Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1943 )

    QmOYemGL‘LLII -            ,               ,
    -ATrcr OmlLIKL
    aerenaant   aavka       the state rindcounty
    The State ana County rofu:;ed to ccco2t
    suoh a proposition;   howver,     ir, duo oozme of busSmss,
    XIidelrro and Cmeron Co~.tios Xitor Control md I.``gxovc-
    r:ont %strict   Wz~bar %.nc finaLly acco~%``d suah a dcd.
    A CCJ~Y~ of this dead is. cncloscd    for your inspoctfon.
    _     452   .
    ..      ;
    oorabloTOZlL. I:Cirtky,
    fhc cokax3ionors            zo:trt   ~2reoa to vdtbh0latflopronezu-
    tion     of     the t%X.sUit      on thI.3 JxOpartY     Tar   3 lXCl~Oi!Ubl~   .
    IO&h          of tir2c.     YIthic   ti1at tize,    Irl.23lgO end   CaxcPofl
    CodA.            Yatar'Control      amI  I12prOvo:r:snt   District   Ikzbor
    I.:inc hod seourea offcrrz frols Indivia.unla to ~mchase
    all     of the la@iaWlved in tho tr!x omit and tko encloccd
    ma.     Aftor those offers had bcon nubs~Itied to tho
    corsdosiono1~3 Caurt, the Co~missIonors Court aa the
    Tax Asaecsor  i-m3 Collector   mao n pcrsoual exmInstIon
    0f the pronkos    ena were OOtiOfiOanltl; tha >rIco that
    WQO 0frOrO(: fox-th land.      Theg, In turn, cxecutea a
    oonseut to the, sole of tho land in the 3Lt’lio manor as
    is proviaea In Art. 7345b of tli0n; C. 5., 1925, for
    the sale of lznds aoopued by taxing un.Lts by virtue
    of foreclm3ure In aelInqueut,tax      wits.
    'Wiatilgoana &moron Cocmties Yator Control’ &id
    fmgrovc~ent MstrIot~ fkiber .Cino, as Trustee, ereoutoa
    deed0 to the&i progrtiea     to tire oovoral _aurchusera;
    tho Tax Asswsm and Collector       for t!m :;ic,te, the ZmcCs-
    eionsm Court fez the County nocepted theti pro-ratn
    part of the Jw7dUw.j   price  Of t!LIs wa    ana us0a ths
    fm0 to pay the taxes tbnt hua accrtwl agninet the sum
    and Issued tax receLpts covering thi3.proportg up to
    ana IncludIn?, the year 1942.
    Vh6 question now has been raised ,that such
    oalas m?iie void.     T!m State on3 Count;r haa an Interest
    In this proncrty nhdch It aid not Rcqufro by tax fore-
    closure,  r;nd hence   ooMd not sell or a&o0 to f&o sale
    of nhatuvcr Interest     they ha’s acquiroa in o&Id lava by
    virtue of the enclosed deoa, nor cc.ul~ the Tax i~ssassor
    and Collector    agrso to the sale of this ma     for the
    stritc of !i’oxaB*
    fVp.d~r .irt, 
    1577 Rawle C
    . S. 1925; arid ~Ynllncc! v.
    City rjf Colc::;nn, 30 ~,?~. (2) 34c; 45 S. 1’. (Zd) 19S,
    it could s:cc;1 to tllo Grit:!r t!lat IQ order fo2 the county
    to coavcy Ito i/:tereot     ID the land aemriboa     In the
    onclos&    do& t-hut Q. spcoiel    coix-:i~elon~r bo a2,,70i1>tt?b
    3nd  tflo laid sold    In ~ccordanco v!ith Art. 1577..
    “in order to’ acyuirrt t!:o ictwost    6r tho State,
    it SOUN ‘00 11~+08~!lar~to nftl-8 applicntioi~ tc? the G~noral
    I,,$ Wfioe acd grooeed In tho mnner prescribed         by sta-            .
    nAs you can se8 fro:> the euoloncd Geod, thcro
    am a great nuL%berot picc00 of land that’havo been sold.
    Tho purchasers of this property am very anxious ts Got
    thi3 mttsr    3ottled.. X0 would d::proolate   your advising
    ua at yoar earliesti possible   i802Dllt as to vihethcr or not
    the opinion of this offlco    in regard to this n;atter is
    -‘.,A Subseqknt to   our roooipt of your aald lot&or
    you have sent $3 a aopy ol       the secial  nar~anty doed’ executed
    by the Ycst Toras Abatmct        and Guarauty Coqmuy to oaid Eidalgo
    and Camron Couutieo Xator        Control ana Inprovcmnt  Eistriat
    !:uztbcr Xiuc. ``.- *
    It Ts our o&-&m     t!mt ths transaction mntioned
    by you, in %Jhioh tho dollnqueut tuzqayor Yost Texas Ahntraot
    and Wuranty Company 003vqysd tho real property lnquirod      .’
    abJut to Hidalgo &ld Cmwron Co*uutios Xator Control and Im-
    provemnt Distriot   Mwber Kina, *gas invalid uud wholly uu;
    .’ authorized by low..
