- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hono~ebls Paul C, 2!yers, D. C.) Exeoutivci 33oretfiry,~ . Skits aoord of Chiropractic exaainors, Austin, Torae - ,I.. ., : , Uonorable Paul I;.tyers - pa$O 2 I '.oe bonny bclon,;lnq to tho l;oaril.The I Trrasurcr shall kaop the sam in 8 sogar-.~ I ate fund to be used in psying the noccta- 1 sary expenses oe the Loard, ahich my in- elude expenses incurred for the abvonce- mnt and c3uc;rtioaof all 1Loonseas under this dct and enPorocsent by the Gourd ho? the provisions of this Aot, tho salary ot i the sxocotiro Sccretury, end a per diem of Ten Dollars to onch sd?n;berof the hoard for, such tliteas is actually spent in the dischargo of official.duties, plus trsvel- ling cxymses of Tm Cents per aAla. ....s Article 6223 tas a p'art oS the hevisrxlCivil Statutes OS 192cJ. As auicnk?d in 1031, it provides in part a r;axizum of five cents per cl10 for the use OS privately oune3 outoc.obilesby Etate oSSicla,lsor em- ployees in tho dischurCe of their duties. Article 6323 is a gmeral etatutc. ri.Dw Fin. .:;,2Cis a later cmotsent and CoVCrs~a special subjt?ct matter. Ai.Is* NO . 20, rrrthcr than Article a22n, therc- fore, governs the mount of travellicg ovpenso to be paid to zm&ers of your Zoard. Tour socou3 question is nnswrrnd in the t&a- tivo. Expenditures ~Sor 06319, room on3 other lib0 item arc,personal eXpn56, only allozable in my event when sn oSTioer or mployeo is army froxohis horn,, or the place ohero he is pcrrsnoutly stntionod, ia the discharxa of business for the state and then only when so providti by law. such ltcm are co``ovily temod stravell,inr* .> ergenser.* Tho Legislature has spaoiSically prwide;].that the amber8 of L&O Low& shall bo ontitlal to vtravellfn,~expenses of ten ocnt6 per ri1c.s This rqwasonto the full ueauuro of oocqensation alloirodby 10s to Such Officers .for their ~ trouble i\nd er3cnscs in trorelllng on publio bu6iness.v (5co *&.ilcago*,J;ouvicr~sLav Diet.) We Christopherson v. stmton, Clarr of C;oUrt, (Utah) 44 ?ao. ~$8. Vary truly yours
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5589
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017