Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1943 )

    Honorable H. C. Neavss
    county hudltor, wayaon    county
    ghoraan, Tsxar
    Dear Sir:
    We aoknowledgs r60                   letter, nhloh reada,
    ia part, M r0liw8:
    rtalnlng to the above qwrtlonz
    "'TO ALL COUNTY TAX lessors-COtiTORS
    "'SUBJECT: DIeposition or the 254 oollsoted rrom
    Agent for Certlrioata or Tltls and Retained by the
    Aseesaors-Colleotore or Taxes a8 Designated Agent.
    1                       3
    E&orable   B-. Gr‘l&vaa,   page 2
    HOnorable R, C; Heaves, pwe   5
    have deposl$ed this fund. Disbgrsem4nts may be
    Blade iTomthin fUyl by $‘ou’ior,~the pWpo80 et pq-
    ing expense8 neoaa~aary to erriaientiy pei-forcthe
    butlerrequired br you in tbg t%rt$tioate o? Title
    %%I reallw that    fin a numbaX Of.#IJMll~OOUU~i48
    there ls$ot aufiiaient title business$s~ra;t
    the employment of a full-tM8    olerk.
    staXtO88, it f8 8%&48t4d that;  th4 Olerk assi@.Md
    these dut.248 be pafd prOp0rtiOnately on a part-time
    basin rron title k~iae awl,the remainder of the sal-
    'arp be paid out ~oi other if308 0r four ,0rrw4.
    w!Wu raqueet that an aaourato record be maln$alned:
    by you of all moei+     #nd &i~bur~em@nte Uider th8
    Sert5rioat.e of Tit&o Bill.  En this oonneQtlo9.we
    that roti etalntain'reOoXd6
    Of diebux8emnt*
    UAd8xthe ~0110wSn~ aoooiintsr
    Honorable R. C. Neaves, page 4
    exaeed 'the retained amoulits actually 08 deposit.
    *c'Phe balanoes on hand at tha:end 41 eaaja quarter
    msy b&retained until iaHhef,nirtide.    At the pre-
    sent time, it is our lstentipn to olose such aooounts
    on Deaember 51 ofaaob year, wlththe bal.anoe 61% hand
    at that time to b9 reportad and transal.tted to the
    .State rtk@rap PepeZtment .?or NptUttt to the State High-
    way lM4&.
    "cT``Depart08it requests that @.l ~deptltfeeem-
    ployed by god handUn& Certifioates of Title be bonded
    .ancthatthe   bonapm4iuatlbe  paid feo*thlsfund,the
    bond8 beln$ r0tdn8a & y&u- QO6SW$diC+O.' * * **
    ~Bonor~ble H. 4. Neaves, page 5
    i       ;
    returned to.tha oounty tax assessor-qolleotore
    by this Department aftEer:theeourt deoieion hold-
    ing that this Depsrtmnt had no interest in suah
    Subsequently, lntha oase of State v. Glass, 161 5. W.
    (Zd) 296, rehearlngdenfea   Santiary 83, 1943, wrlt of error re-
    fqrd, the Court of Oivll Appeals held that the assessor and
    oolleotor of taxes ia diache,rglIigthe dutgea requited of him
    uuder the Certiiloate OS %tlr hot Se not ~lsohairging   any dub
    ties pertainlug to any separite agenpy or orfloe,‘but that all
    such duties required of hia are~##v@     autkes added by the statu;,
    ,3&s to the offloe of assessor a& @e8 eat-or of tams;, and that
    such fqw~e were to bs~aooouated for byJr,&&to the oountfIn the
    their   aedctrlea.
    : _.
    ..RonorableR'. C. Naavee., pb&e 6
    Honorable R. C. Beams,              p~fge 7
    agalust Fox, its Tax Aaeeaeol?, for salaries paid by Fox to
    his d8putlee rpr the years.1990 to 1986. The deputies wara
    paid from fees of orfloe oolleoted   br Fox. At the trial it
    was oontended by the oouhty that the Tax Ae%eusor was not en-
    titled to oredlt ior the ualarlee paid to da#utles baoause ha
    did not rpake applloatlon to the oomlssionera*  oourtfor au-
    thority to appoint deputlea and the oomuWrrlonersg court had
    not granted auah autbDrlty aa required by statute. See A&l-
    b909, supra
    .    The Oou@t aontinuadr
    l* * * War does it appear that. the aomvle-
    elonere' oourti, at any time during said parlod,
    entered an order fixing %he number of deputies
    to k ,appointea 01:rixw     ‘%he.
    aimunt of their
    *alarlea; aa the etatute pre8orib~a. The 0ountJr
    that, beoauea the ourrqnt
    i.uLnrlst*                          statutory pro-
    'visions fa the various reapecfta stated wore not
    met, lrox is not entitled to the aredlt dlafmed
    br him, tid that the ~auau r#.alaed by him, 09 ao-
    yp$mor    said salaries, are unfawfally retained.
    The Oourt rule&t
    .,..     ..~...~
    .~..~..  . . ~,,., :...~ .,,~:ir&y.;)
    .~..~.,..                   :,                            

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5711

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1943

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017