OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN G- c.MA”” l-n GLIIsnAL Honorable Wolan Queen Crlminel Dlstrlot Attorney "' Parker Coucty matherrord, Tmis Dear Sir: Your reQu44t fox 4n r80alv4a uad carefully aonslder6d by ~cequeetas Folloqsr 0 S$ls* seetirrn Coart to tix abatement Of factt3, tho coDppf4slOn4~4' he Shd.ii~llti Yok-&v~ also tan US the fuz'therinio'rolatfonthat the sh4tirr ~44 dll0~4d 4x-0tfi4iO 00~1 4neatlOn ior the ,fisoalyear 19sb ena that tble amount wu3 ]Pnclu&d ln the tote1 rlmelgts or $5,227.%8; The go~ul4tiOn Of Btrkar County, T4x44, ~OOordf!@ to the 1WO Federal Geneus, was 3&780 lnhubitants,find salary at $GS,2136.16 the amount aaraed as salary by the aounty clerk of said county in 1935. Later In 6abl month, January Xat, at e aall session of seaidaourf, his snlary ma fixed %t f?i,RSOpar p46r. On January 11, 1937,,tha a~omltseioasrs* oourt in ragular session fixed hla salary at &5,000, for that ygsr;and on Jaauaay 10, LW8, said couzt fixed his salary at $S,OOO for aaid year. !Chluwits$286.16 leas than the miaimum rralaryfor 1935, and @SO 1-s than the a&my aa flxod'bythe order of JaaUary 31, 1956. Ap- ' peUe4 prayed dud&x&at for @92.S2, the differ aace batwean the $3,000 gsr year;for lBa9 and L(i38,aad the rpiniitws~of ($S286.16 as fired by the ordsr of'Jaduary~l.21946 or In the alter&i- tire, tar m.g1~0ntfor boo $i the imler oi Yea- qtmy Sl, .lSW, pnaqwd at:thq~o,all.sd s~e~on be faurid‘prop.ar. phs J@$#i+w&a ltor@5wLse. : *8'oxhlak.a)~4 ordar flixic&'app4llur*s salary earnings ia'l885) en6 that being shim& to hapi) been $%,2&%6.16, thn coml11410~4ra~ oourt did not b4v4 the authority to ignorerthis statutory pro- rimIon of mlalaum salary and fir the aalarg at W,000. 234 provisions, or the etatuta authorlz- iQg thk 05lfd.4~15A4~S' OOUti to fix the S&hrr at any mm not 148s then a oertain mlaimum, aad not ~5~4 thsn a sertsain 3mdm3~1, are mandatory, aiiiT eould not be ignored by the membera z~fthe aorurt' at th4l.r dioarutlan. The Or&a firing apgella4*0 #alary at $Zi,iiOO wat?without autho&ty, findw void." To the eeme effeot eeo Barogdoohe8County r..J'inklas, t\pp.,writ retuaed, 14C S. U. (2) QOl. Upin5on Ho. 045858%OS ti.iebepa-daenthol6s, am~pg other thinga,. that the ohenge in tha .opulnticnof Tr6vir Cynty, tf~xas,as shown by tha.Bxlera I:Cansus of 1840, bed no effect-upoa&ho s2&iMei of,the aitstrs~t, county elldpre- olnot oftlwrs or Bald county;ond thet the minimuinasalary of such en officer oould not ti lees than the tot& cum earned as oompeneation.&ythe iucumbeut af th,:-.offfe~ In his airi- clel 6tjpaoity.fox the fieoal ye.nr19SS onG thzt the maximunr -s%lakyaould tit be l~ore.tban'the,marLrnuP~naountallowed euah incumbentunder laws~exietingon August 24, 1939,'and eLaae the lV30 Federel Census we8 than in effect euoh aeneu8 rae contro115n& be onoloee herenith a aopy allapinion No. o-2982. . ,fnthie histan the population or rarker cOun*, .Texae,ye,Xena t&ah ZXi,OCiO inhabitanteaooordlngto both thhs 1930 ena ~194a,Fedewlconeuees.. 0 lnlon xo. O-345 of thle Ua~rt.&k. holds thef un- der tbs OSf4oers' Salary Law, the LWtriat Glark of Lkaeittim ,C~iurLy,````.waa‘s'iititled to *aat .lsssthan tha lx&al eue~ eernsd as.oonpem4atSonapsther than wm sash 00iieOtea* ar yeaaned uti6colleatedd*, and~in arriving at the corraet,aieLswa .salaryto to paid aaid offloor, the oommlueionere'court shculd consider~th&tia totaL'of both foes, the oollectedand un1$01- 1eoted;:to#hiok 'he.wouldhavebeon le~allg~on~tled $07 the yeeq193Is. Tiioop5nion~:altWhol@ that in ;ooq~uti@& said olerk~s'&U.&y the'. wmalerionsra.?~ awrt should .dkau& from earned, oalls6teU.land unoolleoted,the the t6te.locuripen~a``on~ expeneea of the otfke Z'orthe year 1935, whlchnere legally allcked by the.~onrafeeiirtrers'ociurtfor th%t year. ml an- clotie8 copy of :o&&lon HO. o-345,. The caao.ot Aoderson Ccwity v. Hopkills,187 8. W. 1019, holds t&et-er-otrlciooompaneotioncannot bh reerdea as ~8x0886 fwm* waler Article 3001, V. A. C. Y. ,. ?ltbls~thi feote et&&d the offioitllearnings ot the Sh8rifP.in19SS uere $b,E27.90. mppea~8e OS m-ice or #qszo.OO deauat.64f&a ~0 tottillsavas 8 balanoa of &3,907.9& Sin00 ’ t&e $3#G.O0 es-cSficSo compensation cannot be rtxgtadai¶ as "exeees fees* under Article 3S91, siupre,earadah&&I aleo bo deduoted, leaving a bel.aoe of @T,607.98, whiok bulen&e eon- stitutasthe total smarnt of fees for the yeer 19Zl8.From the sum or we deduot S.2,400.00 $3.609.98 (the 8heriff's first mxinurr.unGsr i.Ftlole3883, V. A. C. 8.. sUpX%z)leaving a br:lanceof $l,ZC9.W as escesa fees. We dlvlao the @1,207.98 oxooss fme by thrrc (under Wtiolo 11891,aupre) whloh makes aac; the ~ece.66 to the &,400&O 'he! whlo:r mskw g$;;:&. To this ia alma added the ox-otfioiooompeneation of ~900.00, whioktm&es tha sum of #3,108.66.liewevlr, under h~iols
9001, supra, tho arcoad or final maximum salary ie #J,OOO.OO?or auoh Sbedff. flndar,thef&a ett,tsdthe salary ot the she&S ahould be tired at exaotly $J5;OOOi(xf--pbitherlllurenor l.eso. vary truly yours BY /a/ Wm. J. Farmim
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5297
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017