Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1943 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN toxooBoor6oi cNropootir &ouJ4or$ Littl~ri.14 BullU8g Auoti8, touo Attoatloar HF. Poul L. ltyero tho 0880 I8 a f.ke’ ,th eB o o r 6 IOluth o r - r o r o k oc , o a c el or 0014 llceaoo. met3 r0n •PP~ICO- ctto *a4 your CoQueot for on totlo copy of 8 dip- iaformtion and aondl- equlr.6,be coaolQred lst th o th t elpplicont oaolbrr~ the mgaltuds or tho o hooltb oad oonoidosing the chiro- other Tess8 laro, 10 the Chiroprac- tic B OOM r o Quua # lurf1010lPc lnrormot10a la 1to lpplio~tloa for permlooion to toko t&8 lxallmotiono? %aeotioar Should aa l llooat be admitted to th elumlnatloo upoa apseovaPg ot oa luoh lppllo~tlab 08 the obwo, and it lotor bo found tht hlo diploma use obtolaod thro troti, or thot eon lo 0 fake, u o u ld lt b e p o o o lb"f*l uador the Ohiropra6tlo SAU to ouopead or oenael hlo llcraoet” touo moordot chlropuotlo Boui8oro, uo ilrot oall mar 0ttont1oa 0111 80, VhlOh GOdO 00 t~ilov0l vhoaomarha1nos paEt l uoo8u t9uy pow08 ant~loaob poroaobollbvo lwoeoofully pmoood 0 vritton oxomlut1m givr by tho &or& ~i606 tbrt tho oumlMt1am 0s lloonoee afd.8 thh Aot -11 Lorlda a alttea lr8mlut108 ln phyololou,mot ohonlo8ry, and PO lello~o vhoro eqlrl~tode pa88ltloorrr of Doatoiao and SIP 7 in this &at.; pouidoa those vho OF. gmdwto OK oprostoro of 0 ropu8nblo ehlropootlo 8oUogo v&a are lotlvol~ stotoo poouoo* 4iplomoo rrom 0 almpEwt10 &hod ot Collo@e lg3roved by the Board my k pon8odo llwnoa sador th8 oaw l aa4ltla5o, opoa 8hoi.r hono~oblo Uoohrgo from luoh ormod fosooo afr rlthirr one (1) yam therooitcrr. ’ (Uaderocorlag , ouu 1 us nest 0011 youP ltto zltlw to seotloala (3) ol Horuo Bill 20, vhlah prorldoo00 tollovo~ *Bee. la. ?ha Bcord rim11 hors th e luth o r 1 ty to rovoko, oaneol, er ouopond tlao lloenoe, w n- rw t0 fi~0tho l na0ti0a0 t0 uyoCpli0oa f0r the follouto(: us*-: . . . . . ?eu0 Bwrd of aIlrograotlorurlum ``0~9Y 3. ib prooe*tat1w to tbo Boor4 Qo uoo of ou tlr lu toa sa yllo o no l diplaM, l&h ~00 ll- lo@lyo k?o~atly obttiao4, a if oay fmub u aoooptial us beon p?ootlood lo paooln# the oxam- lnotiaq . . . . .a It lo tbo oplnloa ol this doportuat t&t uhore on lppllooat takes tb mlhlroportlo lrmlsotlom o8d is loouo6 0 llooao8 od lotor it lo founA that tho lpplloaat~r dlplao ~00 obtolnodthrough troti, or oold dlplaao is a Irka the Baud isluthorlood to rotoko, a~01 or lwpoM uld llomoo. We hors ouofully luriae4 thw plnted fom of on lppll$otlon to to& tho lhlro set18 axemlutloa and ore oi the oplnla 8hot oou lo surf r OlomtJ howovor oa loeh lpplloo- tloa I0 the &uty~of tbo Bo8r6 to ootlo~ Loelvoo it t&t th olpplioont aooto tho rye!somoato of 86otloa 8 of Borne Bill 10 in 011 nopeeto. The Board mot ilac th o tht elppliooat~o dlplom, ii any, lo f?om an laondlted collogo or oohool 81 Qrovlded l8 o&l& Mt. You ore odvlso4 tbot a pbotootatlo oo y of a diploma lo lufrlol~&t, proulded the diplou ~80 loouod g y UI oooredlt- a do r lpprovo4 lehool or oollogw. Yowoverytruly

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5718

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1943

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017