Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1943 )

  •                                                                      *
    Uonorrrbld John D. Beed, Colrsdesionor
    Bureau of l&or Statistias
    &lstin, T%xas
    D&w      &ix-*
    Rood:            opinion no. o-
    Re; Oonatruct
    IOU ask sol-an 0
    the tmn *designated indue
    ate Sill 40. l2S* as paw
    sonat% x111 x0,                  the 8ubjoot   Of hour8
    of    labor    ?oi fe438le
    *X0 tiks%of var t&e Co~3&3don0r vf .Labor Sta-
    ti8fiioasay, based upon pri*ats  imvstigativn and
    uithout Doti    Or hear&w&, ir ha f’$IIdzi
    that ,t&8 86ti
    plopent   af PceaLe eq~oyoss in any designatad in-
    Watry P0r ton (10) hvWs par day *ill not injure
    tho honlth or ~orala aw%/vr addtto the hazamia of
    the3.roocu~xtion, atlitthat such hours of Labor we
    in the pubUo hmm?at,     file hlisfin&in@ SB required
    hvroin, ‘md t&xv an ordvr ~gmnting an exemption; and
    the aiqdoyw afWH&l     shall be ems@   for thirty (m)
    ItonorobleJohn 01 Bocd - paago2
    socticn 6 If3oe follow:
    WI addition to the forego*               ex~ptiona, in
    t&m cf war and/or when t&o Prosfdmt of the United
    State8 proclain;sa etrte aP nationnl enrsrkenoyto
    cxlat, PoPale workers employed in iadustriee oomplng
    within the jUPisd%CtiOB ol'the anir tah0~ Standards
    Aot of 1938 aml zructiente thereto, the Act of June
    3Oth, 1036, C. 881, 49 Statute 203%~ U.8&dtQ, Sup-
    ploQerltIL, Title 41, Rbragroph 36-&a* as aIH3nded
    by Act of &ay 13, 1942, Pualle llo``lK52,-TW1Gon-
    ir;rcwe,    2nd   Beseion,      oomm~ly mown as the Yolsh-
    ihaley Aot, or tho Aot of Uaroh 3, 1031,~G+ 411r
    46 Statute $494, as aixeudedAugust 30, 1938, C.
    828, 49 Statute loll, O.S&ode Tltle.40, isr~aph
    2mA and Supplo%nontY, Title 40, iNra.~aph 2?6A-
    27ttA-0,      CoplmiQOly   kt3OYn  99 the ~OCOZbD.%ViS    A&, al’8
    exezpted f’romtho ~ro~isione of Seotionns1,.2, a, 4,
    5, and 13 of this Act, and feaialoworkers in suoh
    Industries may be tmployi!dnot ax00edi.n~ten (10)
    hours per day ~protid& such hours of emplqment in
    such induetrioe are not injurious to WC health or
    morals of female oqloyeos, or sorldng such hours
    does not add to tha hazartls of their oooupatiees and
    such hours 0P ewployraentari?in the public intorest.
    pro~ldel        howaoer,thatintLam            of war fmd/orophon
    the iToo1dent of the Utitod States proolaine a state
    of nattonal t?mdtgeucy'toexist, al1 iwale off%09 oplv
    ~lOyOC!tl GP Such CUIplOy~S oOEdng'W%thin the @lPViOW
    ot Soet.l.cn 6 hereof tat-0 exmpG          fros   the provisions
    of thie Aot."
    It xi11 be obaer~@a Chat Sectton 6 proscribes addi-
    tional exeqtions frolu the praiouelg-stated exooptions under                              I
    the Act,        6uch ailditionalaxempticns being war-tine, Or exeou-                      i   ,
    tioo i,roclationa of national c~lorg:en~rg~                  T~OSQ add%tlonal
    ~m~p~ttans perta.&nto femlo workers employed in indmtrise
    oocdn&      within the juris&Lction OP ,thSBatr &abor Standards
    dot aP 1938 ami mmndmante timrotoj tho Aut of June 30, 10313,
    C. 331, 49 5tatuto 20m, U.~#XIO Supp, 11, Titlo 41, pars-
    graph m-48, OS ar,enrlcd              by Act OP Eay lb, 1942, FUblio NO,
    882, 77th Congress, 6fXorxlSosalon, commonly Imown ad tho
    lalab-liealeyAct, or the Act af Maroh J, 1091, U, 411, &
    Statute  1494, as mxmded August 30, i%B, 0. 828, 49 Stat-
    ute lull, U.Bmde,    Tit10 go, para@'aph 27aA and Suppltmant
    I), Title #J, porograijl27fbb2986-3, commnly ~mown us the
    Seotlun 8 autho~ses the Cem``seionm of Laber
    Btatistios to sake 3r1order gr3ntl.ngan excqtion upon a
    finding by him such as is pre8orUMd therein. The Seotion
    authorbes      such     order  upon such   flnaing  vith Pespect to lfe-
    rale employeea ia any desigateil             industry.0 It does not,ft~-
    tha identify the induetrles oonteqlated.                The Beotion does,
    howevsr, permit the order to be tie, *upon private investi-
    gation and oithou$ notice or hearing,a We are of the epition
    $he exemption       ooataeplated by the provision6        of 99atlion 0
    w3ima    333 oxeziptlon     entirely i&tart 1Froa, ani? in EldcUtion  to
    those Ozoeptitns th;rtBpe rpaiie         In SCotion S, nnd these ~X~RIQ-
    tions mre apeolftoally nade In Section 8. Xt is a perndtted
    class w1tki.nitso1r. *Deelgn3tad iaduetrya,tMxWorb,                  means
    the particular, nsmi izxluetrymde the nubjoct of the com-
    'bioreover,    it    *IL1 bo sect3tlwt athe axo3a@ion 0ontW
    plated by motion 9 is not liolttodto those industriee which
    are oesontial     mr    induetrioa,      but  on ths contrary, they aro
    iWthGPiz&:    xhcre the COIcdOSiOnOr m&es his findi``gthat they
    wwill not injure the heitlthor ~ornl.5             and/or'add to tho hazards
    of   their oooupati.on,       sn;J. that such  hours  cf labor   are in the
    publi0 int Groat .a rho *publio           Lntorast~   is 3 tro;ul&   ati mm
    om~m&mnaive       tertdthan tho interest of tho mr censures.
    So that;,conetruhg        the AoOt,3s w8 mat,
    arga whole,
    c;:miderIi~    each   anil   crory   psrt   thereaP,   and
    to ccchgiving
    mil every part theroof its reasonable and proper weaning, in
    the light of oaob ami every   other part, 7~0beg to advise that
    the tcru %hsiguatcil i.ndustryaa 09 it is used in EMotion 8,
    is not llnited to the Industries mentioned in Beotion 6 ef the
    zhia opinion ie licited to the sole inquiry W           your

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5396

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1943

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017