- OFFICE OF 7liE AflORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honozsble 0. H. IUlliamaon couuty Att.0rn.y Eirathcounty driver f,otirtrustee of n School District later of anothar suoh of your letter to this dspart- vising that the sGh001 scald of trlct in izrathcounty has trene dlatriot to tie Stram PutUo ~ohool t &hOOl DbJtrict in P&O Ph-itOCGlUlt~. advise a8 follotrr “A perrorrwho 16 thk rife of one of *e Sohoof Bowa meaers or Ruah creek m4 8he ir aho tha Sirtar of amther meaiberof the Rub Creek Board, bar made a~liGat%OKl to the Stn8’n Sohool Board for the porition of sci~oolEur Crlver to truss- port the Rush Cr*6k Studentr to the straun Sohoo~.’ Honorable 0. II.rPlll58maon, w&e i% You then inquire if such employment by the Strawn toard Is lqal. Artisle 432, Penal Cade, provld.8 a8 followa *so orfiaer of th58 state or uq orfleer of a ny dir tr lc t, I)l l reheal dirtriot, * l l ‘01 mem- ber of any 8chool di8txiot, l l l oreated by or under authority oi Uk & ~==@ L````W``o ``~ th i8 State, l ikl l th e a p p o intwa nt to a ny l l a pcdtfon, c c 7 nfl.m~ ***employnurntorduty, ot any reon rolated 8lthl.n the 8ecOnd d9ga-e.by aif lrl!rty, or with513 th8 th5Fd degree by GOll88Il&Ubity to th. person lo appointing or 80 voting, or to any other member 0r eny such b o a r d 0 * l a s r h la h 8uoh p er so n 80 rppolntlngorvotingnuybe amtmber,rh+athe ralery, + 0 + or oaa&nnsatlon of nroh appointee 58 to be paid for, diraot2.y or indiraotl~,out of or iraa publilafund8 OF feb8 of office 05 ans kind or ahmoter sbatsoever.m Article 433, Penal Code, provido8 es ~0110~s: *Tha inhibition, ah forth in thir law rhall apply to and inolude + o e pub&+ lOhoo1 truetoes.* It doea not appear fmnn pour oonmunicetionthat the applloant Sar th8 bun drlver~r po8ltlon in qazeatloni8 related rfthln any of the proh5blted degree8 tG any of the Bard Member8 of the Strarm Independent SG‘hGO~DiatriOt, -Oh Board oomntf- tutes the asp10 5ng aganog in tha in&ant oraeg md we amum that no mush rela tioMhip exf8t8. Thme being no conetltutlonal or statutory inhibitiGn against luGh employment, gur inquiry la ansmered in the off5mmtlve. Said appuoa&, Of GOU?SO~ IUUBtm8et the POqUl~nents of Articls 2687a, Revlead Civil Statutoa, md of ZGctlcn 5 ?f ArticlG 6667b Vexmoa*sAswatatbd Revised Civil Sktuto8, both u 8d5Ab by tti pr0~58;ms 0r senate 3lll 1,19of the Porty- eighth Lag5rlature. (V.T.S.L.8.(18thMg., R.S., pe U.) I,. 3. PtGsalbA Aeeistanf LaP-8
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5520
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017