- 165 ;‘U iy :T OFf=lCE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS iQ AUSTIN ( QIIOVSRsCLL=mm J ``*I”=* Olll.“.L lionorablo R, F. Voblnnoa County Attorney tiillsoy county Rnysondvi lie, ‘feza:aa Dam! sirt wo are ih reoe reoent ds,tr, r rtet8d 8b’ove. leftema *r).md 166 Honorable R. F. RobIneon Page 2 *On Nawaber 13, 1941, this Board approved a Olaim of Wlllaoy County for $2b9pr655.11 that ~88 @peat for the oonrtruotlon of U. 8, El&way Ho. 81 rrom Raymondrllle Baat to San Perllta. Thlr rectlon of the road being in Road Dlrtriot No. 2. ‘This highway was derlgnated on July 25, 1939 and in order to rapar the ootmty for the Stat**s uhnre of the prlnolpal and lntare@t maturing rroln July 25, 1939 to Umeabor 13, 1941, the 8lnkIm fund of Road Dlrtrlet 190. 2 uaa ored1t.d wltb $28,065.65 . TJm brrlgaatlon o? thir, road wan irola Ramondrllle to San Perllta only and the seotlon of the road from Sea Perllts to Red Flmh Bay ~1) not drelgnated Ma 18 n0t n01 6 pm Of the St&I m&h-J SYstUL wl%ragraph q8” af Seotlon 6, of the Bond A88UEl@Ol& AOt, prtiid.8: *@ An 80on a6 p,raotibabla after tha pmrnee of thlr Aob and batore the L&or81 Road Aooount is ullooatsd to thr oountio8, the Board rhall dr$maIno the amounteaotooanty and oeoh doffned rord dirtriot has paid 8lnoo fanusry 1, 1983 under the grotieions of Ohapter 13, Aotr of the Th&l Called S8881Ollof the FOT?p8iSOOnd X.eglrl8turea8 W&&d BOmrd ltr debt 8Ort10. P oil bond8 whloh lt t&i &l~e of payment rara slI#b Pe to ~&rtIolpste in the Oount~ mid Road Dir&Hot Hi&may Fund, an4 8hal.l drduot ROE the aawnt pal& by suoh oounty or d~flmd road dlatrlot any and all admnoomut8 made by the Board to mmh oounty or defined mad diatriot in adjusting, refua8lng, OT prepnylm the l llelblr obllgatlonm of suoh oouatp or defln4 road dirrtrlet, a114after mekIng muoh deduotloar, the Baerd aim11 ore&it the Later&l,RiMd Aooaunh of eaah OOuntg or deilned road dlstrlot with the not balanos oontrlbuted by suoh oollaty or rota dirtriOt toward the retlre- ment of said eligible obllgstlona end aaid funds ao eredlted to any oount or defined road dintriot may br used or upemled ?iy the eountlu an6 Uofined rond di8triet for the pur908W authorlaod in thllr ~8etloa.’ ‘In rlcsr oi this prorlslon, it appear that the risking fURa Of this TOed distriot we0 Oredit8d in error and theme funda should hove bean o?rdltOd to the Lateral notad Aooouat of Poad Di8briOt X0. 2.' 3. You adtlm us that the OOUatirhaa a OUEp1U8 of fund* in the interest end rinkIn$ fuad ruifhient t0 pay approxlmatelp two y~ara requiremeRt8 in advanoe, and that all lnstsl.l.aents of interest nnd sbkin&f fund to date hare bsoa paid. Xemrablr R. 1. Robinson -g* 3 &. You adries ua that It Ia poasIblo to obtaltl 8 rrry gainful oMtroot ,-to axtond the Rod flah By road far lat~ral q&la. protldad uu of thla money whloh was rabmnod to tha diatrlat ry be uoad f0r that purpoOo. Tezl ro~uoat 00r opinion raa to the authority of tho hmmiaa~onIrO* UourtC, 088 e pwtlon o? this money 6Or th6t BltE~OO. lkplyb to the abew, tou are adtlrod that Art1010 66744-7, Yortlon'a AMot*te4 R.C.S. oontaltla the tB11orin6 hll6UIli&@l “Any fund. romiaing ia tha Lataral Roa4 -4 Of W 00tSt~ Ott.? tho gYrOat Of JWirOi~, intrrut ukd dakbag ipaR r~@r~monto &a* Qo Mturblg la #lot firral yru or Boa48 OS nrrmt8 uhlah war. losuedby muah rasaty br rod laelly 410t%10t prfor lo anaar~ 2, 1939, thr proMoa o iwh lowha zalotuall~ upudlti in the oeaatmotlan OT lmprovront of latarti oeuntr roedr, may be uard bytharountp oadar dlreotiaaof thoGm8l``ion.r~' Courtier waoa or lll a? thtolltiy puqoaort *(8) Per the *a,rgalaition of right-of-mm for roar& l&oral roa4m an4 ior tho paymud of la@ Ob&i<iOEO inOPrn4 th#lrt@r prt0O to Jan. 2, 1999t *lb) Far bho oonatmotlon 6s irpro+urubt of letarnl rsr4.i "(0) For Oh. pus~0.0 0f lUJ?j410mOJltI~ f-8 OBBFOBr&dd by th8 tbitrd 8td.O ~TWlUlLUkt fO@ work* ptogwaa A4nhlatratltm as may ba em40 0tkilablO to &ha 0oMti80 Of OhiS Stat0 ?C ootratf lotrral roa4 oonatruot~0n~arA4 -(a) For the ptlrBOO*O Of 0 w~tIa& with the S$ataXlgh~ Do rtmmtmb th. @!Io&erd-OWkm.~t ifi the Oonotmot r 0a of farm-to-mrwkrt roads. Fro- rId4, thnt whore oUOh itio !k?O~UOd iO? the OOa- 0tru0t1o.n or ImprOr0m0nt of oorultylateral roads, auoh 00mmwotlon o? improvement of aoiintr lat0r01 mada shall br mada UadW tha l llpSrTiOiOXl Of a OaWt@nt dn@l40?." I Ho``orabla 8. t. Wblneon -a quote further Fag6 I fmx8 aaid di;rtlcle 667&p7 as roiiom: “In tha avant that the fu~4e so rtaslted by the eowity iron tha Lateral ‘.ond nocount am iA rxaese of the !umuAt required to !?cst the prlnolpal and lntcrsat of its mturlnc road bond oblfgs:.iona for the next flroal fear the Coumla- alonera~ Court may eleot to um auah exuaae money alloostod to It iroar the Latarl Toad AooouAt, ~4 1A auoh ev6At; it ahallnotity, iA wrltin~, the said Bonrd, of its oleotion to make use of SSfd ClOAS~.” It la our opinion that the ComaIaaImcr8~ Court may use a portion of this I.&oral t;oad iQnd tar the bxtmslon of the topring of ths T.sd Fish Bay road base4 upon the atntsment of Sacts as state4 hcrakk, Tours wry truly C. F. Gibson AaalrtMt
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5242
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017