne ima th4 aon4olldatlorr~ the cam shell 480i8~8~th~ di8tmt rcsmrea rrno itsahall be re8lmrradto 106 arllrlesl8t8tw. Qoh roo$idlr?,rist ~whan 80 rbrtorad 8h811 488~40 end be Urbla fc it8 prO?ats p8rt Of tha Out- #teadia(ttlaanolol ‘obll~#mtionl Oi the OoWOlid~bd didr,rlot, such pveir8ba pert Do be'b8Ssd oa tb8 selatlw ths total 8*ad448d VdUcltlOR O? 811 pIop.&y in the blt~trlot bwm GO the t&al •~@md rrluatiaa of prop*rtJr 1~ the aonsolidstcddi*Criot, w 8hown by the WMk88Wt X0118 Of tht3dm?iOt for the ~aurrentyeer.t 226 Boncmabls T. M. Trisblr 9w* 3 '800. 2, ma frnE E&at tllero iii- 11014Y OS1 the ststutes at tur tilE8 prra:ttln8 tiiis *lthdram1 OS a ~wmom;eokool dlrtrlOC, or inqapsndont rohool dirtriOt, frOa a OWEOlidabd EabOctlQi8trlOt, and Zhr datlnito 14ok Of tnlR$portation by th88e ditltrlote @r*EtWl an 4mreur+ and M iapalrtir,rpub110 a4osrmlty .tbstthe OOastlt?Aioml kul# requiring bills to be rod an th?6. 88rsral daya in web Xioum ba 8u~pendmd, .and Ori4 RXl18 i8 heruby lU8p8llQ@dd 8nnb this &at ah811 t8kE OffWb Wd b8 fil tO.r~OO f&ill Md bitOr it8 pMlta&@ and it i8 80 6ItWtrd.’ - Hondrabla T. Y. l’rlmblr psge 1, XCthe 0aae of Tlaaale et al. oa. gleorado M8pandent tlohqolDiatrl0t at al 287 8. W. l&,7, atilrmed by aa Coualralon at Appeals 3 a. W. (2a) 420, the court in itatlag~and disouaaing thla rule aalar ?The main question presented under the iaota ia whether the Laglalature has the power to raduoa by lpaoial aot the terrltorlal bouudariea 0i an irdapeadent aohool dlatriot Wting an outat.aadlnn(2 band~in0ebtadnara 80 aa to relieve t&e portion ragragat6d tram the dab% 68 betwain It and the 016 dietriot, aaQ to place it all upon ~tb.8 ra&ining portion la uhleh.the laipr6rearaat8 for wbioh.t& bonda wsre iaauaa ars loo4ted without ita ocmmat, and uithoat jirarlffla~ Zor on eloofl~ wheqeby the votor’11 et the .ru~inlag dirtrlat'or t+jorf,nmy aata~rminawhat&ar they will aasva+.tha ldait%mml burdsn.’ Wa have oonoludra thattiq Uglalatu.~a boaa .ha~aAhati porsr , The authodty 35 Cyo. 050, laya +nm the ~olX~$ng aa the ganti+ r&a with reteranaa~ tb thla qtisatio+t .* Ia. the tibeenos .of aome:etcrtuEoryprmlalon to the.bcmtrazcf ;the gsaersl rule is that,.whea s part of the tal;ritoryoils s~h``l.dlatclOt 18 .aeparatthl tr~oa .lt by anqaxat%on to anothar,disfri0t, or by the oreation of n new dlritrlot,,. th+aU ~4,latiiot retaining .lte~6yjanlzatio#t,~ such old dfatriutrrtalaa all of its property gowbla, rlghta, ana pritilegsa, ~5 continues to be r86pOnsibld fOF all lte debt6 aad li~bllltlaa.' *It Is elm in kespiw with thr well iatabllshad aootrlna that the Leglaleture l.svartad with gansral and plenary .powar t?]deal with politloal subdlvial~na of the governnimt as it daaiaawise, and that,ita aots of segregation or division of aohool dlotrlata,ahould only be daolsrad ~016, where the eats theaselves under- take by spealfio term to relieve a portionOr anj dlstrlot 0r 2~3out8tmaing bona 0bllgetloq ror, days Goolayt ** Ilsstralnton the legislstlre power of cOfitZti1 must be found in the oo:.stltutionof tha Stata, or they must rest.alonc in the Iegislat~Ve diaomtion. xi the leglsletlre aatlcn in theee 6a~sei3 operatea~ lnjurloualy to the mnioipalities Oi tb ifidiVidual6, the ran&y is not with the @ourtat th8 ~60Wt6 $aVs no potffert:-interfere, and the people muat b,a10Oked to to pight;throu& the b&lot box, all these WoWa,'? &rtlo&t 28lSi P.A.C.S.;aa anao%eU by tha 38th La~lalaturc,Tbl&l C+ll6d Saralon,grddaa TOF the ataaolutlon oi rahool dlatrlota. Thla atatuta was dla- ooaard et l6neth by th6 Court sf Clrll Appc~Le of Esjaat- land in the uaa6 at C%arollA~tad Who01 Dla``lct 80. 