Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1943 )

  • 414 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bonorable-t. 0. wdley, chai.rmul Btate Beard of I(eolth alsuedi883 Arta Building Fort rota, TW ter of July 2, 1943# sltbodttbs r f this Cepart- of Dr. F. C. EUiott aa a mm- he university of Taas, of the Unlvcrsit~ of 0duoatlon. It is man- d OS Begouts of the House Bill MO. 278, 42th Legiala- Section 40, of the Constitution of t-wide6 in part is r0u0tfst son shall hold or oxw&ae, at the muno t&me, pore thou one civil offma ef emo lument. l l a .0 A m;e&bi~of the &tat0 Board of Bealth holds a tier orrim or erromie?lt.Vcrnon~s Revised Civil strt- uttm, Article 44lBa aul Artdole 44lPO. The plaoe of Dean of the k%?ntalBranoh of the unlvorsltf OS TC%xso,however, ia not a ~1~3.1office. Uiw- 415 Bonoraltlt L* 0, Godley - page 2 tin t. 6tsith,239 Yieo. 314, 11. u. (2) lm; Opinions of the Attorney Qeneral of Tatcs, iem-1014, p. 873. ~inae the pluae of Deen of the Dental ~ranoh oe the un;Lroraity of TGXUS ie not D Ci~ll Off%20 OP em~lu- tent, the reoeptauce and qusllt’ic.?tion for such pluae does not ailerototo vaaatc &ho ciril Ol'Pieeof lnanberUP the Btate toard of lieolth,under the prmidons of Artiole ti, Seootioa40. Dowver, tkero ie uaothcr applicable proridon of tho Coastitutioa of the State of Texas, zmwl.y, Artiole 16, L53ction33, Yhicc pro~don reads la part as follwer Vht aooounting ofSAeer8 of this State shall neither drw nor par 0 vsrrsnt upon the trwmury in favor OS aq person, for oal- ary or oompen5ation as agent, officer or op- point&t, *he holds at the same time a4 other oiTia0 GZ'pOsitiOn Gf honor, trust Or profit under this State or the Unit& States, except as proeoribcd in this Constitution. * o erg As stated ubore, the place of mombm of the State Board of ileiilthis a 01711 OfTIce of profit. St is, more- over, a airil oftiae of kmor and'5rust. Ifhi10tae plaoe of DCan of the Wdiaal Branch is not a civil otflee, it is a poaltloa of honor, truet and profit, held under tie State, and tireoccupant thereof, altile not an offlcor, is aa agent or appofntee, within the meaning of fwtialo ie, Soction 33. QpMons af the Attorney General ot tours, 1Ql2-1914, p. 873; Opinion Wa. O-2607; Opinion hio.04662. The result, therafurs, is that Dr. Elliott czq '- continue to hold and e&era&se the OtPioe ot n5Eer of the btate &oard of t&eillth,rhi.Llf! he Fs ot the sase t&me Dean of the Dental Fmmch of the Unirerslty of Texas, but for the periad uf t&me '&at ;leE.?G~hold both plnaos h!?nlll not be entitled to salary or aompcaeatlon for atrvlaes rendered in eithw position. Opiuions OP the At- --~--- torney General of Texas, 19l2-1914,p. 373; Opinion lo. O-2607. 0 APPROVED OWNION oonYIl-rsc 4s

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5281

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1943

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017