,’ utad this plmn far anotherfive yews; tlmretfora,thi8 : plulrill k -effect uai Juw so, 1947. sbc* tb writ- ing ofulim laag-tum San.4 plan, am &*ikktaIre haa 8galm 8pdUully ar#d tb State Sap8rktsPdeat as the . Eacoti*, Oifker d tkmState Board for Vocation81 Edu- utim, a8 ia 8hmumla the rpproprktia, bill for tbia bi- .0&m the.ume u ia tb rppropriBuoa bill for qse lad bhanhm. kiomorablr L A. Wood&, proa 4 -- than was appuprlatud moaay for n&rim, trawl4 ex- paws. aad cordingant fnmds for tb mpw8Uoa of tk ~mr- ious dlvhians. .i ‘i we&d like to submit for yonr commh3erdianand opiniamas fouowiag qaastieEar -3.lsitnotafa4z:tbstt&%tatsBsardofEduca- tJoprPdtbs~t.Dapsrtumatsf-uoaU.twos~p- . uats akuu88 of governmslatt “6. Isitaot*facttitatthsVorauusl5l```` . @rrtof.tha!Stat8 tiputmaat of E&uatha, as is bdicatad iathoapproprhtlonbllit Sectlai 13 uf add Act requires any Std. in order to rcr~eiw tkFcdrrrl approprldous prdd*d fos fqymundsr. to rppoSat, by Its leglshtlw authority. Us State Trsuurer aa cnstndiua of said Fcd- err1 8pproptitionc. El. B.LS9. Thktyilghtb Lqislsture. Chapter 131. which pm- ddu for tocatloaal almcattom im Texas. myl.tha uceptancr of bamfita mdsr the Smith-Hngbs Act, wu rppromd lfrrch 24.1923. and kums dfeetiw the same da-. TM8 If. B. 239 rho rrlidstss pre*ioos ucept- , SUBS by th Stab ef such betasfits.amddesigr&es the State Treuuur as cuCodiso 04 rll fund8 llhitad tb Stata from rppropriatianm under add Act. It also des;lgahs the Stat. Roud of Edacmtioa as ths State Board # Voc#i~l~EdruU``, %U% .meeeseaq lth o r ity aad powor to cciopersts with tha Federal sad roqufnd by, UM M of . TtstauotnidAct,uk4to4o . rocdw t&i full heu8iits tlbuoof. WhUs shhd El. & 239 dots mot rpptu k an+ Redsed &stubs. U +a bsea lupt iu fmce mad dfsct ia Teas by,~ %aet@ 6 of ths Fhsl TN& themof. (Empl+s eus). -Thspurponofths&nitlL-~sAct,pu#dbycougrusin 19i7. was to prorfds for tk promot&n d voMti5asl rduG8ticni~ toop ,’ lrmtlon with ths St&u i8 the fields ab qricultrlre, horns eaaomlcs, .,;~ ~,., . ~...i ‘. t-d.? *.fadru~-.., . . .._,,:*:;. ma csorge’DunAct# m riy calguss udrppr8Tad Joa* 8‘ 1936, and bsiag Publfs i.aw Ho. 673. ~dotmth collgrass, utao;iua mpplunnf8ry appropr+ioaa for pmmothg oduaioab~ultirclrlbsma-. ti L,addu&aE utueto, dis-w OccaprtlaMl subjects. ., VocA~LRE~IIpstaTKuf -(2) proTide that ths stats trasamr***beap- poiuted u custodian of funds receiwd ador this Act from tb Fadqal``amuaant + + * - (Em~ls oars) EQ Actqd G29. Ilst ~i&sLtur*. 1st CA. p. 57. Ck 23. (Arti - supsr~W`` ud dlrsctiuu of ths Federal Security Ad- tnlmistrator and rppromd by t&a Yrrsldent. by the ana- mtss.t to the Secretary of the Treuorey # the twos + + l to whom pymeut is to bs made,end o f su c ``euc y the smeant to be gmSd,*etc. (Emplmdc oars) By rassa of said prevision just quoted. rL1funds prwtded for iu said parrgrmph 3. alive referred to, must bs certified for pmyaumtb. 01 Septaher 25,1943. by Hmorsbie ENIll V. MWutt as Fedsral Se- curity AduhMr8tar.d Cbsirmdp of the Wrr Manpower Commission. urd wsre approwd enSeptdmbsr 25.1943, by tk Prssfdent. SscUoms r Zfi% to t62SI inclusfw. of s+i reg&atkq are attdsr ihe p “Food ~PmducUu War ¶!rahing Courses $kadackd ~Uudsr&bditisien (3) of ‘-f?+cL:‘. (pablii .+isw I35 doiwsid) . S&t&m2.19i+&&ti~t . . Ebaorabk t. A. ‘WOOd8, pqe 11 (c) Opiatos.No. O-5630, readeied h thi8 Deprtmeat 011Cdobr 9.1943, dam& with wutfoul ada&ioa modwcrtiOa8l nhbUitati0a. Md *Ott ha &SUth&r lppucrtion to the qU88tblS oosl Udri CW- 8tdWdOU, Aad the follariry ccebcksiau were redaed thercilu , - ; RfAJ!‘PLIG&%E STATWTES Hoearabk Le.A. Woods, page 13 ::..~..~ .z1 .- i3onorablaL. A. Gooda ) &.