533 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Wayne Leieure county Auditor Clap County Henrietta, Texas Dear Sir: snakeadvanoe. Tax Ataeereor - ir deputy rrom und of Clay Oouaty, or thle department followa: Aseeaaor-Oolleatorsol- o be paid baok to the st aoney oolleotsd in re his fees or orriae.w Artlole 3937, Vernonfa AnnotatCd Clvfl Statutea, in part, provides: ; ','i~ *Eaoh Aaeeesor of"bhres shall reaeive the following oompensationior hia rerviaeawhloh shall be estImeted on the total value of the property assessed a8 follows: For aaeeaeing the Ytete and County Taras on ali tums for the firat Two BlillionDollars ($2,000,000.00) 600 HoAorabla Wayne LetaUre, page 2 or le86, five (5) oenta for laoh One Hundred Dol- lars ($100.00)0r property emseased. On all atma in exoeaa of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) and less, than Five Million Dollmra (~5,000,000.00), two and one-half (23) oentr on each One Hundred Dcllere (*lOO.OO),end on all UUBIBin 8x0888 or Five Million Uollars ($5,,000,000.00), two and one- fourth (24) oentr on eeoh One &ndrsd Dallera ($lOO.OO),provided, that in aountlee in whlah the POptiatiOA does AOt exceed tWelV8 thouarmd, five hundred (~2,500).~r~ohabitaAts,the Asoesaor shall receive on all siB'.for the first Four ``llllon D0llar8 ($4,OOO:W~ibO), the aurn0r five (5) oents ror cash One Eundred Dollspa ($lOO.OO),and OA all aum8 sbova auoh amount the fee shall ba fia above stated, one-hair of the above oompensatlon shall be paid by ths %ate and one-hair by thr County; for aseesalng the taxes on all dralnage dietriots,road dintriots, or other politloal aub- divisiona of the OOUAty, the Asseaeor shall be paid three-fifths,ofova 0aAt for eaah One Eundred Doliars ($100.00)of the aeaessed value of sucih blatriots or 8ubdivisiona. lt . . . The ConxmlsaloAer8Court oh811 allow the Assessor or taxes such suma or money to be gald monthly from the Oountg Treaeuryaa may be Asoaaeary to pay for olerloel work, taking asaeaa- aentr a@ making out the tax rolls of the Ootmtr, but auoh sumr ao allowed to be deduoted from the amount allowed to the Assessor as oompexu5atlon up- on the completionof said Tax roll6 provided the amount ellowed the Asaeeeor by the Oomtleslonere Court shall not exaeed the oompensationthat may be due by the oounty to him for a8eessing. n. . . “S80. 2. It ie not the purpose of thie Aot to ohenge the salary of Tax Assessors as now fixed by law.' Artiole 7181a, Vernon's AAAOtated pro- Civil C?tatuter, vides: Y?ereafter,whenever the words ‘Aasessor,f *As6esaor of Taxes," IColleotor,* 'Collsotorof Taxes," or 'Tex Colleotor" are used, either in Art101as 7181 to 7359, iAO1U4iVa, or Title 122 or the 1925 Revised Civil Statute8 or Texas, 601 Honorable Wayne kfeure, pege 3 lnoludlng all amendments thereto, as well ae the Revised Code of 1925, lnoludlng all amend- - ment, being known a4 the 1925 Revlaed Civil Statutes of Texas, 6ame shall be applloableto and mean the ohe office or offiaer or Aaseesar and Collector of Tex44, and shall be so OOA- etrued a8 to aooomplleh the objeot and intent SAd oarry out the purpose 0r ~otlone 14 and 16 of Artlole 8, of the Texas Constitution,as the 4ame was amended on Wovember 0, 1932. Acts 1933, 43rd Leg., p. 598, oh. 197, 85.” The population of Clay County 14 leas than 20,000 inhabitantsaooordlng to the last federal oeneue. It is ap- parent from the roregolng faot and your letter of request, thereforr,that the Tax Aeeeeeor-Colleotorof Clay County 18 oompenaatedOA a fee basis. The only authority we are able to find euthorlrirrg the Commieaionew Court to make advancementsto the T4z Aaeeesor- Colleotor of Clay County as aompeneatf.on is sontelned in the above-quotedstatute. Thlo statute expressly requires the OoaaPlesloners Court to allow euoh offleer ruoh sums of money, paid monthly from the County Treasury, aa may be neoeeeacy "to pay for olerloslwork, taking assesfmenteand m4king out the tax rolls of the oounty.* It will be seen, therefore, that such sums authm- ire4 to be allowed as advanoemenf are measured l trlotly by the offlaer' 8 dutlee in oouneotlon rith hla work as Aeaeeaor, lnoluding the neoeesar olerioal work, taking,aese8ementeand making out the tex rol1a.of the oounty and may not exa4ed the amounts whioh may be due him by the oounty for a4seaelng under the herein-quotedprovislone of Artiole 3937. Since the GommlsaionersCourt $4 unauthorizedto allow the Tax Assessor-Collectora dlrrerant OOmpeB46tiOB from that fixed by Artiale 3937 eupra, we think it advlrableto point out that any exoess of the enount authordeed by the statute wculd be void and not eolleotlblefrom the ruretles tfloer's bond. steusorr ~4. Liberty Count 8 Jeff Devls County vs. Ikvle, 192 8. 1. 2ii i$‘$o”b;,“(;a County,
106 S. W. (2d) 768. - 602 Bonorablo Oatmgorloallyanmwrlng your requart, therorore, it 18 the opinion ot this dapertment that the Commlsslonsrr court my allow to the Tax Ammsor-Collector or Olay County only suoh BWJ or money, to be paid monthly from the County Trea8ury. a8 may be nroeaaary to pay for olerioel work, tak- lng arsarementsand making out the tax rolls of the county. Suah allovmnoe being an advanoement, ahall not aroerd the oompensationen mey bo due him under Artlols 3937, Voraoa*a Annotatad Civil.Statutes, ior sa8asslng and ia to bo daduotod thrrsrrom upon the oompletion or said tax rolla by the orfioer. Your8 rarg truly ATTOBWEY O? TjUAS
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5519
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017