112 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN tlonorable i%illlp L. Stevenson, Presoidmt State board ot ‘LiZucation (\ Austfn, lexas Dear Sir: perlntendent of on within the tiate ale 2846, a.c.s., ate Board of Educr- tian meeting, be- r 11, 1043, mom con- option PR free text- subtitted by each publishers? he V% instant readinK as --At least thirty of the meeting 0C the firm or cor- shall PrIe Fublia Xa- struction nine copies of each book on rhich IL bid will be subtzitted, . . .* 113 f tionorable PhilLip P. Ste's'XISOh- page a intendtnt ot Publfo Ias,truction the required oopieo of books on which each desires to sub- tit bids until 8,date subsequent to thirty dnys prior to the date of,thc scetinx set by the State board of !&ducatlon fur the purpose of ado1M.n~ textbooks. Xhe copies of the books each oompany is offering ar% IIQW on ill%. 1 presume that arch OQIUpahy has qaali- fi%d as 8n eligible biddar, unl%o% disquali- Pied bwause the copies cm% not filed within the legal time. In the &as% of iloover Brothers, ~ncorporoted, re have a worn statwent mad% to fuli Clueute IicGuirt, Ctneral lianag%r, w George L. Tome, President of The Onirereity ~Pubiisbing Coqany, that the samples 0r the books &tooter I;rotbers, tacorporated, deelres to s~bpit uore &led to Texas on September 4tII, I%& and that by some queer rata th3st samples 8ere rtturYIsd to The Uzxirtrsityi3lb- ll+kiag Coopany, harIng beea sent to Anstin, Ubtaaesota, instead of Austin, Texas. The samples reaohed Auustin,Texas, September alst, loHa, ten days after the lrst legal &at% far the filing of th% samples. In the oesa of Johnson EUblishlng Coqany, I do not hare the fact43 reaitiag reasons for its untimely filing. 1 presume that some extenuatln!: clrcunetanoe evidently oauaed its rrilure. The requiwd sampler were i?il%d by Johnson PubMaking C%E- pony on sopteeber 13th, 1943, tro days subse- quent to the lest legal date for Piliaq. 0Xou are respeotfully requested to answer the r0110King inquiryi liIirsthe failure of each Of these publish- ers to fSlo s.mplee with the State Superintmd- ent Oi' mblio SnstrUCt~OE Within thQ time r%- qulrecl by the Artlols r.?P%rrerlti>, axi under the circwstaacoe strtti, preoludodthe Btate Board of Erlucatlon 8t its adaption mating be- ginn,Lng Oatubcr 11th‘ 1943, from considering for aiL*igtion8s f-r%% textbcrJko the books oub- mitted by each 0P those publishers? I *The fctxtbouk Advisory Comxittee commnoes its official hearings in Austin, Toraa, on Uon- 114 dsy next, and it crould bcttsr write its final report to the State BoarU of E&ma-~ tion if your eyin.4.0~upon this Batter sere srtpplisd to It by Tuesday, Lieptenber 2sth, 1943. Please mail a copy of your opl.nton to &r. a. A. blase, Director, Textbook Dirision, and a oopy to me. If you can supply the opinion within the time request- ed, considerable time oan be sared and con- f ualoa averted .. Article 2846 provides as folles8r ‘* l I). *At leaetthirty day6 prior to the date of the seetillg of the sa3.d coadsaioa, erqry person, fira or corporation desiring to sub&f bide shall file ritb the State Superintendent oP Publle Knstruction nine GOpiC!Sai each book 011rhlch a bfd will bs s&xl.tted, in each of lrhieh copies there shall be printed or ataqed 8~st8teaent ef the prtce at rhicb ua& book and special editions thereof are sold in other places under State or county ado,ptions, and the min&hum quuntitiea in vhiob it vlll be sold at such prices, and there shall alea be prlated or stamped in suoh books a state- Eent of the pabllsher'n oatalogue priae oi' the same and speaial edltione,tbereof, to- gether with trade discounts and the cnndi- tions under rhich, and the purohasers to IhOSt, cuch discounts are allowed, am3 the place 0P deiivery. There shall also be printed or stanpecl in each book the price at which it is @lYerod to Yeses, f'. D. b. the i~blisber'e Texas depository, -6il;ha?