Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1943 )

  •                                                                   14s
    HOBOlY4bh Ooorge FT.SIeypar4
    Comptroller Publie .4ooouuts
    motin, texaa
    Dear Sir:
    an4 r*,latsdquis;
    an interprotatiu
    passed at the Ha
    ime   6eaate   Bill
    salon of the
    advise this de-
    his ~111 will affect the
    rentals aacruing under lease
    , 1943, which la the effeot-
    lmpoees a duty upon all Uepfirtsients
    and agenolo::of the State (2orernment;when r@crtal
    spnoe is nea4a4 for carrylug on the eawatial funo-
    tion8 of such agencies or departments of the State
    Government, to submit to the State Board of control
    a request giving tbe type, kind, an& stzs of build-
    ing needed, together with any other nroeeeary
    TTO~.George F. SheFpati, page 2
    description, aad to state the purpose for nhlab
    it will be urei3m4 the need therefor; end, if
    ln the dfrcretion of the Board ruoh epeoe tr
    needed, the Boar4 of control ray prooeed to ad-
    vertise an4 let bide, eto.
    “Thie statute doer not prescribe a penalty
    for failure  of ruoh departments or agenofos of the
    State Oovernment to make the request  to the Boar4
    Of Control.
    *r2. Is this d*prrtment authorized to iawe
    warrant in pafPsnt OS olalm for rental where the
    deQaStI&eBtfailed to COD&plywith ,4.B. 190.2667”
    Sanati.Bill 266 warnensoted by tha 48th Legiolature
    as C.hapt& 2S?& .&&o 194b. xeaording to 8 tootnote appearing
    on page St38of Vernon*a Texae Sesrion Law Sex-vloe,this Act
    will be lnoluded in Vernon’@ Annotated civil Statute8 ae Art-
    fole 6bUb. POC the plrporresof thin opinion, however, we
    shall rafer to this 1eg:isletlonhereinafter a6 senate Bill
    xo. 266, or  simply as the Bill or the not.
    The portion8 of thla le(lltGatloawith rhleh your
    inquiries ora ooaoorned, being E.eetiona%, 2 and 3 of the
    Rot, rea4 aa followe:
    %eotion 1. Hereafter all departmat      an4
    ag4nolea or the State Government, when rental
    epaoe Le needed for aarrylng on the lroantlal
    runotlone of suoh agenoles     de          of
    the State Ootarnment,               3% the State
    Soar4 of control a rqueat therefoti;-#viag the
    trpe, kfnd, an4 size of building needed,,together
    with any other neaeseary deeaription, and etatfng
    the purpose for whloh It will be used and the need
    *Ssotlon 2. ';'he state mar4 of control, upon
    rsoelpt of suoh requeet, an4 if the money haa been
    made available to puy the rental thereon, and if,
    in ths diucretlm of the Board euah apaoe ir neede4,
    Boa. ueorge 2. Sheppard, Page 3
    shall forthwith e4vertiee in a newspaper,which
    haa been ragularly publlehed an4 QirOulb.te4in
    the city, or town, where auah rental epeos is
    wrought,for bids cm suoh rental spaoe, for the
    uees indioated and Sor 8 period Of not to eroeed
    two yaars. After such bids have beon reoeived
    by the State Boer4 of control at its principal
    offios in Austin, Tbxaa, an4 publioly opened,
    the slwardfor suah rental oontract will be mmde
    to the lowset en4 beat bidder, en4 upon euoh
    other terms aa may be agreed u9on. The term0
    of the oontreat, together with the notice of
    the eward of the state Barr4 of Control wfll
    bs submitted to the .AttoraeyUeneral of Texas,
    who will oause to be prepared end ereouted in
    aocordance with the terms of the agreement
    suoh aontrsat in qua4ruplloete; one oi whaiolt
    .will be kept by eaoh party thareto, one by the
    State Boar4 of Control, cm4 one by the Attorney
    Goneral of Tesao. The partiee to such eontract
    will be thr departnent or agenoy or‘ the.govern-
    ment using the epaae as lessee an4 the party
    renting the space as lea8or.