5 rr;rood, 112 B.S. (24) 231 writ c? awor dlaalsaad. XJI commentingCE tbs autlmrjt~ of the U@rlaturr to ar;cict Bhfrs :stetct& ..ShBrrnur$ ~148 ‘In the dlatzlbutien 01 the powerr at eovcrwmeat i9to thrar Uietlnat departmash a18 .madeBy the Crmtstlk``loa, ,Ahh+iormatlan ad atrmla8loh or mhgQ1 4irtrlutu @aarirklr to the l``lslatlva'drpartaxatit. i .It auaaot b*, quastlxmd that th6 l,a4lalrCurmosalbby ganoral lrr hers prmidml, 1~ -rftmt fvr +4 oocumlldatlon of 1. %lkethw ‘~d&el~lWi .bam~: Lnt6il~4 or 00ttlU haw earbrbllrlaa4 thoao dtatrlo`` ait & Eke tarrMory Ot Uha oonmllditad sW8trlob dtWot ‘~ ’ the aistwor: ok~power8 .of aeoh dk*triot,,to$e(t’ in any s0~i5rr diagwdmt upa thr maul- ot any elaotim. Tks l.dbuisPatura ia poridSng fOF th8 6i&OtwW fS%raCmOlid6tlOfi~iUi& dlrrfalctS#oharaby daly6btrrB a part oi the 'la&~a.latiro power ta thi .wslltfad tat&a OS .: the Ui~uriOU. It tbe dcrlegtloa ot pol~tloal pouda la made in wok3 term8 $8 to ahow that’ lt fa 00 bo oxorolaul in 15pr6aoFlba4 mmwr, _ the amuter in.fro& the very natlirrof th6 oalo a quallltloetlonor liuitrtlan upwl tit8,ottMti+r exwokse of tka d*lrgetaU poua*a. *as $k*. ‘; ‘. ~. 1,eglalaturs, lnatasd OT dlraotly crsat~r\~8OhOOl dirtrlota urd ~iaraating. thec with such WUO~ and aubjast to aaOh llmlfatl~asas it WJW.,fit, enrot t?iat~nuoh dlatriatr may ba QFet+d and : poaoea~ eaytrrln jxmera t%epMdBnt upn tha remulte ot elaotiesrr to be pat~t&aRod Pa, ordered snd held snd teanlb8 4eOl8~6d, ln $W68Otf?Md WB. 68ah 8t*$ &M18OPthd @6@#tttC868 o oondftlon upon ahiah t& dsla~atl:sIC@ its powr 16 mde stPaotiva.* proan the suthtrfttaa altad we ti::fnk it 18 the wall %%ttl%d n&l% in Tqx%8 that the Lo&irlatU.Pe $8 'nuthorl~ld tc,#?tawlba ror th8 ccfiSQlfd6tii;~lk s&d di08*1U- tlen of sohaol uistrlota. Z$rrhfa aaw wthallty it nrw provldn for ts4 wlthdrerrl of BB orl~ln~d dirrlrfctfrom t&e amsoliQ%e4 dlatri~otia suas pr:resuribsd way 68 +t aaoi8sWL.96. < m0w0r0. it IS th0 0pian 0r thtr depart- -t that one or the original dl8triata Fo l a o nr o lida tio n ng vitmuv h-08 the aonrolidation, vithout the approval of a njor%tg of the qtdfrm voters of the entire aomolibs- tbu diem, 0~00 though the badhg~ r0r vh10h th0 mtm oonsoli~tod dirtriot lms boon bon&d mer k Xkbaatedin .tlao vi tiivlrwm biatriat, HOVO``~, th0 tithdmw 0r on0 0r thr, I 0plgaml dirtriats rmm aha aon8olldatvd dbtlriot 4008 not 8rrm the rtatur of the renl.ah$,area as a aonrolidatod Urtriat, vhlah d.l*triat retain8 its tom of~organirrtion, property, rlghtr, and prlvllager belonging to, ,tb, dlrtriat before suah vithdrm?rl, laaluding the raheol ~bu%lding oC8uoh @drlat jihough it ng be loo&ted vlt4in the boua&riev or \ t&e vlthtlrwlng dirtrikt.
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5652
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017