Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1943 )

  • Honorablelbawr H. Baker, Chainsau stats Board of Coutrol Austin, 'Texas Dear Mr. B&err OpinionBo. O-3283 Re: Authorityof the Boardof Control to dstsrminethe nssd of an education- al institutionto haw printeda stated nuder of hallstinsorpublicrtioaa. You write us @clfollows,"From tims to time, us haa rmII&dW oomingto us fromthe edusatioaaliastitatioasof Taxam, tkm attachedfile from the Tsxas State Collagefor Wsxnonbeing a typical w,:tiW& they seek to obtain sonseatofths Stats Board of Controlfor the purohaseaf a stated aumber of publications. "It is no doubtths proviaoeof this Fkmrdto pass onthese requisitionsaud to pursue ths regulationsprescribedw lairwith referenceto the manusr of purohase.. There is a questionaboub nhsthsrmu have any discretionin deter- Ming whether or not the publicationssoughtto bs purshasedby an institu- tion of highsr learningin Tans is nsssssary. %ll you, thsrsfors,advise us on ths folloriagpropositions: s(1) Does the Stats Fbard of Controlhare the right,as a matter.oflaw, to determinewhetheror not a requisitionfor the printingof a statednws- bar of balletinsor publicationsfrus an adusaticnalinstitutionis nscss- =arg~ s(2) Do ss havs the right to refuse to grant a requisitionfor purohaseafter it has been duly approwd and deliwrsd to us by the oomstitutedauthorities of an institutionof higher learninginthis State?" Your requestrequiresan examinationgoner&y as to the possrs con- ferredupon the Board of Controlby Statuts. Artiole SO3 of the Revised Civil States defdningthe gsneraldutissof the Board deolarssr "The bard shall administerthe laws rslatingto ths variousdspartments, boards,institutionsand public offioersof the Gorsmmeenthereinmsmed, and performthe additionalduties and sxsraisethe additionalfunctionsprovided for inthis title, and may ocaaMneunder it the folloxingsubdivisionsof its works .-. Hon. lPeaver H. Balrer - Page 2 (O-5283) "1. Divisionof Publio Frinting. "2. Divisionof Purohasimg. "3. Divisionof Auditing. "4. Mvisioa of Dssign,Construotioaand maiz+tenanos. "5. Divisionof gstimatesand Anrmpriations. "6. Mvirion of Eleemo8ymm-yIartititions. "7. Aad-moh other ditisionsof it8 worka it may fiad neoes- aary in the adaiaistration of it8 dutie8.s Frcm th8 letter of DirectorHmphries, of the Dspprtsmntof Extaa8ion of Texas State Collegefor Women whioh accompaniesyour request,it ir shown that your inquirJris based speoifioallyupon her requestfor the print&g of 5000 copiesof a bullstin*Hintson How to Live in a Uar Eooa!aqy,s w members of the Texas Stat8 Colle@.for Umssn War Council. Division81 ud 2 of ths-Article0x8 the one8 most pertinentto your inquiry. Under the Mvsion of eblio Frinting,it is providedthat the Board shall oontraotfor a tena not snowding t8u years for supplyingto the State all printing,Mnding, stationeryand suppliesof like oharaoterfor all depart- ments, institutionsand boarda,saw and except saahrork a8 rn#j b8done at the variouseduortioraland 018emo8ynaryinstitution8(Artiole60'3)) that th Boardmay establishrul8s and regulationsin adwitising for bids for printing and stationerysup lie8 in suohmanner a8 in its judgmentwilP best 881~8 the State (A+ols 610P2 that the Board shall order eush quantituof all reports, dooms&s, messages,journalsud law8 to bs publishedas it may deam neoessarg, not more than 5000 of such reports (Artiole612). Chapter3 - Purchasing Mvision - provide8that the hard shall purchaseall suppliesused by each departmantof the State govermumt, includingthe Stat8 Prison System,and institution,normal sohools,Agriculturaland Msohanieal each el8sldosynary college,Dnivsrsityof Tens, and eaoh and all other State schoolsor depart- ments of the State gorsnrmentheretoforeor hereafberoreated(&ticle 634). The law as a whole (Title20) areatiagand definingthe duties of the Boardof Control,points to the legislativeintentionto make of that body a generaloontraotiagagsnay of the State for the dsputmsnts, institutionsPna agenciesplaoedunder its control,inthe interestof 8x1obvioussooncssy of Std..