~::&a 15 It was further held therein that said article wae ln- applioable to biUplOyeO8engaged in the vaaational education division6 and that suoh employees are not olerks of the State Superiiitendent. Be was therein observed, the 'Jmploymentoi pereonnel, under the atatutes and state-federal plans relative to VOCatiOA81 eduoation, is by SpOOfriO legislative reoognltlon the iunction or the State Sosrd for Vooational 3duoation. Nor i8 thb Stat0 i%Ip8rintendbntrequired by said artiole to exa!ain8and approve aooounts payable from appropriation8 made ror the support 0r the vooational 8duoation program. It is al80 obvious that the 8Ohool iUnd8 r8rerred to in Artlole W366, against which the State Superintendent~8hallexamine and apprOV8 aGeoUnt.8,are the available sohool fund8 for the aup- port an6 luiRt8IWiROOof th8 publio free 8OhOO18 or &Is State and 1 whfoh are to BQ paid by thb State ‘bwi8urer. (S8b 8~30.io Or So 2. 218, 29th Legl8lature, Chap. 184, p. ?63; al80 Arts. 2663 and 2666, 8. S., 1925). State and/or federal funde appropriated for 'i rooational eduoation and rehabilitation are appropriated for those 8peOiriO pUrposea a8 provided by spb0iri0 legislation, and are not Under the-oontrol of the State Superintendent of Fubli8 Instruction. Artlola 2657 requires the State Superintendent to advise and 60anabl with the 8ChoO1 OrrfObS8 Of thb C%OllUtie8, bitib8 alldtO*mS, aud 8ObDO1 diQtriOt8 a8 to the bent method8 of eondneting the pub- lio 8Qfloo1#.It aleo empower8 sat& Superintendent to iQ8Ue inetrU+ tlons'and regulations binding Sor the obaervanoe on all officers and teaohers in all case8 wherein the proviaiona or the 80hool 1aW may require interpretation, eto. By no rtretoh of imagination ~8x1the '$rovibiio``e of this Article be apgiiad to the admini8tratioh of vooa- tional eduoatioa and rehabilitation, thensubject now under consider- ation. DEPiiRTXENTALAPPROPRIATION BILL We will now oOnsid8r Oertain provision0 of S. B. 332, Chapter 400, wets of'the 48th Legi8lature, page 889, uhioh is the qurrent appropriation bill for the support and maintename of the Executive and Adminletrative Department8 and Agenoiee of our State @e?ernment. Dader the heading "State Depart.mentof Eduoatfon,* we find on page8 *Z&924 of eaid Aets, varloua Iteimaat appropriation for &he Voaa- tional Education Dlvlalon (out of Vocational Service8 Appropriation).* Cn pager 924-925 are listed items of appropriatfon for the "Voea- tional~Rehabilitati.onDivlslon (out of appropriation for Vocational k8habilitationj.v 538 The rider appearing at the end Of tbs aPpI'u?riationa for the,Voca$ional 'EduOatiOnDiVi8iOn ree8S a8 fOllOWa: “All expendituree authorized In ‘oo&eo- tion with administering Vocational Eduaation Aid shall be matched with Federal Funda exoe,ptwhere euoh matohlng fs prohibited by Federal regulation8 and all St3t:;te Expenditure8 shall be mad: ;ut,or tund8 ippropriated ror Vocational Aid, *Provided that the roregolng itemleed appro- priations for salaries and expenses in the adminia- tration 0r Vocational Eduoation e&311 be paid out. of the appropriation ror Voaational Education Aid, and shall be prorated between the allocations ror Voos;tionalAgrloulture, Home Boonomloa and Trade*. and Induatrier in the proportions that the itemized appropriation6 npply to the reepeotive allocationa. The State Superintendent #hall,advise the Comptroller ‘inariting the suma to be set up out or eaoh or the .above three allocations to w~?er the administrative appropriations.” (Emphasir oure) The rider rollowing the aqpropriatlons ror the Vooational Behabilitatlon Division is a8 rollonr: “Subjeot to the limitatione set rqrth in the provfsion;ll appearing at the end or thin Aot, the iteains above provided rer Vooational Rehabilitation shall be paid oat or the Speoial Appropriation made ror Vooational Rehabilitetion Aid.” The approprlatione ror Vocational Bduoation and Behebili- tation are provided ror in H. B. 219, Chapter 374, Acts or the 18th Legiel&ure, page 670. Thus, while said Divisione or Vooatlonal Eduoation and Vocational Rehabilitation are listed under the heading “State gonortibleL. 