- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN I thlr aepartnent rrlon for the Blind rooatloml rehablll- th8 hot OS COngrO88, dOr' thi8 AOt, 8 st8tO +a tion &all -- e tha St8tO bow6 OS roatloml eferred to a8 the 'Statr board') f foz.th0 8drlni8tP8tiOt4, 8IQ9r- rol oi the Strtr pl8aj oxoopt that vhero her the bt8t@‘8 lOV, the Stat0 blind O&8- 810a or other agea which pro~ld88 888lrWn0e or 843cI~oe8to the 8dUlt blind 18 ruthorlsed t0 PO- ride them vooatloaal rehabilitation the lm -11 pmvldo for 8brini8tP~tiOIb b7 8wh h8t. g liad Oea- 8i88iOa OF othw Sta t. lg8M7 Of th. WPt Of the pba U&eP vhioh roe~tloMl rohabllltatloa 18 pro- vided the blladr Provided, thot in my Sot. vhioh b7 1~ bA8 88t8blbh.d 8 reh8billt8tlOnOOti88iOa g,.,,,orable Loo Alsup, pa&e 2 prior to the date oi enactment of thlr hot, with - 8uthOrity t0 PrOVIdO rObabllIt8tlOn 8WfiOO8 t0 dlrabled lAdlvIdUai8, the State board sm7 aelagate to ruoh oommlrrlon 811 or say part of the opera- tion of the State plaa, under 8 vrlttea agN8mat of oooperrtlonapproved by the Admlalrtrator~ I. . . .I Section 10 (8) of the AOt definer "rooatloml ro- ~bIlItatIoal* "Tha term "vocational rshabllltatloa"aaa the term "rehabllltatlon8ervIci8a"mans any 8erv- ice8 aeoeasary to render a dlsablea lndlvldual Sit to engage ln a ramuneretlre oocuprtlon; . . . W’. . . .‘” Firat, It mumt br dctermlnad vhether or not the State C~mmlrsloafor the Blind 18 authorlsed to provide services nco- lsssr y to render dl8abled lndIvlduals fit to engage in remunera- tive oooup8tloas. The Stata Commlsalon for the Blind vas oreat- ad by AOt8 1931, 42Ildtigl8btUre, pSge 122, Chapter 80. Sec- tion 2 thereof enUBUr8t40 the pOVerS Md dUt1eO 08 fOnOV8; "The State Commlrrloa for the Bllna 8hall maln- tala 8 Buraau of Informstlon, tha objeot of vhloh 8h811 ba to 81d the blind VhOse traialng 18 not OthePVIrr prOvidea for, ia find* emp1oyment, In developlnghome lndurtrler 8mong tha blind, and ln marketing th@iF &COdUOt8. The bBlOi881Oa 8ha11 ia It8 dI8oretIoa furDi8h m8terla18, tools ana books Sor the usa a8 8 maana In rah8bllltatlng suoh per- 8OM, 8d It ma7 e8tabil8h VOrk8hOp8 8IId8ai8Sr001D8, and rhall have authorlt7 to u8e an7 receipts or earnings that aoorue from tha operation of Indua- trial 8OhOO18, ralaaroomr or workshop8 8a provld- ed ln thlr Chpter, but detailed 8tatement of re- ceipta o r oaralagr and lrpeadlture8 sh811 ba made moathly to tho Auditor of the Stat.. Through the employment of teacher8 the CommI88Ion ~7 g1p0 ln- 8truotloa to adult blind per8oM In their homarl pro- vided that It rhall not undrrtak8 the permsaeat rup- port or malateasaoe of any blind porroa$. Th8 Com- 8i88iOa My ala0 ragl8tar Case8 or pawon VhO8e gongable Len Alrup, p1ga 3 .p8i@t I8 rorlou81~ derrotive Or vho are 1IkOlJ to beoow Vi8IMiiJ badiO8pped or blind, and t8kO swh w8ure8, Ia oooperatioa vlth other ruthorl- tie8 88 it Uy 608 8dVi88ble for the ~eVeatIOa of bZ188 Or 8OIl8O~V8tiOtl OflJOli&t, 8nd h appropriate for the ldUO8tiOa -808, 0r 0hIldrea 8nd for the vo@atIon8l guldaaoo OS 8aat8 having leriOU8ly aOiOOtiV0 8i@lt. The collni88iOil