%. There is nothingin the State wtioh, in our opiaia, givesthe Board of Controlthe disorwbionor polrertorevier or revisethe determination of an educationalinsbitutiar,swh a8 the State Collegefor amen, with res- pest to its needs in the matter or mnting, ad to sulmtftutsthe Board's disorstionfor that of the institution. Artisle 6.12of the Statutes,in our opiaicn,doe8 not oonfor suoh authority. It,reads ss follonsr "The Board shall ardor such qurptityof all reports,doo~ents, messages, journalsand laws to be publishedas it may deem nesessary,nor mor8than 5000 of suohreports." Hon. Wsawr H. Baker -- Page 3 (05283) This is the oodified(1926)Artioleas it ~18 taken from S6otj.o~ 6 of Rou66 BLll l&8 78 of the Second calledSessionof the 36th Legislature (1919). An exllinationof H. B. Ro. 76 will show indisputablythat the Sea- tioa pertainedto the printingof legislatiw matters. Thus, in Sootion17 of the Rl.11it was deolaredr "t!h%whole number of such laws and journals,reports of public officersand other publicdoawsentsauthorisedto be printedShall be deliwred to the Secretaryof State,at hi8 offioe, exoeptsuch printingas may b8 orderedw the tsu hou86s of the Lsgislature,or either ofthsm, for their use, which shall be deliveredto suohpersons at suoh tdmes 88 such hOu868or eitherof themmay direct." The reportsoontemplatedin the quoted articleare the deparhnental reportsreferredto in Article5446 of the Revised Civil Statute8-- last line. There is no reasonto hold that the Seotioa(now Article)has a differ- ent meaning fromthat originallyintendedby the Legislature. If we considerArtiole 612, howsver,independentlyof its origin -- merely as a part of the generalstatutesregulatingthe Board of Control-- we hold that the requisitionfrom the Texas State CollegePO: Waaaa, shiah you stats is a tvpioalease, givingrise to your inquiry,does not camewith- in the SOOpe of the &-tiClS. Clearly,the requisitiondoes not call for the printingof any report, message, journal,or law to be published,pnd it remainsonly to be SSSP if the jubjeotmatter of the requisitionis a "doomnent,"withinthe meaningof that Art&ale. Ik,hold that it is not. The word "documentsis, of coursea word of wry great latitude,and is capableof differentmeanings,aooording to the contextin which it is used. In the presentoonneotionthe word is used as a legal or officialin- strumentand not in the ultra liberal ssnse of an evidentiaryinstrmnent merely. Words -- like people- are known by their associates-- moscitura sooiis. The word "docrmrents"is here used in connectionwith the words - "reports,"messages,"sjournals,"and slaws,"to be published. All of these words,with which the word 'dooumemtss is associated,indisputablyars mrd8 of legal import,and so the.word"dooumsnts" must be given the similarmsu+ ing. The Director'srequestfor a requisitioadenasi8tates the instrU8snt to be printeda %ulletia.s This is perhapsa8~aoouratea designationas could bs made, though of ooursethe desigatationgiven by the Dire&or is not at all oonolusiveof the real nature ofthe instrImu3nt.Other nozds might. 8i.thequal propriety,have bssn used, such as "booklet,'"pamphlet,"bra- ohure,"and the liks~ Hon. E&aver Baker -- Page 4 (O-6283) Whether or not generalpower to rsviswor rwise the acts of depart+ msnts, institutions,or agenciesof the Gowrmsent ia such matters shouldbe oonferredupon the Board of Bntrol is entirelya thing of legislatiw concern. Statutesdefiningpowersof officer8Pd~rm~ntalagsnts ars alaraysstristlyoonstruedagainstthe sxistana of a power, and not in favor of it, unless the intentionto delegatesuch poprsris clearlyshosn. (34 'lbx.Jur. p. 443, sec. 68). Rhsther or not there existsa remedy for a situation,where a dep artmsntor institutionabusesits disoretioaor exceedsits powsr,as to the necessityfor printingor supplie8,ne need not to decide. Hs merely hold that such remedy,if one is available,is not the rwiswing power of the Board of Control. The discretionand responsibility in suoh matters is to bs lodged scsnewhere,and just where it is lodgedmust bs found in 80816 statute. ATTORNEYGEEEBALOFTEXAS By /s/ Ooie Speer 0018 Speer Assistant APPROVEDMAY 14, 1943 /*/ Grover Sellers FIRSTASSISTAET ATlOREEYGEBERAL OPINIONCXXdMIT'IEE os-?a*gn BYBVfB Chairman

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5283

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1943

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017