2,.cioods,bogs 11 papartmsnt,or Bduoation" in said.appropriatfon bill, doe8 it rollow irOn 88ia ii8ting8 that raid division8 are unit8 of the State-Department of Eduoation‘i We think not. For the same reason8 advanced in our prerioue Opinion Bo. O-5650, herein- before referred to and dieoussed, and ror the additional reason8 hereinbefore set rorth, we feel that th8 Legislature did not thu8 intend to change the law under whloh the State of Texas ;;z;pted Federal fund8 ior vocational education and tehabilita- It knew that the State Superintendent wa8 tlm Exeoutive orriier of the State Board of Vaoational Eduoation by appoint- nunt or aaid Board. It evidently Intended, by It8 referenoe to the State Superintendent in the rirst rider above quoted, to refer to him as such Executive Officer or eaia Board, and that his acts would be in aooordanoe with the plans and with the approval or 8aid Board. Al80, we must look to the purpo808 for whioh:appropria- tions are made, rather than to their lietings. Theee appro- priatiolu were made for rooational eduoation and voaational rehabilitation, the adminietrstion of whioh had theretofore .been delegated by the Legislature to the State Board of Vooa- tional Eauoation. Any deviation or inooneirtenoy in their placem8nt in the appropriation bill oould not change the pur- pose8 for which they were maae or th8 adminletration of 8aid mld8. It 18 rearonablo to as8dme that auoh lirtings were 80 d&I heotauae of the taot that the State Superintendent had there- tQrOY0 been appointed by aaid Board a8 it8 Bxeeutire Offloer. If we are in error ar to thi8, it rurrioea to say that improper llet- in&I Or appropriation item8 oannot and doe8 not ohange the ptlf- pose8 for whioh they are made or their admini8tration. Based on the rore&oing oonolu8ion8, your question8 in the order eubmitted are an8wered a8 tollown: 1. Yes. It is beyond queetion that our Legislature has the power to amend previou8 etatutes provided suoh amendment8 do not oonflict with any or the provisions of our State and Federal Conatitutione. 540 Bonorable L. A. Roods, page 18 In raet, all legielative power in Texas not WithhOld expre88ly or by impliOatiOn by said Conetitution8 is Vested in our Legislature. Brown v. City OP Galveston, (Sup. Ct. OP Texas)
75 S.W. 4SS; Vinoent t. State, (Corn.App., adopted by Sup. Ct.) SSS 9. W. 1084; Art. 8, Sea. 1, State Conetitution. But these general statute8 relating to vocational education and rehabilitation have not been amended or re- pealed. They are, therePore, in Pull roroe and ePPect, and their provision6 must be respected. 2. No. 3. No answer required. 4. Yes. 2-a. By its recent adoption or the reeolutions Bab- mitted to us, in your Piret oo&%uuioation, the Board ror Vooational Bduoation has provided ror ita approval oP all tuture administrative disburse- ments from either State or pederal funds. It ha8 d8Q provided r0r Its approval of all rutur8 item8 or expense and payments to be made as well a8 other neoessarg expendlturss ot the ofiice or State Direo- tor OP Homemaking Edu,cetion. It has likewiee pro- vided for its approval 0r all item8 or expense and payxIBnt8,a8 W8l.l, aa other neaessarp expenditures or the OPPiae oP the State Director OP Behabili- tation Bauoation. Thi8 question is therefore answered in the negative. 6. AS generally understood, they are separate entitles. 6. The Vocational Di~islon is not a part of the State Department of Bduaation. It is an entity oP the State Department ot Vooational Eauoation. The State Stiperlntendentof Pub110 Instruction ir responrible r0r the daa3tr~tion 0r au dirlalone 0r the Office of State Superintendent. EIeie not responeible for the administration of the rooatlonal dlrisionr. Such re- oponeibllity ia Teeted in the State Board of Vooatlonal ?4duoatlon. The State Superintendent hao the authority to "employ such olerka to perform the duties of hiedfloe ae may be authorized by appro- priation8 ther6ror.w (Artiols 2058, B. S., 1926) (Xapha*in oars). It not being olear just what ia meant by the olaurre “and oontrol their educational aotirities,~ no answer ic givsn in oozueotion therewith. Very truly your0 Al'TORHEYYEI'YZRALOFTEXAS BY Hb . "'*" ',' i--.A.L> 2. Ii.Flewellen Aaeistant LBF:RP COMMITTLE
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5716
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017