DSY ra- ooi+O~(tift8, bMU88t8, Or dOVi8.8 trolliadividWl8, lraoolatlonm or oorporrtloas, and ~7 l xpead th a a In 8OOQdMoe vlth the provIrloa8 oi m8 Aot.' 8rabadment8of thl8 Aot (00~ oodLiIsd a8 Arti- Latsr old 32070, Vernon*8 duaotatea Civil Stirtutor)hava not ohaaged the prOVI8iOa8 Of the 8OOtiOa quoted 8bOVO. Th8e OQUOMtOd pQVOr8 a0, VO bOliOVC, OOIM Vithill tbs purvlev oi provldlag "VOO8tIOMl reh8bIlltrtIoa" for the adult blind. By thlr ve mean, that th8 poverr delegated to th18 cOEBi88iOa 8CO Of b r M b lnOugh 8OOm t0 prOViae iOl'VO- s~tioaS1 rehbllltatIoa l8ir aeiiaea la raid Pub110 IAV 113. gvea though ths Laglrlatum ha8 not 8eea fit through proper ~appropriStiOa8 to lotlv8t8 811 the80 pavers, it do08 not aeo- s8Sbrily follav th8t there are aot a0mt powrr In thlr aeo- tloa of hrtiole 32q8 vhloh vould 8uthOrlrs the COBml68lOa to provide 8OrViOO8 Moeraary to reader dl8sbied iadIvldus18 tit to, engage la remmeratlvo oooupatlona. we be118Ve there pavers uu prorent though they hVe pot been fully utlllzed by the ColDi8SiOabeO8u8s Of thO 18Ok Of Pl'OpCtr 5Uad8. EOtVlth8t8ndiItgth elboVe tOaOlU8IOa, ve do not be- lIsV0 the dt8te CQlii88IOa iOr the Blind b8 the authority to 8drini8t.rth8t pult Or thi8 Federal reh8bIllt8tlOn pl'ogru for the adult bllad. In 1929 the Texa8 LegI8lature looepted the bsaailtr of 0 prior rehablllt8tIar progrrr and appointed the State Board or Yooatltmal Btluoatloaa8 Admblrtrator. we quote la p8rt from Artlola 2675-1, Veraoa's AaaOtated Clvll Statutsrr %o. 1. The &6;8&tlWe of Trx88 a008 hereby lOOl~t the prOVi8I1%8 ad bet&fit8 Of 8a Aot Of Coa&rerr p888e4 Jum 2, 1920, 8mn6ed Juae 5, 1924, 4ntitleat ‘Aa A0t to provide rot the proslotionoi YOSatIOMl R&8bllltatIoa o? p8rrQa8 dI88blrd ia Fa- dwtry or 0thsrv180, and their retura to 01~11 em- plopeat.’ goOwable Loa Alrup, page 4 %eo. 2. The Trerrurer oi Tour be, 8nd ha 18 -hereby ruthorirea 8Irdl mpoverea to reoeIve the maa lppFOpPhtOd under raid Aot Of cOl&PO88, 8od 18 8U- thorlsed to rk. dirbUF8ewat8 thOrOfPOm UpOlr th8 order OS the Strto Bo8rd ror VooatIoa41 Edwatloa. l%O 8tbtO -a or vOO8tiOMl sAhIO8tiOa 18 O8pOVOrOa 8ad in8trUOtOd t0 000OpOlW8 Vlth the tam 8d oon- ditiW8 l X~O88Od irr th8 AOt Of C00g.88, lfOrVr~id. I . . . . . Pub110 IirV 113, 78th cOwO88, i8 8A WendSeat of ai8 AOt Of lgi?ot VO QUOtO iran the OMOt~ OlW#O Of 8014 pub110 hV 113 08 fO11OV8: “The ths Aot entitle6 'Aa not to povIde ror the proaotion 0r voOatloab81rehabllIt8tl0aof per- son8 disabled irrhdU8trJ oc othcrvI8e ad their ratura to oIvIl enploywat,' lpprovaa Juas 2, 1920, 88 rwa4ra (U.S.C., title 29, oh. II), i8 8waaea to re8d a8 ~ollov8r 0 . . . . . The kglrlature of TOur ba8 thu8 l apovered and la- struoted the Stat4 EMard of Vooatlonal Bduoatloa to aQmIalster t& wxatloaal rehabllltatloa program vhloh Public Lav 113 la lmea a lalie g.are of the opIaIoa there 8peolfIo poverr bestwed upon the st8tO Boarrdor Vooatlorul Education are still in force and OffOOt and th8t it 18 the 8010 8g4IiO7ruthorlred In TO-8 to ld8iai8tOP thi8 VOO~tiOIUl in OO- reh8bIlItatIOn &?.FO&F8m opemtloa vlth the Foboral