Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1943 )

  • : : OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF ‘lZXAS AUSTIN Honorabletrro~ L. MOON OoPntf AttQrnef EotJston OQuntT Croakstt , Poxa~ opiai Ito. 99 CA 924. Uonors ble Leroy L. lioorr, pea. 2 “YOU ~111 ramnber when I war in Au&is led wok, WOU had OOple8 Of the Op~KIiOD OD bDO?A alaat lnd Charitablefnrtitution86rDt ao uvl I harr these opInian8. Fot kDowlng 8nd.r what c3tatuto t&l181nJlt1tuti0n w8a ehart*Ma, I am unableto deterninewhetherthl& Hitler Wmorlal Iiorpltrl im tax oxapt. Would thank pa ts tar- airh me t&l8 oplmionat your earlirrtoan~enlonoe.~ Artiols6 Sootion2 ot the 8tat.e Oonstitutirwl prop- rides that ‘the Lqghtum iviar by gsnarelluws exempt tmm tssation . . . ia8tltatlonrof purdl~ pablio obrritl;end ell lews emopting prapertffrom taxationother than the abare mrentlsned&hall br no11 sad mid.* 8eotlon7 o? Artdole7l50, YomionsAaaotrt~dCivil ns aaeot*d la DUP~UBDO* 2.t*tutos. to tb8 sbovr oanrt~tutWm1 prorid.oa,and rqmlr 8a follou8: *'p. Pub118 eharltl~. All buildingsbe- leap;- to lacrtitutiaa8 ob pnrelr-publieebar- ltr, togetherwith tbr le,ndr belonging to and OOsuDiedby au& inatltationesot leased or othmwlso tq4 rlth a view to prOtLt, ualeao 8n6b rents cad proiitb aad rllmoa~y~ and orrdltr 8~ ap wptiato4 b maohlns tltutlo lol.elg nr W ma- ta i II SUab lRSt f tUtbB8 aBd to? the b4JMtit Or fha Btak ad disabled mmber8 aad their iamilisrr,and the burlalat the mm, or iax the matntaaaaee of p*rmxkswhoa 01uU* to psmldr Sor tbrsHW*s wh*t&r aash ~pormm 8ri semtirr et *aah &m&u-' tiaD* or not. An iDst1tut1f3Bof purmly pablio obarlty ondsr this artlola Is ona rh;lohdlapmua its eid to its zsembw~ end other6 $a riobre8rer alstresr,et at 68rth without regard do porerty or rtohar of theneig~trnt, al.80rhea tbr ~tad#, pmpsrtp and asset8 or so& institutionaan placed and Bound bl it6 l8wB to PalieW, aid Ua6 mlminist4rIn rnr way to tbo mlirf ot its aem- born when in want, rlcka.88and dlatro88, and pro- vide homes tar 1ta h61pbS# *ad aapbaaeatmenbere 325 Honorable Leroy L. Koorc, paae 3 and to chicate snd mintnln the orphone oi It.8 esoeenoe s3ambereor othsr p8rson8.* Pa Butler ~amorlcl I:oepitalha8 no ceplta~ atook anC Its charter oontoine tte tollowing recitcle, mong othere; *3iotlon 2. 3.8 purposes ior *blab this . oorporetlon le romed em pare4 bcRevolea$, charltablr and cCuceticns1 en6 nut Sor it- nUlCi81 &D, en6 no ilnenoial @D ehsll ever eoarve tc snp twribsr OS this oorporctfoa, noi any ether person or institution lo the conduot of the eLlne,but any reoelpte or t&Id oorpora- tion in exeet~eof the expense ot orectloa and mslntsnenoe of esid inetitution or imrtitutioo& prorldcd for bereln elm11 be applhd br the b%- rector8 to the care of charity patienta, and to l&o equlpeientanO enlar@ment oi e&id tastito- ticas, to oarrg but the purposes 0r lto organ- lsrttioaand oporetfon, ES the&- in their Judg- nent map de95 wlee. It 18 orgsnised to eoquire or erect, end to equip, condcct end rmaintein, on tko broedset humanlterian prinoipele, IJhoepltal or hoqpitcle, end eobool of echools for a~reb8, to da m fo r the elok a ndinjured, a ni3 to ldnorte 8aC trntn psroone .lin the o&we ct the olok end h- joret?, lesuing to ruab pareon dlptorws apon gnb- \Ietioa,end creating cad %csidQoti~ suoh hoepIta or ho8pitbZ8, eohool or eokoole, or ether,lartitu- tltia ea my bii%ioreeary or QwaIrrbleto oarry out,al.lof the said plupoaes. Ia erdrr thet otir oontpetent, legal, sklllrd, end reputable ~pby8b oiene end eurgaonc shall prcctfoe, operate arid/or treet patients In the Bosplta~, or Ros,pitele,, or othsr institution8 owned, oontrolled and/or eon- duotad by this aorpor&Lon, thb Board ot Bireotor8 ahall hem ruii #ml plenary power8 to eleot 4ob 8618ct, la th6 wmner euoh Bbrrd Of DlreetW8 ray aetm boat, the phgsialane and/or surgeons who &bell bc pamitted to $io prectioe, end to pm6aribe r&t pronul&e ler6, ruleor and Pe@iLetiona for thb government of encb hoepitsl, hos~ttale, or otbw Lnstitutions, sita at suah phgeiebms, surgeoae, and of the rx3tient8,mm368, osricere, vieitop8, .4aeployere, J 6CdOther6 t.bCPkii¶ OP 4OWlCBOtd thUro*ith. T&a iiticotorr ohtill have all authority and powere conferredupon Dimetora, by law, anA such other authoritysti power a8 ir usually baldby dlxectors of elmilar oorporat1ona.' publir saWit; ..w-__ ___- [ftst6CanetitatloR.and &I AsL,-..---

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5599

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1943

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017