%% ritboet.exohangs. There shall also be print& or stas,ped in each hook the n;tai- vma rholesale pr&co at vbich such book, ati special editione tberevF, are sold , f. o. b. the shfppine point of' Che pub- lisber ami tha nam of the shippin point shall also be stat?dxlg Bonorabls Pbillip Y. gteveaaou - pages 4 OrdLaarily, whether or not a atatate la maada- tory ar directory only say be readily 4etcrPinad from & literal consideration , but sueb is not always the case. In all statutory eonstmotion tba intention of the Legislature when dlscorerable &ON the lot as a rho10 is the controlling consideration in determining tlie question of marxktory or direotory n+ture of the lm- guage . Wen Article 2844 is read in the light of other pertinent portiona of the statute, we think it ia clear the requireamnt ef the Artiole with rmpeat to the de- positing of sample books was inserted ao’lely Per the benefit of tb8 Cm?dasion, to the end that the atmibsra could ocqurint theaaelvea rith the books upon whlab the bids are a&e. To the extent that the Coamlsaion uay disregard auy bid of one failing te aoaq~ly therewith tbs statute is auucdrtery. s&me, howwar, t.bs Ceaa&ae@ou baa bad the privilege of uam.laatian, and has satiai%ed Itself with rkapect to the oerita of such books, It would appear the purpose of the requiremat ior esbibition of aaxples has been set, ati there appears to be no reason why the Cosniasion doea not hare the power to act upon the bid precisely aa though the statute had been literally con- plied ritb by the bidder. The requirmwt of thirty r daya 6.ubm.baian of ample, the.refore, is to that extent direotory . In other fords, such subaisalon fop the mull time imationed la not awaiatory 1x1 the samse that ritbout it the Comisgion is deprived of porw to conaider the books and bid. It ia easily onneeirable that a bidder rho has failed to comply Uterallp with the requirement of sam- ples, for even a short tim , way nevertheless submit books which the Commission after a full exzmlaation and appraiseisent of their writs wxzld fiad them te be the sost aoaeptrble, and to deny it the pouw to accept them would be a dieservios to the Gtoto and aat a set-vice, as oontcn;plated br the statutes. Tbhaconstruotlon we hare girea to the statute is aooentuated by the language of Article 2847, which cmtains prwlaiona requiring each bidder to file w,itb the secretary ot” the ComaPisaion on the &IT that the COP an aifldavlt ,to the ct’feot that oertain mission Js%.?t.S) I ’ Honorable phillip LI. St4venaen - pug0 U taxes have been paid, and further coritaiaing certain othe;r information, t’ollowml by the language, *lo pub- lisher orbo cannot and does not coatply vaith these pro- olsioas ahmll bo eli&Ble to bid.. It ~111 be seen that Article 28846 makes no such eapbatio prorisioa with reapect to the depoelt- ing of assplbs of book3 oCf4r4d. The cas4 of Faderal Crude Oil Co. t. Touat- Lea Oil Co,, b2 8. 1. (2) 56, illautrates the rule of ooaatruotlon we hare here e~ounood. It is there sald~ l l a a . The rula in th is regard is well stated by Lhr. Sutherland in his fork OA StatUtQv CoA8trilOtiOA (2d i%d.) 8 SW, p. 1x171 ~Prmiato~s regulating; tbe du- ties or public offtioero 8Ad specifying tbs .timefor their peHorraaoea.re intbatre- gard generally directory. rbough a rtat- ute direote a tbi.ng to be done at a par- ticular tiAe, It does not neoeaearil~ fol- 10~ that it 08y Wit be doAe afterwards. In atber worda, aa the oases unirersal`` &old, P StdtUtb l peOifjiDg a tin4 Within which a publio officer is to parform a~ official act rega?diAg the rights and da- ties of others is direotoey, unless tb4 nature of the act to be perforsued, or the phraseology of the Statute, is such that thS design&tioD Of tiE4 SRISt be coDeider- led au a 1isdtatioD of the parer of the officer." What we bare esld abole 1s sufflcisnt to irult- oats our opinion that the Board has the power to co~aid4r and to accept, if it sees fit to do so, the bld of a pub- llshcr rbo has failed to ocnply ritb the literal. reqtire- cent of Article 28&1 of the statutea with raepset to tba mabvahsion of samples of books fer the p4rL0d of tiaa there m4DtiOAed.
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5629
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017