Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1943 )

  •                                                                     476
    Eonorrblo U. A. Davis
    State Rs~lrtrer
    ya~staa~"        of Nealth
    rder frsued by the
    Judm of the ~rob                                  ) of Jefferaozl
    CO-r, Alabama,                                    trar of VlWl
    ~t~tistlcs of the
    to lfmw a a0rtl.f
    opinion as to
    COUNTY OF JzppIa3Ol4
    “az IT REImLRRD, On this tha 1       day C’;*!$    l!&
    c-    on to be heard the pdtitlon Of
    il      f
    U-Ed Gambrel     , for Itrave to obtain o?%&      Court
    an Order authorixlng the lssuanoe of d wrtified OoPY
    Ronorable W. A. Davis, wage 2
    or the birth   certificate   of Honw Lee Gambrel
    ‘Iciocnty)(Stt I
    and that such oc%Led
    copy be delivered to
    of child)
    Jesrfe   E. Gambrel           , Bessemer. Ala.. lit=
    N       r       1              IPost Office Addrasa)
    _BOX       pQr=on .
    *Af%er heorln& the potitlon, and the svldsncr in sup-
    port thereof, the court is or the opinion that aa
    should be granted.
    a CWtiiied  00 r Of the birth COPtliiG&tO 4bOVO WWd
    be issued by t L State Registrar of Vital Statirtica,
    Au&in, Texas, to the rnld    Henry Lee Qambrel      .
    (slnnad)    B. a,   xoum
    Udg3Ofth     Proi3atd Court
    mu)                             JefSsrson     county, Ala."
    Paragraph 25 of Rule 47a, Artlole 4477, Veamn*a Amm-
    -ted     Civil statutes, reads as follovst
    "And provided that the name of the father or
    arq l,r&o~t     by which he might be ldontified    shall
    not be vritten into the birth or derth oertiflcate
    or nny lllegitaato     child, and provldod further, that
    Say stattment the Sather of sn IUegltbats        ohlld
    vish,hcatoe      OII to its parentqp,   may, v&a plaOsd
    in the torn of an sltidavit,     be ettaOhtN.tO the Ori-
    -1     birth rooord.    rkmhw the gtbte Baglstrar nor
    "lp local r&st,rar     shall issue a c.ertlfled OORPof
    -Y birth or death certificate      wherein a child Or @k
    adult is stated to be lllegitintate,     unless such o&i-
    fled cop1 la ordered by a oourt Of OOnQetOntjui8-
    Ii the Judge of the Probate Court of Jefferson County,
    u4b’-,   had authorlt~ to order the State Registrar or vital
    'trt18tlCa to issue 8 cortlfiad copy OS 8 btrth Oertificste  of
    &morablu     K. As ikWl8,   3TQ8   3
    l person born LA Texas, Lt was under the tert48 oi Aztlols IV,
    3ectioA 1 of the Conrtltution of tho (Inited State6, vhioh reads
    46 ruz~2ows
    %llFaith and Credit shall be given in each
    Stats           Aots, Rcoord6,aAd Jtullclal irocosd-
    to public
    bxgn of ever7 otrhez-Stated Aruf the Congress may by
    gsnoral Laus prracribe the LWumr ln rhloh ruoh Aots,
    Reoordo and Proceedl.ngr sk41 be proved, skd the ES-
    teat ChweOS~
    The Supreme Court of the United State6 la Calr VS.
    cumbgh8r~, 133 P. a. 107, at pge 112, 
    33 Lans. Ch. m
    . 5Si, 541, 30
    3up. Ct. 8, 269, 270, rsidr
    *The Constitution dLd not m(1a~to ootlrer say
    new potter on tha rtrtoe, but simply to regulate the
    effect   of their  acktaovledgsd JurLsdfctLoa OYOFper-
    SOJWand things     vithlo their terrftory.     It did not
    snake the ,hidgments of 6tatei domestlo judgment6 to
    all intents and gurpoa``, but only gave B general