Ooveruwat. Ittrue th8t 18 the ridor to the omwat lpproprl*- tlOn bill provIde8 for ths proper offloerr of 8ny State Depart- mat8 to mk s lppll0atloa for and looopt gift8 from the UaIted State8 0overmsat to be w0a b strta 000psrrtIra 8nd other Fedrral progrru. t&i8 18 8 al &3rOV1810.5 la the appro- platloa bill, but ve do aot thAt it 8UthOriZ48 008 8geACy ot the 8tate government to oaoroaoh upon aaclthm rgency~a Jurle- dlotlon s olfloall oonferred b7 legl8latIm. The Stata Board Of POO8t- uoa 10~ h8r been poioted Out ~8 the body t0 ad- mIaI8ter t& voOatIoaa1 rehabIlItatloa program ln oooperatlon vlth thr Federal Oovernmeat~ v8 do not think thlr rider on the ,pproprI8tlanbill -8 to ohange or alter ra7 ertab- Intended ~wdpOgr88 Of thi8 MtW0.Therefore, It 18 our oplaloa tmt uhetham or not th0 8tOtO C0at~188lO~ for the Blind k8 tb# paver to provide voaatlonml rehabIlltatIoa for the Blind, tu state Board of Voortioa81 Muoatioa 18 the 0rrlyageaoy wt bar beea lmp o va r ed,a 8lvldeaoed by the provi8Ioa8 0r Ahlcle 2675-1, 8-8, to 8&IaI8tar thl8 Federal-State pro- Cm 8UthOrl88d under th8 Fader81 Aot 0r #xbu 2, 1920, 88 -Ba8a by Pub110 LAW 113. It 18 furthor roknovledgea t&t the FadOr Aot pro- v;dr8 for the 8tate Bllad CoPlmi88iOnto ldaInI8ter the nev ,ooatlonal ruhrbllltatlon progPa8 vlth referenoe to the blIad vbere It 18 authorized to do 80. xt would b enf0ul0u8 t0 ugue that the Federal Government by thlr Act 18 empoverlag gur Blind Cosml88loa to rdmlnlrterth18 progrra larofar a8 the r~juvoMtiOn titthe Blind I8 ~ovIde6 where the Nate LUglrlA- trP0 bar 8ppOiIAtOaanother 8gaaoy to dlreot the exeoutloa of suOh.8 Ph. The FOber81 Aot 4048 povlda, hoveve!!,that the State soara 05 Vooatlonal Education maf de1egat.eto a 0oms18810n la tha Scat* that i8 8uthorIzed tb provil.4vo4atIanal rehablllta- tiOB my part 0r the operation OS 8Uoh prOgP88. Ve think the State Board 0i VOOatlOMl SdUOatIcYIcould thw In 8Ukrltting the State 3laa to the Federal Ooverameat rpeoitf that it vould 6sbsgrte to the bkte Caami88lQa ior thr Bllad the llmlnlrtra- tlon Of that p8rt of th8 program pert8ililngto vooatloMl re- habllltatloa OS ths 8dUlt blind. Thlr paver oi aelagatlcm 18 not ooml~g f~oi 8ny Fedarrl 8uthorI8atloa, but rather from the state Laglalaturein apov*rIag the Stoto Board of Vocatloaal lduoatlm to COOperatO vlth the tam aad ooadItloa8 exprerred in the vo4atIorralrehabllltatloa Aot. 8eo ~rtI5Y57675-1, @UP=. 18 therefore the opinion of thI8 department that It tha ageno? In Tour to ldmlnI8ter ths entire FederalVooatloa- 81 Rehabllltatloa Aot 18 th8 Strte Board of VooatIonal Ehoa- Mon. Th18 Board, hOVOV8r, if it dO8iP88 Oa7 8tipUl8tO Irr SoblLttIagthe State P&a to the Fader41 bovrrameatthat it vi11 dalegate the ldalnl8tratIon of the progmm vlth referenoe to the adult blind to the 81;ateCo1ml88lonfor the Blind. -able LOO Alsup, page 6 Ye trwt th8t th4 foregoing srtlrfactoril~la 8v8r 8 lB@irY* tQ~ vary trtiy yOUr8 ATTORBSX QENBRAL OF TEXAS Robert 0. Kooh Asslstmt
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5666
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017