OFFICE OF THE All-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bmtoreble John Ii. Red, Commlrcioasr B-mu labor 0r Statistica Au8tl.n,Te=as Dear Stir You bars requeste at to prepwe 8 form ror 8ubpoeM to ubor Statietias matter8 related t form la enalomd here- nloa of thle dep8rtmnt aa for rerving such rubpoenas at fun& svallable to the Bureau required of the said bureau, . . . .” knd krtlcle 5150, Vemon*ts Revleed Civil Statutes, coatalae a similar povlaloa. The ourrent biennial opproprl&``ion to G&e Bweau of Labor Statistlae (s. 9. No. 332, hats 08th ~gialature, Reg. Honorable John D. Reed, pege 2 Seas., Ch. 400, p. 958) contalna the folloulng lten of appro- priation from the General Rev6nUe Fund: ‘For the Years “BegInning Emliag “September 1, August 31, 1943 1945 It. . . . '15. 33quipment, Statlon- cry, Printing, Post- age, orrice Supplies, Telephone, Telesxwph, Bxpre.8 and Contln- gent Expense.........$3,000.00 $3,000.00' It appears that the Lcgfrlaturs, lu makq this appro- prlation, had la contemplation the uee of the tern ocmtlngent expense” ln the sense oi general items of expanse not provided for 8pa0m0rliy. State v. Ktitz, 144 H. E. 120, 124; 110 Ohio State 332. See also OUT Opinion No. O-1332. The oocltr of pro- curlag aervloe of subpoenas come ulthln this da88 of expenses. It 1s therefore the opinion of thla departasnt that the fear of peace orfloars for sarviqt Irubpoenar for the Bu- reau of Labor Statistics my be pid out of raid oontirrgsnt fund. Yours very truly ATTORREYOBHSRALOF TEXAS By &. fl- QJ-L- U. R. Allen Assistant WRArdb Enclosure
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5622
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017