    WlidLty, faith and orcdlt to t&m ab 8vldcmb). IL10
    exeautlon can be issued upon such juil@IeAta       Ylthout
    4 Aetusuit in tha tribunals of other atEIte6, @xl
    they enjoy not the right of wlorl.ty       or privilege
    Or lla,    vhioh they hevein the state vhere they am
    ``OAOUAO``,    but th8t Onty UhLChthe lei fOri givf$S
    to then by 1te own      lawa,     in tholr   cha.raot8r or
    ford@3  jIld@MAtS."
    =issaQ¶r              ’
    ~‘Thhoaeprovisl0~6 s?tabUrrb a rule Of aviduAce
    rather than of jurrodLctloaa.    UhiZe th.sy make the
    reoord of 8 judgmnt rondared after due aotio8 ln cane
    state POZYJ~US~VO midon      in the oourts 0r aaothsr
    state or or the uAit6d Statal OS the mtter adjudged,
    thay do Aot rtfeot the jurlsdlotion,    either of the
    cow    in uhloh the judgmmontir residerod or of tho
    cou% in vh.iah it is ofiezad in eviSeno4.     JudopleAts
    r~o~vtW%din On%.St&ttr of thb UnitXI, vh@A pNvUd ti
    the oourts of roother go~erA.wmt, whether state os
    A~tio&el, wlthFn the Fnlted Status differ fron judg-
    PreAtt raoovered in a foceitya ocmtry in AO other
    xmofabla Y. A. J&vie, pa@ 4
    respect than iA AOt -iloi~X$$
    re-o%aznl.nable On their
    mrits nor impeachable r0r fraud ia obtabtw        thm,
    if rendered by a court having $.wlsdfctlonof th%
    cause and of the partlor.’
    Ths Supreme Court of deorgla saldc
    “tits Clause (full faith aab oredit) i5 AO~
    to bo reosived 91 t&a fullest    Import of the terms.
    It 18 referebla to such records, eta*, a8 plead-
    bgs and evLdeno0. AAY other cbnstructioc,      myth
    would give the sama offect   to 6 t’~r*i&i ju
    aa to our OVA, vould fndoed ba CQ gire .&hadp”   ” of’
    one state complete OperatSan in another * would be
    to strka a Judgment la ona state bind prc-prty    In
    another. ’ Joioe v. Scales, l8 Ga. 725, 23 Cyc, Lav,
    ad POW., pp* 1545,     1546,  1556, 155?, 23 L. R. A.
    (x.   3.)
    The Probate Court of Alabam did not have Juriudla-
    tb~   ti oae of the Farties affected by the Judgmnt vltA vhloh
    VO UO   here   ooncernod, ‘fill.    Dr. !i. A, DtbVi8,    Stat6 ~OalfbtrU Of
    Vital Statiatioe     of Texas, imd said court had no paver to oz’der
    hb tc psrlorm arty sot.          The Judgnmnt of the Probate Court of
    -         could 0dy    be uaod as eviden40 ia a oourt Er wmpatent
    &Udiction       vlthia this State, and said latter court vould
    Cave to anter a Judgment ordering the State Roi;lstrar to is.aue
    l certifl?d    COPY of i$e birth certlffcato           of &my Lee Oa?nbFeZ,
    bafom the State RegSStrac would have authorltg to lasue such
    ‘-=hXod      copy.
    It 1s therefore our OpiAiOA that tha Judge Qf the
    Probate COW., Euseemer    Di~f~i0~,    of Jefferson County, Alabaua,
    1a vithout authority to order the State Re@atrar of Vital
    3tatwi05    to issue a asrtltled. aopp or the birth aertif‘ioate
    Or Rmrr Lee cmbrel, ad& the State Registrar is vlthout author-
    ltr to 18)sW such csrtlflad      oopy upon the OrCer of said court.
    Ye are horcvlth   returning   to you the J@mnt        abovo
    Very truly   yours
    ATToRmY0ENmAL w TW

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5293

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1943

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017