. . 619 OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN &nornbls Joe Earnitst County. ;ttoraey , Sitoh COUatY Colorado Cltp, Ten8 tloa (1) , Varnon~a tsnnotatsd roial tehfole aa r0u0w6: for Vehlol~rw mean8 any motor a motoroyolr or paseenfpr oar) primarily ror the tranrportatlon ludln(y any paasongm car which .&AS ed 60 08 to be used, and whlah la blng wed, prlmrily for dellvery purpoae8, with the exoq-&ion or paseenger c-8 used In the delivery * Of the United State8 malls."' - btlole 6673a-6 preeorlb68 the annual lfoenes r8e lror r4gietratloe ot eowrolal vohlolee based upon groee Wright, ~equlpmt 0r tires, eta. ,iPtrdle 667Sada, rdede, %hea _ 8 o00wrolal _ _. motor ?bhiole _c- rough! tE, be- r e g leter ea lnd a eea ey tne owner tk4r60r only ia tlt8 traneportatlon or hle own poultry, dairy, lloeetook, llveetook produote, timber in it8 natural l teto, an4 fara gcoduqte tOma?kot, or to other point8 rOr eale or proobeeing, OF the tranoportation by the own4r. thereor 0r laborer8 rr06 their place or foeld~noe, end saterlcle, toole, oqulpacnt and sagpllee, without aharge, from the plaoe or puro~haee or Storage, t0 hi8 o*e-iam or ranch, eroluslvely ror hi8 own UM, or use 00 euoh ram or renoh, the regletratloa lioenee fee, r0r the welgbt elaeeifio5tlone hsreia amtloaed, shall be rltty (6Og) gsr am or the t-6gle+itlop retspre- scribed rbr wolgtlt o&eeltloat~one f.e seotlon 6 y+ .O the Aot hrreby amadwl, a8 emendedin thle koti mtiolo 667&p64s 18 en exoeptloa to ArtloU 667.5e-1 end ,pust .bF~etriotly OoadrU8d. 3t i8 &I eatablleh& rale 0r oonetructlon 8180 that a statute whtoh ooeotitatoe aa exaeptioa to a gonbral law will be strict17 ooaotnred and'eot l.standed by judiolal oonetruot100~" 39 Tar, Jur., 878,. altiag Tyaoo tr Sflttoa, 6 ‘&I. M%C Robert* .* Yarb+-o,
41 Tex. 449and &or 1. Broae;, 2Iil 8. W. 543. Ii the u8e or l oo;nmeralal v4hiole under th4 iaote etatod 19~Jrour repueet aoee not ~004 olsarly within the toretplag l=wti0n, tb r6giet+tioo fer proiided ror la hrtlole 6675~8-1 6uat be geld by the 01114~ thereof. aaa br raadlly seoa that It thf8 f8 at the t=ORorta- tioe.of.hle owe poultry, dairy, livestook, llreetbok pmdtiote, tisbk ln St8 natural -8t5t8, nor 18 it laborore, matax4aba eWP- =‘- luDDliq8, a ato being transported to hle ram or ramhi fhur 1e4m5 only the qui&n a8 to whether the UQI of eald tehlole F the taote etatod 1% being ueed to transport iam DrOdWf8 -bet or to other point8 ,ror aelo or Droaseelng. . . ‘. aa Ilpnortible Joe Lhrneet, page 3 Osologioelly “rook” .meane mineral matter oi any kind ,ooourring naturally in large guantltlee and It may be coneolida- ted .( solid) or ueooneolldatsd (disintegrated). Olark V. Walker, 150 9. W. (2d) 1082. A %ineW la a pit or axoevetlon in the earth iron rhloh ore or minerti eubetaacea are taken by digging. Spring Side Coal Xining Company I. Grogea, 53 111. App. 60. In Its oomon and ordinary elgnfricatlon, the word *mineral” is not e synonym oi Wmetel,a but is a compmhenaive term, iaoluding every .d~8orlptlon oi stone and rods deposit, whether oontalning metello subetanoer or entirely non-metallo. Northern Peetile Hallway vr Soderbsrg, 97 yed. WM. In the Pertinent Edition of Viorde & Phraeee,a Vol. 16, page 264, we rind tbat the Court ha8 derlnod Varmlng” end Varm producteR in the rollowing etatementel “Farming la the business lenA, of oultirutlng or employing it Sor the purpoee of husbenAry.m In re Drake, 114 Fed. 229. “kll thfngeare ooneldered es ‘farm produote’ or ‘agrleultural products* whibh have a eltue of their production on the. ram and which. are brought into oondit Loa ror wee ot eoolety by labor or those engaged la agricultural pursuits as oontradistlngulehed troa manufacturingor other laduatrial pureufta.* In re Rogers, 279 H. W. 803. In the oaee or Pratt t. City ot Macon, 1% S.E, 191, it wae held that water drawe by a rarmer from a well located on hie own lend, bottled, transported by him ln r,ie own truck, and dsllvered to his ouatomttre, was not a “iarm proAuot.* It is our opinion that a pereon engaged In quarrying rook oa hie own iam fe not engaged in raradng but to the extent cf hie quarry bueineee is engaged In mining, although he may also be ewgigea ln farming some part of the land upon whioh 18 worry ia located, .. Bonomble Joe i&meat, page 4 ‘622 It ia our further opinion that the rock eb quarried is not a Yarn produot” within the meenlng of .Article6675a-ba, nor doe8 It fall within e&y of the other exceptions found in said articlei thewiore your zequeat ie enewered in the affirreatire. Yours very truly
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5321
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017