- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable George 0. Roeae county ALttomey Fort Bend County Ri0hmond, Parts8 Dear sir: “I attach hereto the lettw tMt we reoeived from Nr. Judeon 9. J8zae8,and ue hope that you &ve u8 en early reply, beoaw3e our Ccmmi88lcmer*8 Court, if permitted by law, U-t8 to l.mae@Utsly ptIttb8s8 8K8d48 Out Of ths gSner81 fund in &I?- . ” A . . . . 405 Seatloa 2 of ;ksutd Bill lo. 199, Aat8 OS the 48th &J&$i8btUPe, RtJ@lhP &881CUL, 1943, Pad8 a8 fO11OV8t "Phat any polItiaal subdSol8ian of the State of 20X88 vhIah hOP8tOfOPG b#v 188Wd and rold bond8 and 28 tumble to obtatn trbos aud MtePl8l8 t0 aarry out the purpore for vblah the bond8 were 18OU.d luy tiVO8t thr ~PWOOd8 Or 8ueh bonds AOV aa hand In deieau baada BP Other Oblf@tiOZi8 Of tba United Sate8 OS AMPlW; provided, hme)tlw, that wheaevor var tlm or say other regulatl0n.a OiUu -kit 8UOh ~litid%l 8&bd%V181OI%to 8OQuire the n8oorraFy labor Md materlti& the obll@iom or the United St&h8 In vhloh 8aid &JPIX8d8 Uy ii+ V88t.d &all be 8old ox’r&umed rad th8 proaeti ot said oblI&8tiOll8&all bo tqed fOF th8 papore for vhloh the borp" of U&y rualnpolItlr1 8UbdiViSia WPO luthorl&edr, It vi31 be noted that Sootian 2 al the foregoing Aat I I8lmtvd II%llv t0 th~p8~06 ~ibonbVhIOhhaV@&FVt8- fore beeh 188wd T ut VhIah prweeda Oamot bo wed to awry out the PUP w for whleh t&v bond8 vu'8 ie8Ued beaauw of m of mt.Fla r8 and 18-e % 8UttWit&’ to inV88t aOPt- flKl& h88 bout we884 aoaferred upoa tho ooumi881cum~8~ aourt in oer- 'taiBin8tU&M8 by the &SI81Pturv,urdinaaPierringthi8~U- tharitl the L8glal8ture ia awnd the ohmroter oi the 8wurl- tie8 la vhioh 8UOh loaey rrj be %.nve8ted. %ao for8going Aat oonfor* no autborit upon tbv ooPal88loaer8~ oovrt to iaoert mosey In the paera f rund of the oouaty indef'ume bomi8. SMtiOn 1 Of ifOWe &In HO. 746, &t8 Or th0 48th &g- i8latUPe, RegUl8P be88iW, $943, read8 88 tOlbU8: "Ai1 politio8;l8ubdioi8lonr of the btate of %X88 vhIahhaV.bal8v3er PaWining inthOu M- OOWt8 8t the cad Of U&y fi8@81 SSP BtJ ixlre8t 8UQh bdUXae8 In d8fea88 bond8 or OthrrPobllga- tlw8 of the Unitid State8 of imerlaa~ provided, hovvver, that vbvn 8wb h&d8 &Pa needed the ob- li&Atiw8 of the Ualted State8 la uhioh rush bal- Mad8 8Pe itXVe8ted Uh8ll be sold OF red8w and the pOaeed8 of 8aId oblI#iioru rhdL1 b8 &porlt- Od b the 8WOWt8 fPQQl Vhiah thy VWcb CfF~&.WA~y dram." Rompable GvopRe 0. Roaw, pale 3 f!heioPegoIng Ao tluthoPlw8 all olftlual 8ubbiVii- 81W Of the State (vhiah IaOluder OOUUtiO8P that h@V8 b8hlOe8 Poufalng la their 8OCOWt8 at the end of any fi8oal peap to laVe8t 8Wh balMa in dofen bond8 OP Other obligatioru of th8 United St8te8 Of &8WiOa. 8OVeWP, WhoI&8Wh fuad8 ape needed the oblIRatIozm of the Ualted Btbte8 In Vhlah 8UOh bal-: 8nOe8 are invo8ted u bU ~8oldOP redoemd Wd the proa8edr of said obll@tlona 8kaU be bp68it.d in the laOu&8 iPaP vhlah they two orlglnall~ &run. Ia titw of th8 roregolag Aat it 18 our opfaIon that aouatle8 hata bslaaaer re~lralag In their aaaouat8 at the end Of My fi8Oa yWP WJ inYe8t 8Wh b82UlOe8 in ddMM bond8 02 other obl&gatloarror the United state8 of AmoPlOa.
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5278
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017