    "Seotion 3. aithin thirty d4pr after thm
    effeotlre date of this Aat, all departments 8~4
    agenoies of the state Cwerrsnt       at thir time
    Ieaaing or renting spa04 from any peraoa, rim3i,
    or corporation whosmoever, rrilloause to be prc
    pare4 and delivered to the &ate Board of control
    in ?.ustin,Texas, a copy of any wrttton rental     or
    lease a~retment now in foroe    an4 ourrent, or any
    statement  of any ore1 underatendlag    upon which
    any leaee or rsntal public funds em being ex-
    pended, if 6uoh action has not already bsen taken.+
    This bill wac pas844 unaniaoualy by both houses of
    the Leei mlature, and, under its emergenay olauae es you
    state4 in your letter, it beoeme effective imae4stely upon
    approval on Way 7th.
    your first inquiry raises the question  of whether
    the Aot lnvalidat$s or oonditionr bxii?ititxg
    ~eaaes, and gives
    Xon. Gsorge R. Shei;pard,Page 4
    rise to the following two propoaltlona: (1) whether the
    Legislature by anaotmnt of the first two amotions of tba
    Bill Intended to canoal existing lease8 and rental agrea-
    wnta and thus to require Stats departments and aganoies
    lmedl8taly to socure naw ooatraota nndor the method pn-
    scribed In these two la o tia naln4
    ; / o(E)
    r ahrthor the
    Laglalatur8 intended to oondltian ths oontiaurd arlatonoe
    of leams end rantal agreuasnta upon a lft8rrl aompllana*
    by auoh d8partmmta and agsnol88 with  the provisions of
    r,aotlon3 of the Act.
    Ii sither ar both or three prOpo8itionS 8hOuld b8
    resolved in the affirimtlve, than the Act right oonoelrably
    affoot the paymant or current rentals under existing eon-
    treat6 rhfoh Jmd their lnoeption prior to l&y 7th. If both
    should ba roaolred in the wgatlva, w8 would be repulrod to
    hold that the Aot has no effeot upon tha paymontr la question.
    In the abwnoa  of any lnforastlon to the oontraxy,
    we aaaume that all of the oontraotm you haoe,$n tind wera
    valid agroenenta, properly mtardd into, an``olndiag upon
    the Btattiprior to Kay 7th.                v
    It 1s well srttlad tkatuhon the Stat8 m&or a
    oontraot it iu as mob bound thereby a8 a oltdeen uauld br
    bound upon a like ooatraot. 8tat8 v. IUllot (clv. App.,
    &dV8StOD,        1919) 212 D. %. 69$, 8rrOr refu8sd. The aloak
    Of crorrl’dgnty      does not l?S118V8 the State uf the duty to
    r8apoOt lta oontmotual obllgation8. The faot that           It uaa-
    not be eu8d without its oona8nt in no way detracts rrfm the
    propOaltlon that it la llabl8 wasr         Ifs QOnbr8Ot8.
    As pointed Out by Chief SUatiO8 MOCl8ndOlIOf th0
    au&in Court af Civil   Appeals, 'The lmpotenor 0r prlrat8
    lndlrlduals to enforoe  ttrough thdr oourt8  thrlr Ocmtnotucrl
    rights against th8 Steie, by re8ilOnOf lnabllltjrto au8 tb0
    State without its oonaeat . . . dces not affeot the blndlng
    force Of state ObligatlOn8. . ." Stat8 V. Elliot, aupra.
    The sanctity of oontr8ota 18 aafeguanbd by both th*
    Conetltutlon of Texas and the Ooaatitution Of th8 Unft@d States.
    Hon. George il.:;heppard,Pa&e 5
    SeOtiOn 16 of Arti      I Of the State ConetitutIon,
    a part of    aur Sill of Righta,   provides:
    bill oX attainder, ex post faoto 1au,
    retroaotlve law, or any law impairing the ob-
    ligation of oontraota shall be mado."
    Ceation 10 of Art1018 1 of th8 Fadsral Constitution
    *No 47
    Tex. 421
    Khfle it is true that Section 3 of the Act requires
    all departments and agencies occupying rental space under ex-
    isting leases or rental agreements to deliver copies of such
    leases m’agreements  to the Board of Control within th+rty
    days after the effective date of the Act, it is likewise tN0,
    as you have pointed out. that the Act provides no penalty for
    Pon. George TT.Sheppard,    Peg4   7
    failure to eonply with this providon.   A dlscusilon 0r
    possible means cf enrorolng thi8 requiremsnt *auld not be
    geramne to this opinion.
