Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1943 )

  • r .. y.1’; .._ 5 -..-. . OFFICE OF THE ATTORN&Y GENERAL OF Y’EXAk AUBTIN fIonorabla3oward Tsaweek County Attorney Hotl,e4y county Hstador, Tetss Dear sir: y cm&t for aostr ‘. - g8 mait* Senats T ... lot6 of the &Sth eta I desire hereinafter e a petition 19. arenile Court by the ottlola mtpaoity, is a male ohild ov8r &tars of a&e, is a delinquent hsving vlolsted the laws of such violetions be speoi- thet it he set down for a hearin& The ohlld was apgrehandad'by the Sheriff and the ohild'e fst~sr was given leeal notIce. ' *The hesrinc was had bafore the county Judge, sitting 3s a Juvenile mart; the chil3 ~3 the chilU*s father arpeerea in person sn3.took Part In the heaping, the .Cormty Attornop appear4 aad presented the petition, e~-Ldsncswas heard. The ~Court found and daalared that the ohilclwaaS and 1s a dellnqusnt ohila under’ tha law. 8 HonorslblaEoward Traweek paw 4 It ia stated in Texas Jaxlaprudenoe, Vol. 34, page 508: Vtatutss preeczibing fees r0r puSllc officers ar0 strlutly Cc?ofitX&; an6 hzi30~33 right to Seas may not rest in implication. '&SF6 this Xi&t f3 lrtt to oonstruotion, the language of the law mast be aonstraed in favor ot the government. Xhere a stattlts ia oapable of two coastmotions, OHB of whlah would give an offioer oo~apensstlonfor hia ssrriass ia addition to hia salary and the other not, the latter oonstruotion should be adopted. It is iio oonoern OS an officer that the Legirla- tars svlghare been towed other offioers mom llbers'lthan toward hta 15 the zatter of ooolpen- satlon fop serviacsi nor does this faot justify the oourte In upholding his ~elaia far owapnaation for swriaes sa ,against a fair and reasonable in- terpretatioa of the statute. Iziapplying these a$atates and asosrtainia the Intent of the Leglslatue in the masning ot the statute, the usaal a&hods and rales of Interpretation are applioable." It ia furth$r stated 19 Tesas Jurlsprudenas Vol. 34, P* 511: mAn offlosr may not olalu 0F rsaoh any 50ney without a lalssuthorlzlng hF% to do so, and alearlg fixing the mount to Prhioh hs is entitled." The County Officials of Gotley Co*untpam3 co3- pensated on a tes -bash. Therefore, it is apgarcnt that cay aourt cost aacruing in proceadinSs under Saaats Bill Ho. f,4,euprqwoald be feeo for oam~Tansatingthe various officers ror ssrrioes parrtormedin sooh procsad- ings. Aa said Seoata Bill No, 44, suyra, or any other atatlte that we ha?6 bean able to find does not provide any fees for the varlons~county otfiaere for reEdsring the above m0AtiZAed servicea in pr00eedFngS under Said Senate Bill No. I&, it is our opinion that the County is not 1 able for any oost in snoh proocedin&s OP liable .

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5602

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1943

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017