Honorable 'IaId.Trimbli Mret Aaeietant, State Supt0 of Publio'Izetruetiw Austin, Texar Dear Sirt opinion RoorO-5647, Res kiministration of affairs of Enlarged Sohool M&riots for Rural High School Purposes. We reply to your inquiry of August 11,1945, whioh reads as followas "When an independent eehoel dietriot lr enlarged Egrannexation of ocnunonschool dietriate by aotion of the,Couuty Board of Trustees, as provided for in Article 2922s, R.,C. 8. Who is to administer the affairs of the enlarged rohool dietriot? s Who is to control the assets of the elementary sohool districts composing the rural high eohool distriot? "Is the County Superintendent entitled to continue to hold on to these funds, or should they be turned over to the Board of Troetees of the Rural High S&o01 Eistrid?~ "This opinion request is b.sing,sufmittedin view of the resent opinion No. O-5462, which was rendered at the request of the County Attorney of Menard County, regarding the handling of the sohool property belonging to the elementary districts of the Menardtille Independent Sohool District.* Artioles 2922a and 29220, V. Ae C. Se, provide fop establishing rural high school distriots by the County school trustees* Arbiele 2922e, V. A, C. S,, provides for the control and management of rural high school dietriots, It reads in part as followss "The control and management of the schools of a rural high sahool .dietriat; prtsEl``~S,~r~eM,ip``eEal'of:~i~Aot( shall;W veeted ig a boa@.of ~e~:CPns&eema eleotld bythkpuelifiM. voters of the said.dietrfet ,et large, l . . " Articles 29221, 2922j and 2922k, V, 'A. C. S,, ,provideas followss Honorable T. Md. Trimble, page 2 '"Art.29221. Warrants "All Funds of evel?rnature to which a rural high sahool district may be entitled shallbe pid out of warrants Issued by the secretary and signed by the seoretary and president of the board of trustees and amroved by the countysuperintendent cf public Instruction. The board of sahool trustees shall seleot Its onnpresident and secretary, each of whhamshallbe a member of the board. The secretary shall keep a complete Itainiaedrooount of all receipts and disbursements In a wellbound book ovmed and paId,for by the districts and his accounts shall be approved by the county superintendent and by the county board of aohool trustees at the end of each scholastic yeare No school funds shall be allotted or apportioned and paid to any rural high school district for the following year thereafter until this report is euhnitted to and approved by the county superintendent and the Wants Ward of.sohool~triMtees ..,: eArt. 29225. Deposit and disbursement of'funds eAll funds belonging to a rurallhigh school district shall be deposited in the county &posit&y and disbursed in the sems manner as other funds are disbursed from such depository under the depository law in so far as same ars applicable." *Art. 2922k. ~Control by and of trustees ?A11 rural high schoolswithin a rural high.sahool district herein provided for shall be under the immediate oontrol of the board of school trustees for such rural high schoolssandsuoh board of school trustees shall be under the control and supervision of the county superintendent and county board of school trustees, and shall be subject tq the same provisions of law and restrictions that conanon school districts ars now subjeat to, except where otherwise provided herein." Article 29221, V. A. C. S ., which is the amended Section 12 of Chapter 59, Acts of the 39th Legislature, thenoriginal Rural High School Act, empowers the board of trustees of a'rural high school dietriot to levy and oollect maintenance and bond taxes for said distriatp~after Iming authorized by an election held for said purpose or purposes; and also provides; * . that the local taxes previously authorized by a district OP d&hi&s included in a rural high school district . . . shall be continued in force until such time as a uniform tax may be provided for the benefit of the rural high school distrioto" lkder the provisions of said Section 12, It is the duty of the board of trustees of a rural high school to cause to be levied, assessed and collected in each of its constituezit'distriotsthe same tax which said districts had previously authoriaed. McPhail v. Tax Collector, (Civa App.) 260 S. 17. 260, error refused* The following quotatiob from said ease of~MoPhmi1 ~b'~ar.Golleotof ia: wsy instructive and enlightsningr: Honorable T, & Trimble. page 3 "The law charges the trustees of the high school distriot with the duty of naintairing the elementary schoolsof the consolidated district, and, in addition, are recpGlired to establish and ma5.ntaj.n therein a high school, and to accomplish them purposes, are authorized to use all avilsble msintenance funds. (BphAsis ours) Bzfunds should be kept and aoministored separately from maintenance funds, and likewise the bond fund of one district should be kept sepsrate from the other0 Noney belonging to a bond fund cannot be used f’rlrr&inttx>aaoe~ nor can the bond fund belony,in:: to either of the elementary distri,ots be used In ?E!hg the Indebtedness of the other. "The law commits the details of adminlctration in these respects to the sound judgment of the trxtees,. . . W etc. While the McPhail ease was decided previous to any amendments to said Rural Kigh SchCol Aat of 1926, Chap. 1% of Title 49, V. A. C. S., we have discovered no amendrents thereto which would affect the judgment rendered therein. It is alsc to be observed that in said McFhail case on election was held authorizing the assumption @r said rural high school district of the outstanoing 'Jondedir'ebtedness or its ccnstituent districts, as authorized by Art. 2922h, V. A, C, S,, before and since being emended. Until thus assumed by the enlarged district, said indebtedness remained a charge exclusively against the district iseuing the bonds, and the trustees of the enlarged district were char,ged with the duty of levying from year to year, and collecting a sufficient tax from t:e district issuing the bonds, to discharge its obligation. Seation 13 of Ch. 59, aforesaid, Acts of 1925, provides that sAl1 laws and parts of laws in oonflict with any provision of this A:t ere hereby repealed." Since this opinion is requested in visw of our recent opinion Moe O- 5462, regarding the handling of snhool proper+;:belonging to elementary districts, and since said opiniqn is so closely related to the subject matter of this opinion, we ,rafer to and make a pa& henxffor all purposes, the same as if written fully herein, said opinion MO. O&462 . However, regarding the second paraf;rapJ? on page #% of said Opi~nionNo. O-5462, you are advised that funds cf an elementary district, when used to maintain a high school in a rural high school district or in an enlarged district 7r~annexation, are usad fo: ,tha&nefit of XI& elementary district, provided there is no actual or threatened violation of law or abuse of discretion b the trustees of said rural hi@ school di~strictor said enlarged district by annexation in so using any of said funds. See MoPhail V. Tax
Colleotor, supra. ln view of the foregoing, the three questions contained in your CommioatiOn are respectively answered as follows8 Honorable To 1:. Thimble, page 4 (1) The affairs of the enlarged school district are to be administered by the Board of Trustees of said enlarged district. (2) The assets of the slementary school districts composing the rural high school district are controlled by the Board of Trustees of said Rural High School District, and are to be administered by said Board in aooordance with the provisions of Articles 2922``-2922L,,V. A. Co 60 (3) The funds of elementary sohool dlotriots pass by operation of law to the control of the trustees of the rural high school district of whioh they are constituent par'is. Therefore, it necessarily follows that your third question must be answered in the negative. Very truly yours A!lTOFOi%Y GENEXUL OF TEXAS a/ L. H. Flewellen By L. H. Flewellen . Assistant LHF/JCP Approved Sept,30,1943 Grover Seller First Assistant ATTORFJFSGENERAL APPROVXD OPINION COhXITTEE BY BWB CHAIBMti
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5542
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017