- 281 OFFiCE OF THE AmORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAk - E. AUSTIN Eanambla 8. 0. Buale~ County Auditor collln couxaty RcKlnaey, zeur uips until and lnoludlng t& last Saturday b&ore the turd tbnday ln Jsrruarg* a~FxFTY4mTX DIs5BSCTr (b) Orepan COUA- Q. Qn the sscond Mcnday Sarah in and oontlnu- m until and i3oluda.g the last Saturday before the third Xoaday In Jurmz on the third Monday ia JUM snd oantfnulq until snd l.01~ the lsst 3Jturd.S b6rore th6 first Monday 1n D6oemb6r; sndonfb6fiFstXondy ~Deoamber sud oantlnu- lug until and in.ludAng t&s Last Ssturdsy before the .eooud wonday la Maroh.' prcn~¶gJa&ryph of ArtLal. 3933, 8.C.S. “k?or SPeq dar the sturiif ov hl8 deputy sh8ll 8ttsnd th6 Distrlst or County Court, h6 shall Po4eLv6 Four Dollars (@)'a day to bs pSld br ths aoudtp for 68sh d8y that the ahsriff by hlmadf or 8 deputy shall attend uld oocrt. 8 ~,~. %6fCW6 th0 m-6 Of hlSi6 811% x0. 68, - th6 59th Dfstriat Court bad three trrnugk Uollin ,~COUUtt .lldt&60 t6ESS ia son colmt~ 6ach y6sre Tim8 shafr uaa psld 3 .oo .a day r0r 6aah d8y Of thIit&60 tOrm8 VhlCh th# 59th MatriOt cocrt h6ld In collin County. "tbd6r thi.8Il6V l&V th6. t6W m 6O&%IlUOUs In the above counti.a.. “Ulll you please glee us your opfnl6a based au tb6 etatut quoted as to vhrthar or not the sh6rLtr vould b. entft2.d to $Loq psr day for t&conthluou. tema or th6 6ntl.r..-~ar,or vhsther 0 not h6 ulu bo allov6d this is6 only for the tlcrrtbs Mstrict Court 18 aotuslly sit&tag in collin county. * COllin GOuxit~h8. a popfd.tion oi 47,190 labsblt- .MtS #CC- t0 th, 1940 bd6rti 061~s. m OOUt~ Offi- OiuS Of I#aid OOUtBt~ UT’ COBRp6IAMtSd CO (u1 aIU%UAiiiazIFJ b8Si8 s. authorIs6d by SWtlOn I.3 oi b'tiOl6 39126, Vernon’s Anao- tated Civil Statutas. Saotion 1 of Artiole 39120, V6ron'. Annotsted Civil 3tatut6., provider: "Ho dlatriot officer, shall bs psid by the State oi Texas 8n.yfeatsor aom.lsslons for any 2f -Or&.%6 R. B. ­, Oogs 3 wrviaesparforaed byhint new sh.ll tlmSt.$. or My county pay to any oounty orfloa in aqy _ - oouut crontafnlnga populatala of tv6ntg thou- uand i20,ooo) ialmbitMt. or mare atloordlngto th@ h8t pFI#OM F&W.& htX.UU MJ $6. 01: aFs&py `````` tc :fE’%- - s6baor~a ox otor oi tu.. sisll oontlnu. to B?dbOt &d F6t.u fOF tb. b.Mf%t oi th. ai- iher. 8slsry ?uud or Funds iardndtar provldnd rt2, au r~8 aad O``~OIIS:V`` he is author- ued under lav’to oolkot; erd It aball be hlr duty to &couut,ior and to m all .uo& mon6y. rswivsii by lalm into tha fund or fund8 areated .Adp’ovld.dfor und.rth.provl.lcms 0r tiil. Aot;~oWl.dfurths8,th.tth.pr.vi.Zoq~ of thb SSCt~O&B 8h8u IIOtdf6Ct the Oagarnt of mute lu .lVil .886. by tb. 8t8t8, but all 8u.h cod. 00 psld 8= be sooountsd iOr by the of- tiWr# @both t&O UWI U t&By U6 r6QuIF. 6d under tha prov%aions of this Act to aocount fm f..., O-8SiQIU ..d Q0.t. aolbotrd fr.f. private p.rti..c* Arttila 3933,. Vernon’. Annotated Ci~ll Statut.., L’MdS in p.Ft 88 iOlh.8: ~’ 1) . . . Fee 6VSFf day th. .&.ra.ff Qr hi. dsputy shall attend th6 distriot or aounty court, ha .h.ll reosfv. Pour ml&r. ($4) o.d.yto b. d by the eountr fw eaoh day that t&e Jurlfi ,F’ y hims6lf or a d6pUty #ball attend raid OOUPL %%I0 fO26gOM StStUt6 i. applicable vher6 - COW- ty oftloialu are ooutpansatsdou a fee basts. Ths said pm- vi8ion of Artlola 3933 quoted above has no epplloation vhst- 9WV6r Vh6n the oouuty oiiio~ am ooapqy.+d oZI,.fx snW.1 aslsry basis. .a numrous oocaslons t&%8 depsrtmwt kao rewated- 17 ImU. that a Uh6rirf In a fee oountg is entitledto the $4.00 a day for his attendanceupon the aourt 0nlp men the court G-3Jn 3esalon and Dot vblle cmrelyC3nUtrUCtlQ6kJ 21 3sr.iwl. Sxu.w.ble Ii. EL i3e..iey,w 4 If6quot6 from an 0pUaion of this d6partnwnt vrltten f$ePteder 28, 1937, by aopOrable James~4. 2Wf, AWatant-At- +ornoy Q6wra3, sddrsrssd to Honorable Ben J. &an, District Attorney, Sreckewfdge. Tessa, as r0iiov8: 'In sn opinloa beratofore rendered by tbfs de- FtESllt M 06blWWJ 21, 1937, ill VhiOh it VS. Wbd th.t th6 Sh6Fiif 0.8 6lLtttlob t0 $66. mentioned . . . OdJ Vh6n the OOUrt VP. .Ot-y & 468.1O.r The opinion oonstmes ths phrase *8atuslly:ln sess2on~ to Nan t& presence of ths judge, and it also pOetit OUt th6 f.Ot that the j&Id.@RUSt SSSUIiW tb6 tenah Snd proceed Vlth tbr,bussinoss.Or cho court. Thl8 opini~haa been$ollaved~thLs den partmcnt.on nuasrouv woaslow.* inOp~Mlii0.0-1228thi.bogart~ntbs1bc- "You we &ther rsspeotfully advised that la your countyvhsre the sharlff 18 oourpenastad0EI th6 salary bssfs, the.shsrfff.vould not be en- titledto any fees l'romt t&e owxty for hf. serv- ice. in vsitlag on ttlsdlstrlot and oounty aourt. 4nld6r&tiale 3933, beoaw6 &&ion 1 Of drtlcle 39l28, Vernon'0 AnnotattedC&v11 Statuteaof T:cxas, proUblt. the samott Sa vlev at the foregoing you are ree'peothklly8dvlsed that it t. ouropiaion that the .herlfS~of Collla County vho l. oomp6nsat6d Q11the salary baa&r is nOt entitlad to any coisps~- sritlmiron the co*t;y$022ha servloosin vait* cx4the die- trlot and aountg aourta under Article 3933, becaueeSsatlon 1 Ot Article 39lE6, v6rnOnfS AnnotatedCivil Statutes,prohibits ihe sRm3. Yours vary truly ATTOSXEYORXERASI OF T-is&3
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5454
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017