    Tho deed in questlo       recitoa   in part that the
    5ctid Zicklgo an& Camrim Comtios         Yatcr   Co;ltrol a03 I:qpovo-
    nont Dintriot   ?:w:ibcr Iiine took the laud iu quoatlon in its
    ownbehalf and us trustm for the St&to of Texas,. tim Couuty
    of Iiidal&o, tho %slaco      Iudops?.~ent Zohaol Xntrict,       acd
    the lldcouch413a     Indcgonddnt School 2i3triat.        ‘Said purported
    dood of conveyance furthar recites         that:
    “Tim grmtr?o hzxoi:: in ii;3 0311b&elf       of imd
    as trustoa for the other poli?Aoal      sabdivi3:ocs     of the
    Stato of Texas, h.eraiuboforo   aontioned,    nccop.t.3 this
    couvvoyacco subject t.o all taxes of.every hiad aud
    chazaotcr in far02 42 the Stat8 of Toma? t!le County
    of IIi~8l~O) aad the other political      subdivisions    of tho
    -Stata of Ye::hs hcrcLi;boforc  ne;1tior$,    and all other3
    ,,_. _                        --                                      -------__I.__&.--
    :.   454        ‘.    ‘//
    ILor.orablo Totom
    L. IInrtlcy,              pace l+
    Jxivvi~r,:  th-3pear to            lovy and usswx~ taxes ugainnt
    mid    pm_nert,r,   and           al.1 irl%gatioil Ckx``as    a&d 80:;8333-
    fiisllts02 SVOYY    killd          tllld ChaSotcr  i!.l PUvO2  OT ilny   .
    cowany, corporation     Or politi.cnl.SUl;LlVi3iOlz   Ck?Vl.jI~
    the ,powar to levy such charge     nhd asssasamto      v:h:oh
    have heretofom    aoorucd a,ginst   said above Eiescribs~i
    traots of~land,   or oithcr of l&m, to the data of
    theso prcsmto,    inoluding  the year I$&2 and all prior
    years, and the fgxntao horein io its ovm behalf ahd
    as .trustee for the other political     subdioislono     of                                     - I
    the Stato of Texas hcrcinbefore     .mutio~ed,    coutracts
    aud &goes to i.rtdcnniZ’y ar.d aavo h~zl.oss     the (crautor                                     Jo
    am4   its      assigns        r.cntiocod   a@mt   tko   pqm9nt   02   a~                          i
    of euoh outntandir& delingient        tsxce,  asaessmuts     and                                I
    chcarges . *’                                                                                   I
    It .ds t&mutary     that a politicdL    subdivision
    1lk.o the said. Zidalgo a,ud Camron Couutibs i:ater Control                                            II
    aA In?rovo``~.ont~.,~strict Eu:abborhino is a creature of th8
    statutes,    and has only such poiwrs as are d%4e+~tcd to 5.t                                          I
    by ths legislative       cnactmouts vrhlch authorize its b&n&.                                         !
    (3oe Dallas County P3voe District        ho. 2 V. Loomy, 103                                          f
    Tar. 326, 332; Csburn v. harstcw          :!ard County, Texas,                                         I
    brainage District,       239 S. i:. l.034, error refused;    wlnrton                                   I
    County ]Irfilnago District     v. Hisbso, U&J-S. 5.. 3Sl; err01                                        i
    rorusaa) The ottazptOn tha pazt of said Zidaigo an6                                        .I
    Camron Counties Yator Control. and Gxprovgmnt District                                                _I
    I!mber Mao to nooogt ,nnid conveyance ih cottlommt              of                                    1,
    its om taxes a&ainat the grantor, aud the atto!l?t ,of said
    district    to accept said oohveyanou as truotcu for t!le                                             I
    skit0Of TOXCi5,~
    th0 COtlnty
    Of !rudCIi~O,
    the :aa.~CO Illdf+
    pcndent School DistrIot,   and the lZdcouch-Zlsa Tndcpondant                                          I.
    Sohool District  xas v~holly nn ultra vise3 act on the part
    of safd Elcalgo end Crmero.:1 Counties Xatcr Control and                                              I
    Xf~provczmt            Ku!qbcr K~.IM, ardt was i~vt~li~ and wholly
    unnuthorizocl by any lag, oithar statutory     or osnstftutional,.                                    /
    BOnorable Tom L. Hartley,        pq;e   5
    and beyond the aoope of power@ of mid          grantee   to either
    undqrtake or to p8tiom.
    Furthermore, the power to aamss, lsvy an4
    wlleot   tarsa, uhioh la delegatti  to a taxing unit muoh aa
    ie bald. Mdalgo and Cameron Couatiee Y.&tar Control and
    Ipprovtment Dietriot   Number Nine, in the power to oollsot
    the authorize4 taxen; but the authOrisation    408s not
    wower    it fc aoospt paymentor meid taxem In my m84ia
    other than money.
