- 58 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN tionorableJoe P. Flack County Attoraey Mf4na.rd county l&mar& Tsxaa A +%&la Independent xlt,he818otion th8 election dplnfon on the quertlonr ‘An applioationhas been filed;’with the County Board of 9ohooX Truate8s of MenaM County prayirz that the amid County Eoard of zc+ol Tmstbes ds- clam the election held on the leithdmg OS Juns 199tS,to be null end void and OS p efl’eot. "The applicationrecItea the f&at that 1 fncie- pendent Sohool Oiatrict and 6 Comgon Sohool Dis- tricts wwe involved 6tm.ithat the;eleetfonordez 59 hllrd “---;ots fn~ anly one voting ~1800 whloh 88s the plaoe for the Xndopoadozb Dim- t&i. And fir all soho oloation8 it has boon owtomary thmt a voting plaoe be provided in each OS the u&tea& dlrtrlcts. Axluthat aauo of the votecr rmat to th4 usudl voflng p&*ou in ths odd Gemman 8obooX Bistriabr finding no aspor- tunity ~to vote* ~lth theai raato b4r0P4 you th4 county Ihard 0rs0hool mwb4u of n4nud County requerta that .``m~ro&o~ 0p"on mad a$104 on the iolloring to yaw quortfon ilo..I,you are adviasd tbut of SahoalTra8Wem Qooe not bat0 the 4ub2uw- PBOdlstoiob oowt las $lP1sdfotionof *u&o1ostton Oontolt8. 800 &tiolo 8009 ot HQ* I1oplyingto youz,8ooondQwr*ion, Te twnk fb l3utla n TU la,@, although me have boos urvblo to find uy euo ok).all fowa with the oarno under oomsldomtLoa. A annboo QS oun .hr~0 h4za that a M$dty y0t0 0r th0 YO~OWS Of ,th0 pm3 804 dlntz'idt1s rll that 18 raqtirodr It the olootion hrr(L c4043a ln eeoh OS the dlstriots, rradCLm8joPftr OS th0 Vatwa in ?OUV out of five dletrlota had beon out ag&lnet the annezatloa and a majority Qx the fifth dbtrlet La SWJOS OS rnneution bad beexi cast auff2oientto ovoroome thr’aajor~a~alnet ammxation in the othe)~four dirtrlote, the proporitlonrould have been Se&- 4 oamiod~in favor at urnexation. As stated above, we have been uwbls to find a oow wherein the election uaa held in 0x11~ 60 lionw8ble Joe P. FM&, plriz;o #S OXW 1@44v 4Uld U4 $kva Vi~th @k4 OpfXltOIl OXplWk6Oci by til0 CcnAx eJ Attozlrsy to i&b 8tf44t tbrt it +oUld hfi’?II b44rt bettelr a nUb a fwto h & dUm llec tl8n lti pore than ma pleas.
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5616
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017