Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1943 )

  • .... fI& 1. f -3 . , . 4 t OFFICE OFTHEATTORNEY GENERALOFTEXAk [~ AU.5TIN . . ; ’ . ._... aniltbat.of an 5n3truotoG skall,bc one year. tlhcmpcsslble, at least t'hreoxxonths*notice ~hal3 be @en of intention not to rcqpLnt an assistnut.profk3soror instructor,but m&lure of"the Utiversity to ;;ive.such notice . sha22 not -onst.Ztutercsppointmxt. Ia general, rea~poQkt.zontsan3 notIces of intention not to . t. reappoint &all follow the sat?0official rotltine. q(sce Chaptar v, Seotion 2.j. i_ : *The teim OS nervico oS.all other cfziWm3 of ~thestaff .shallor&Lnarifsbe specificnlly~ -W stat& in ,tho letter of appolnt,mat fro= the Socretar~ of thc'Boarrlor on.the czqlo~ent notinationbPa& se& to the President an9 when not so stated~sk%ll be ImOerstood to be for a ~temtof one year. An eziployrgnt blank for~every aupZoj-conot.rami in the Xc@nts" 'bu&?,et. saal+.be fllctlwith th~'Presi&mt am- '~ loso $he esrplupr3nt5s OS a ~Wy.tinor an3 tf.xilporary uattlrc. 1 *A prof&33or or as~ocid;te'profos~o~'Jmy 34" s@ly suspetdoitPop grave &use pen3Lng in-. rosti$.;rtion but'Kil2 not be rliLisruiss,ed a,tinst his will csoept for czm~3 s$a@xl %n sr%ti3g ad until a spccirrlawisory comzltte~ 9f f%vo Eatuse ar& ju~ci~2~yai116& nez.ibemcf the Gcners2~Fac- ulty, nspainte3by the 3esiilent for the puqose, shal2 have hcrsd.hi.z.fulljr; investi&erl all of at f%-xlin~s and reco=- t-harelevant friots,arirrzWc% mmilatfons,am2 subtittrd a full mitten .statezezt to the CcmpleZnt and~Grlevance~Cozr~it$ee,of'the ~ Doa OF KegerGs* This Corz&Sttee,together nlth the Is302eEoar&, sill-ve serious ccnsiiSerziti~n tb th0 fi~*n=s an3 recomenZat3.ons of the lUculty Com&ttee before zny possi?2tecxw-cise of the poxer of crci.sslisna3. _ fori &.Couplaint aal Grievauce'Com~itteeof t& 3oarcXof i&gents, or before a special com*ttoe or thp faculty so1ccted by ml2 Lwt2nz far the cozl- plaint 2x3 Grfevaixe Co~ttce of tbc Doara. 'cAp~Giutmits$0 sc~'vein the f.mzlx?r Sf?WiGu &all.be I%&? aunually nt spcdfiti salaries fm specifiklperlo&. .As a conserptmoe,in tJm Sum- ner Sesdon there are no pmxmtions, anrltcnnro ! does not +a3nti beyond the perior2speciTim1. l.Zx3.- i bcrs of.tho &tctiilty d'thc S~zmor Session zho are nOt~alS0 W.ZbOrS Of the &YXllty Gf'tilOLGng fi&sSiOn nre not zenbcrs.of the mfiget %iincll of their 26 spective departzzents.; (Sot chq+er IV, Section 6.)" i < I’( ~, p&Iheregents ehall b39e pojer to reiokeuy .professar~,,tutoror other ofW.oer ooqncctof!-oitk, t the institution,a&n, 1x2their,jUdgient,,the 3 .. 8 interest oP the'lhd~ers~tyshall reQuire it," I At the'outset,it sho~3.dbo observcilthat, qs we .intekpretit, the 33x1~does-not purp*t to~orede oontk0t- urrlobfigati&s upon thc.Coarrilto,follow-its``provZ,siGns.AS any 0tMr written'iustrrunou" tiIthe Rule zust be *nterpre+3d as a uZiole;k&hcr thzbi w lifting frcE.tbe general coxtcxt .~ isol'ated sentences i&d parag``Bs. Whemthe Rule is.rea9 a&i construe2in the light 0P the first t5ree parqrapki the+n, it is,sipsrent t&at its'~ro*isiGnsarc w&cly i2esigupcclto express the~pi-went policy GS t&s Boar(Zas2 dG not undertalie to'%q?5se n Ic~nl ObligaticnU,nOZl rt,tG contime that PO&$'. mC statcEle?lt in ~t:iefirst',pU~;rrr#.tbat#Ati3.30,as'd catinot mive its st3tsti~+y'.p``e~'toremvcj“plus the G:,;rcsslons tif. tbc ldcszi.rc``au%aiutentimP 02 tic Uomir, arc utterly .incon- ~Pistcht--vith.~zm &Hm:tL.cn to crcato a oontractualoblige- tion or'~Conf%r.alcz;alright. .pli-&to.& rfmmal of~g~ofossc~x.aM offic&w. -' . . : / . T ‘1,

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5252

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1943

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017