- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonor8bl.e Ian Ahup, Exeoutlve Secretary State Comettrsicm for the Blind Imad Offioe Bulldiag Auatln, Taxae Dear Sir: rubJeoth8s been reoelved 4 rFOi6 JOUS l&ter, date 1lnC 18 the Maahiaas which this area. We Imoe loanad these maOhine8 to blind rm September. 1943, I warn iiitr Anita Blair mid ot keeplqg raiti with her 8 rith the COm#irrSlon for e proper uat 0r tht Talk- I hid her that under the clruum- e compelled to tak up the rahine. t rht uaa .?icG goal& to let WJ under eny olroumatanaea uu? that get a lav~er 80 as to prohibit the Atate Conrml.eslon for the Bltnd from taking the me- ohinu from !aer. I tried to 1?eeaon ulth her, but to no avail. 3x0 also aduired me that If it nau neo- weary, she would take the uetter up vlth her Gag- rt6taan in Wa8Ur@on. “After the conversation with Liar Blair, I aon- tected Hr. Guinn, vho Is county ettorney of Xl !“a#~ Bonor~bla Lon Alwp, m&a 2 Golmby. I rbored him the oontraot sad gave him -she #aeon that it naa tuoaraary for the depert- mant to plok up the Tallc~ Book Uaohlnt. Mr. Quinn called Alar Blair over the telephaaa and ad- riwd her to let me pSuk up tbe mahlne, but mhe reru443d aad said that 8he uav going to get a lawyer to realat her In the matter. ‘The aounty attorney agreed to handle the oaae ror the Stats Comlrtlon for the BUnA. He advised me, horever, that it would be neaeraary ior the 4&0&tjrt0 t64ke 4 bCUAd tV%Ot tht 008t Or th0 YObine. I left the ozigl~l oontraot vCth the couatp at- torney with the understandirrg that he uould pre- pare the neae8rary ~peru and have our re eueata- tlve, Miaa Zheo Nitoball, properly slgin a p” 1 legal sw=* lI do aot balleve that it is neossa~y tot. the department to rake a bond in Thor Game. ”. . . . “In order that you may have aocurate umrma- tion aa to hou ue lend thera maohines to bU.nd per- acam or tbls rtate, we lr8 hereto lttaahlng a copy or our agraemmt rlth tba Library of Coweae, lfaahl.mgton, D. C., au uell aa oop’~ or the eontraot or agreement mhiuh this department bar vlth borrmt- ers of tlwae m4ehinea. ‘Slnct itis evident that IrIiau Blair does not Lotend to give up or return the ma~hinet~ the State co6~6i6~mn r08 the BlindODhec ownlnlriative er at the requwt of the deplCtment, we meet reqwct- rully rqmt you to rdvtee us ~a to the praper po- cedure thZe depsrtmenr, muet follow In OFdeWte gb poa8ssrlon of Telklng Book Hechine Bbdel 10, SerJnl #o. 3721, fr you dosirs furthor infomeion rrm thla 6epaFtmat Ln regardnto thle emttor, we ~111 be happy to furaleh eeme. Weh a ve enmlned the r o r omflgreemnt betveen The Library of Cong;rsss an& St8te Commiuslon for the Blind and tim Aweement oovarrag the loen of a T8lklng Bsak Raahiae to Anlta Blair, vhioh were attaohed to yoitr t&tter. Honorable Lotl Aleup, page 3 Seatlow 2, 3 and 4 or Artlole J207a of Veraon’s Civil Statutes, provide as follovrt “sec. 2. The State CtmnIaaI``for the Blind ohall meinteln a Duresu of Information, tbx object of vhlah shell bs to old the blind whose trainfag ia not othemI*e poolded r0F, in rindbig amp10 - aunt, IA developing hoas Induatrlea uong the b Tlnd, urd LA mrketlng tbelr producta. The Comlealo~ ahall IA it8 diaeretIoA rurAlah mt4Fl418, toola und books for the use as a ADAM IA rehabilltAtirrg such p%raoar, AA~ It IWIJeatabllab vorkahopa end aAleerooAe, end ah11 heve authority to we AA~ re- otlpta oc ea r nla g u that loarue fia the operation OS iadustria1 aohoola, ulearoaa or vorkahopa as prwlded in this Chapter, but detelled rtatement or reeelpts 08 earaIng8 aad axpendlturea ehell be mado monthly to the Auditor Of the State. Thc~ugh the eqployoent of teaohera the Comlarion aaj gIre lnatmetlon to adult blind perroar ln the3.r haeat provided thee fLt shell not undertake the pmnaeat support or meinteaaaoe of any blind psraon. The Colalaalon cay elao register oa8ea OS peraoaa vhoae eye-aIg2lt is aerloualy defeotlve or who are likely to beooAe viauelly henblaepped or bllAd, end take auoh twaawea, in eooperatloA with other authorl- tiea, as It nay deem advlaeble for the preventloA or blinWvaa or, cokaaarvatlon or e~ealght, and IA 8pproprIate caaea, for the eduaatioa of children and for the -oeetlonel guidance oi’ adults having aeriowly defeotloe right. The Conmlaalon MJ re- oelve gme, bepu##ta, or devlaea from inblviduela, aaaociatIona or corporations, and auy expend them in aacordence vith the provisions of this Act. “see. 3. The Stete Cowtlualo~ fctr the Blind wy appol.zat and rix the oompenaation of aa executive secretory and such other verkdra ae nmybe ntceaaary to make ametivcf the purpoaes 0r this Aot within khe approprlatlone provided. “sec. 4. The CowtlaaIon shall aeke a detailed report to the Leglelature by Senuary 1st of eaoh biennium in vhlch It convenes, shoving all approprl.e- tiontt received and hou the aamt have boen expsaded, XonoreUe Lan Ahup, p8ge 4 end ooverlng its 8otlvltlee and loooapllghmuntr end making r6ccuma6ndetlons therein for the further im- prr;zm$Bt of the oonditlaam of the blind In the . There $8 00 8tatute authorizing the State Comlselon for the Blind to imlntaln a rult in the MW of the State of Tex88 and there 18 nothing in tbo agreemant bvtveen Tha Library of Congreea a0 the St8te Com13.88ion for the Blldl glviry or conveyltq any aatarert in the Ulkiog book uohlne to the State oi Tau8. The agreement le8ve8 the title urd aontrel of the t8lkUg book machine in the Library of Cowers. The lw is ~011 rattled tb8t no one has ths right to flls l suit in the MM of the State of Team wales8 tha St&t@ has an lntareet fn th e lubjeot sued for 8nd it r0il0va t&t the state aould not bs held liable for the oourt coat8 and aptmm of ru6h a 8uit. %I therefore ruggest that TOU requert thv Library of Crnkgre8e to edvim you in the matter rubnitted hervvlth. Very truly yours
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5618
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017