Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1943 )

  •                                                                                  513
    Iion. P. A* Kcrby
    Business  Officer
    8trrte Board of Eealth
    Austia, icxcre
    Rear ur.    Kerby:
    Prom your   letter                        appears    that    in
    the allotment of                                      ard of Health by’
    the Federal gor                                           is designated by
    the F&oral   age                                           for the State
    Kealth OPficer .                                         orrzed, are do-
    pos1tw.l in the                                         nt s izade therefron
    on warrants iss                                      . Pou request      the
    opwi.on of this                                he folloxing     questiona
    , D. C., at the request
    nit& States, where the
    e from such Federal funds,
    iuitti   to $4.00 a day for
    s allocated       anil granted   by the
    tate    of    Texas bocono   Stata    mon-
    ntrol of the Legislature     of Tcras
    at legislative     regulation of their ex-
    PcniUturc dots not violate     the term and conditions   of
    the ptieral grnnt . See our Opinions Nos. O-200 ati O-330.
    The DePartnental Appropriation Bill for t.be cur-
    rcatbiennium (6. B. 423, Acts 47th Legislature,  neg.*Sass,
    Proriilcs,u&m the he&ng “General Provisions*,     SCC. 2,
    subsection      10~
    I   ..52.4
    Honr P. A9 Kerby - page 2
    *(IO) United States Funds and Aid.            The
    propor officer     or officers     of any State Do-
    partments, bureaus, or divisions          of State
    agencies are her&g authorizocl to uake appli-
    cation for and accept any gifte,          grants, or
    allotncnts    or funds from the United states
    Goverxmcnt to be used on State cooperative
    aucl other sederal projects         and programs in
    Texas, including       construction    of public
    buildings,    repairs,    and inprovonents . Any
    of such Fedora1 funds as nay be deposited in
    the State Treasury are hereby appropriated            to
    the spooific    purpose authorized by the Fcder-
    al Government, and subject --       to the lindtation
    placa    -on w     &&,# (Kuphasls ours)
    One of the linitatione  imposed by the Act on tho
    ovpenlliture of uonice appropriated   thereby is found in See.
    2, Subs. (12)g1
    *All c~ployeos traveling  at the expense
    of the State are hereby limited to the amount
    off Four ($4 .oo) Dollars per day expenses for
    neals and lodging;    , , , s
    The 0~3.Q e.xceptiorsmacle      to t&is rule    aro found in
    sec.   2, subs. (13)fl
    sit is expressly    provided that the provis-
    ions  of Subsectiou 126 of this Act with refer-
    ence to limitation     of amount of traveling    q-
    pense shall not apply to the Governor, the Iileu-
    teuaut-Governor,     and the n?embers of coxdssions
    vho .reoeive no salary or peti diem, when travel-
    ing in or out of the State.       Hor shall said pro-
    vision apply to the drijutant General and his
    representatives     vhen appearing in Washington,
    D. 0. before the Tiar Departncnt,     the Attoruey
    General anil his assistants     vhen appearing be-
    fore the Supreme Court of the United States
    and Fcdcral agencies in Washington, D . C., nor
    the nielrrbers of the Railroad COoci~SiOn vben op-
    pcaring before the Interstate      Comerce Comdes-
    ion or other A+‘eclcral Comisaions    in iiashingtcn,
    D. c,m
    aon.   P. AI Xcrby - Pago 3
    The exenptfons do not apply to the State Ucalth
    Officer.      Since Sec. 10 expressly     appropriates     Fcdcral
    funds received      by tho State a  gcncics   ml   deposit&     in the
    State Treasury subject to the limitations            is~posed by the
    Act on the cxpendlturo of rconics opprcpriatcd            therein,  the
    $4;J4te; day limitation       on expenses for meals and lodging
    . Opinion No, O-1502.        In this connection,      it nay
    bo observed that an employee isstravcling            at the espcnse
    of the State. though the State rcay pay such expense from
    funds donated to it; but, in any went, if this be not
    correct,    the b@,00 a day limitation      applies because tho
    Legislature     has directed   that the lititations      on the ex-
    penditurc of funds ap?ropriatcd        by the Act shall apply to
    funcls rcoeived    fron: the Federal Sovornmutr
    Very truly    yours
    R. X. l%irchild

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5299

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1943

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017