    However, w4 will st4te that we rind nothing In th4
    Aot whloh would 4uthorIzo you to withhold pymaasntsai rentals
    to lnduoe the departments or agenoios to ocmply with this pro-
    ft is not wIthIn the power of 4 mInlsterI41 offloor
    to deolare ~016 and refuse to enforce or oaply with 4 oontraot
    that has been duly 4Bd orrloiall~ apprcwed by thosa authorized
    by law to p468 upon and to sfteot Its lteoution.   Charles
    Scribnor*s 2ons Y. bmrrs, 114 Tsr. 11, 282 S. Vi. 722.
    we rI6ht 4dd that this mans or ooeroion might be
    more p4lnful to its 14ndlord than to the receloitrant agenoy
    or Q4@4rtaent. i?eare unwillIn$ to nad into the Aot suoh 4n
    lneirsotivssenctlon in the absrno4 ot sxpr488 language re-
    qulrlnd it.
    @hat we have said demonstrates that we 4r4 or tlm
    opinion that the langusgo       or the Aot is pl4in and unambiguous.
    filnoo  its smming    is ol44r,   undor settlsd rules of rtatutorr
    oonstruotlon,     the dot should be oonstrued and given    efi4ot ao-
    oord:n(l to its tams.       04ddy  v. First National Bank, 115 fer.
    m;, 28s s. ff.472, 4n4w4ring        questions oertirlbd, 283 s. 6.
    ; SQ T4X. Jr. 219.
    we therorore answer your rirst qgestlon in the nega-
    tire. You are theroforo reapaotfulQ advised, end It is ths
    opinion of this departmat, that Samto El11 No. 266 till not
    erreot the paymmt  or ourr4nt rentdls aooruI,ne under a r4lld
    lease smde prior to I4y Ith, whioh Is still In etfeot.
    ihet we have 4,lreadysaid answers in pert your Second
    questIon. we are or the opinion that rellur6 OS an a@mOy or
    department tc oomply with the provlsloas of Saotion 3 Or the
    &ot 6044 not affeot your authority to iaaua a warrant in pay-
    ment of e 014im for rental against a departnant which had not
    oomplled with this providcn, and you are as fully authorized
    to issue such warrant ~4 you were before parsags of Senatr
    Bill NO. 265.
    Hon. George Ii.Sheppard, Page 0
    Any new lease or rental contract entered into
    eStsr passago of Senate Bill No. 266 must be axeoutad in
    th4 manner prasoribsd by Seotions 1 and 2 or the Act. The
    Legislature having provided e mode for the securing of ran-
    tal spaoo, the ag4noiss end departmantaatrooted are re-
    striotod to that mod4 and must oonfone to t&see requir4mants.
    Pbrguson v. Halsell, 
    47 Tex. 421
    . This being the only method
    whereby Stat4 dopartmontsand agenoies may seoure rental spaoe,
    the Stat.4would not ba bow@ by any oontraat not ontared into
    In strlot ooniormancrewith the &Wovf4ionsof Ssotionsland 2
    Or th4 AOt. Steta 1. Perlst4In (Cit. App. Austin, 1935) 79
    9. W. (2d) 143, error dlsmIssod; Nichols v. Stats, 11 Clv.
    App.   S27,   
    32 S. W. 452
    In reply to your sroond pusstion you are, thsrsforr,,
    reep4otfullyadvised that you would not b4 authorized to -1ssu4
    warrauts in payment of olaIms for rental under lsasss or r4ntal
    agrauwnts entsred into since May 9th. unl.rsssuoh leases and
    rental agroenant ware entered into la ths manner pr4sorib4d by
    SeotIOna 1 4nd 2 OS 84Mt0 Bill ?ifo.266.
    As an aid to you in administeringclaims undar this
    legIsletIon,WI might add further that all rsntal ago4m4nts
    and 144ses, which have not 4xpired prcrrlously,will automat-
    ioally tsrmlnat4 on August 31, 1915, the lest day cU ths our-
    rent blonnlum.   Th4 Suprsm4 Court has ruled that the State oan-
    not bo bound upon e 144~x4 contmot that extends beyond th4 two
    year period oovrred by the appropriationund4r whioh rsntals
    thoreundorarc payable. Port worth Cavalry Club v. Shopgclrd,
    125 Tex. 339
    , 85 S. W. (26) 860.   Therefore, 411 strrtedepart-
    larntsaffected by this l4g1slationmust snter,intonsw lsas4
    agreenwnts  to take streot on Septembrr 1, 1943.
    Trusting that wo hare ruily 4uswer4a your inqtiw
    end that you will cell upon us ii wa oan be or rurther servioe,
    we am
    Yours   very truly
    mt4r ~en1soaloo
    ASSfStSflt   //.--\
    @. c. #4?

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5427

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1943

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017