    "In the abmnoe of ga,"tory  authorMy            to aoaept
    payment otherwise,  $mm3 8ro NW 1 in ourr8~.*                (380    #
    ~62a8 nm~gr~4~100,    b0ti0n 127, pago 176)
    "      . The laws ror the   oolleotlo&,or   tarea,
    by lmpllo~tion, at leaat              l reEort,#io  other
    methoda ol’ Oo~eOting                 the 8tatUtQry   method.
    The 1-40   ln this oama am he14 by a firin lion
    io'n~our-3 payrmnt 0r taxer, an4 the lamd oazmot oreape,
    be destroyed,    Or be holdea,irom   the tax Qolkbotor. The
    taxes  oan be oolleoted    through a judgment ior the #mount
    Ed R rOX8OltWXe       Or the liet~.~ (hrr    Opinion by chief
    Juetice Fly or the San Antonlo Qlslvt of Civil Appeals,
    In oam or SLUIAntonio~a Sa)urban Xpr&gqte4 ?um6 t.
    Buar-Medina-Atasooea      Oountiee Eater tiprovement Dl8-
    trlot Ho. 1, k9 S. W. (24) 511)
    I , . . The tar: 00~8OtOr ia 7,#te4 With     p0W.X
    to 40 a oertain thing in a oartain Wryt an4 ths      pren-
    orlbed manner ie a negation or other uaotea. . .     .*
    (See Casal4y Southe,stem Crtirrlon Ooinpany to       Duval
    COUUty 8t 
    Id., 8. W.
    (24) &L6.!Opiaion by the     CQIlUUiS-
    slon 0r App8ala
    *In the absence or sta?utorp authority    to aooept
    payment othsxwlse,  taxes are mble       in OUXXMO~.~ ISee
    Bryan v. SuMberg, 5 Ter. i&g; Auatln VW BOX, Cohesion
    or Appeals,  1 s. 3. (Zd) 601, afrirriing   297 9. W. 34l)
    HOnOrabl8Tom L. Etartley, page 6
    Where the Hldalgo and Cameron Counties %ater
    ContrQl arid Improvement Dlrtriot     IJumber Nine by an attempted
    s~ls or the land desoribed ia the deed in question reoeived
    money tren those who were perporbe4ly purohaslng the same
    and then applisd thle money to the payment of tax88 aaeeaaad
    a&n&      this land Oi the d8lkiQU8nt    taxpayer, Weet Texas
    Abstraot and Guaranty Company, we think the taxes in question
    '110X-8in raot paid by the taxpayer 50 rar QB maid money would
    liquidate    same.
    w8 rind nothing 5.n the statement or raote~ on
    whloh yell request an oplnlon wbioh rhowa that the Oounty
    ever aoqulred any interest   in the land; the County an4 3tate
    neither appear a8 a grantee in the 4064.    or 00-8,      ii the
    Qounty ever 414 aooept the deed to any 0r the lend 0r the
    delinquent taxpayer ln auoh way as to aoqulre hgal       title
    thereto,  then in order for the Oounty to logally    sell MJJI~,
    it wool4 be nsoessary that a oommiasloner be appointed to
    make the aale, and that the l&4 be aold by 8aid oomml#rloner
    at a publio sale in full oomplianoe with the terms Or Article
    1.577 or Vernon’s Annotate4 Cl011 Statutes.
    Said prdoedure would be neoeeeary in order to
    divest the Qwnty of my tltle whioh It ha4 aa        04 ln the
    land that ie or 80``8    a8eumfnP the County ha F %fnraot
    acquired anf aua& title.
    The Stats or Taxa& the County op,.Hldal@o,
    the v:eslaoo Independent &h@01 Bistrlot,    and the X4oouoh-
    Elsa Independent School Clatrlot    are eaah and all tree to
    disregard the attempted extra-legal    prooa&ire resorted to
    by the Bidalgo  and Caas~on Counties Water Control an4 Improre-
    ment Witriot   Number Nine for the att5apte4 oollsotlon    of
    taxes, and ad    units are all and 8aeh et liberty    to prooeed
    with a suit ror the oolleotion   0r m3m8, in aooordanos with
    the provlelom~ of' Artlole  7345b or Vernnon’e Annotated Clvll
    @norable   Tom L. Hartley,   page 7
    As to the altuatlon   in whloh thoae rind them-
    selfes, who purohased or attempted to purohase the land in
    question from the Hidalgo and Cameron Countlee Kater Oontrol
    and Improvement Xstrlot   slumber Nine, ws do not believe that
    w shotala tender any advloe.     That 1s a natter oonoemlng
    private property rights of' these purohaeers     personal to
    themselVeS, end 16 not a matter on whioh this otrloe should
    Very truly   your0

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5701

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1943

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017