Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1943 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN oompo80 the Wari- OS on the aboT0 mattrr wo qaot0 ima a8kod to 8ooaro an oplaloa nt 0~ th0 ‘r0ilohg ptt0stiona 88lOB Or o8’ o ur l tBd th 8 tho B o a uma Stlgatlon t Dlatriot af Zot- tor8on oouaaty,~Tonr, or $8 thl.8kriga- tlom Board ooomposoddt tho haalrrioaora 00prt 0r J0rr0r80n oowy, th0 my0r UQ Eonorablr Sholbr L LoQ& -0 t i' r . Or th0 oity Ot 808USOlt$ Uld 8 8Bb U6OZXM Of tW8 OthU iSlOO* Withi tho OOUtj, t&t 18, ~dO?lui6? Df8t?iOt bh1608 "Thi.8IPUig8t~Ott 8U Or JetferOoantr wn lr o o pth trauu t o o r o nd br the brt AirthurfndOpOXdOnt8obOOl DirtriOt, ThI8 that ID4(Lli8 rat06 Oiti88 Uithfn the dh- t?fOt UO O8 rOi *I, Beaumont, rhloh la a how ?ulrd litr, l2. Port lfeohormd i?eU8rlanU, rhioh an fRW~O?tltOd Ulhh? tkhr gWlO?ti hU8, In addition to the hot8 8t8tOb In your roqueet the r0iimi~ raots rp (LTla the oopf 0r 0 inion readOr ;i ;;E depa?tMQt in I?93k yhlah ~38 8mt l! f th you? ?eque&, The Beaumont Rar .. uOa Or 86ld Mvfg8 barter ia8ad to it by the Le&lslatun UC&? aad br rirtur or Artioia-XT B*otloa s, or the Oomtlt\rtlon0r TOWes 18?6, &id oltr aa.optd l mw ohrrtu en Daaembor 30, 1919, uadrr md br rtrtueo~ what 18 known &.Ithr Bfmo lb&o Amend- lwnt 0r oil?uoMtItptioo, whloh *aI an 8moltammt of 844 Artlrlo X;BeoUoS"a :rdopttiet aa olwtloa helb on Botera- bor 5, $912, W -hd.aod on i 0r 800ti0ti 5 0s th0 XII~ 83~0 Oitt Of hBUW#kt h 29x9 pti~ibO6 ftipIX% O8 l. . . ead rhall be 8ubjoOt to d.1 the bUti and obligation8 mu pertaining to or Lnowbeat wnbla Shelby LI toe& -0 3 aI 8 WTpot8tfoa not in 808fliOt 8f088 Or thb Oh?&?, Wd 8&u 8, hclDitlO8, #OWO?8, JUhb lloI pO88088Od 8d w@Jo~ w 88fd Oftr 8nd h0TOfa g?MtOd end 0OfIfO??odr* sOOti 71 Or 88fd &%i0 RtiO oh8TtOt WttD 88 rob 1-8: *~OOUO~ n. T h ola umo ntbo ll r p 8r tIo u l8r p o wo by r thb Oh8TtOT t&h811 ItOt bo md 8bOlr #IOk bo ho14 or 600med to bo lrrl~8lve bat la addition to th. DOWOr OtmtLmo?8te(. b8TOiZl bli@d thoroby, or approprlato to tho lxoroLso Chord, the olt sh e lfh a TO M U o lylXOTOf80 8fl othu @We?8 rh 1 oh are a# or whloh ae .hore&tor ba oonfomd 00 8tUQfOipali~tfO8 br JO o4Xi8utUtiOCi ad 14~8 Or ‘POIO81 8Jd it 18 herebr lXQ?O8tir p?oTidod that it dha,ll. haTO tif th0 &WWO?i th8t UO TMtOd t0 01%108 Of mO?. than s,m inhabitan 0hrQt.r & 8 br UT, ot tho Qenaril law of tho Btato of Tom81 ~8::: by the 3Srd ?fiegIdatu?a at it8 reguh? 8e8- Undo? the80 iaotr and thr 1%~ epplloablo thereto, it 18. th0 OpbfOa Or thf8 dOQ8?~8%Mt that tb0 0OnOh8fOa naohod by rooUr dqMUtmW&t in 1934, 68 8hOWSl by th. OOPT OS YOU? O&ldOZl 8ttrOhed t0 thicr TOqUO8t 18 OOTTOOt, Or& that tho al8TI&Ion Burb or tho Bowmoat xarI&Ion M.8. t?i0t or J0mr80a oetmty wra8 is 00 8eu ai tho oollaty rodgO aad &MibO?84r th0 b0aai88iO~?8* T OU?t Or JO#UW~ t%QIttJ 8dl th0 w? md u60~ O? 00~@88fOr&~8 Or th0 Oity o# Bmmoat, oad ln support af this holdfly 80 dlrut you? 8ttontioa to tho r0iid.48 8OOfiOn 1 Or 88fd.AOt ai th0 )18t bgf8~itiUO 8t it8 8O&8? SOWhI ill lm, OhaptO? 15, p-r8 3% 80 45, fIb' olpslve, MAor uhioh add ll8Tfgatfon Di8triot wa8 l?mto & , i8 in part a@ rOiiOW8, quoting rrom pagr 32 th0?0of~ =m#TIQN 1. On. or more dlstrlote may here- rite? b0 08t8bu8hOd hi th0 8eTO?d OOUtiO8 Of th18 6tatO t0 b0 ltiunrn88 88 8tfOa df8ttiOt8 inthe Mn&O? hO?OfMrt*? Md EQOhBj8- t?f Ot8 mef, or ally not) Laolctdo rlCll.ln thewir 83 AOt i8 ta m?t 88 fO11CiW8,qQOt- 0~ Qa?88 th.?eof, 8Otlly apd.? 8 0018l Otia?tW pm4 the Leglelatum ths ~u?M br Or 811&d tltii hwdnaitrr lWOTibd to?, till br had r oforo th8 OOUnty jrrd&O Ukd mexbOr8 Of th0 06&S- 8i0~1?8 OOtUt 8&d th8 IIUWO? Snd dldOraWd Or 0OiW ms88i0~.?8 88 the oaao lm7 be or said olty a?’ Oiti,8, ad Said p~rBon8 ohall 8onstitQto8 board ta br kllOWXl nnd bWJ 0.e.. * lit th0 time thi.8 EfI+i RtfOa hl8tTiOt tn8 OJ!O&¶d, tha Oity of Beaumont UL8 the 0nf7 Oit7mit&in it8 tmund&?i~r that had baa% inoO?pewtOd b 8 8pOOiaf. rot cti ths L 181Cl. tam, 61 euthodsed br A?tIo1l xl, aootlon I, or the3 anstil- tutim.or s2u oi 1876, thorororo it8 myor ma udrrr~sn O# aOd~d0~?8 -TO th0 -17 8wlh OmOiu8 a8 Of&889dchi.n tb0 jI?&Ti8fOQ# Of that pa?t Or 8OOtfOIi 2 0f laid bV 8bO~0 wt out, NO taotr 8?0 8!lOWIl thet rOti& atMkorIx0 the appolnt- mat to said Beard aS an7 oi the i?AyOr8, U48?aea O? 0OS&QI8- dOM&% Or PCiCt&Oh08 and i?eda?iaad fO? #a IyLL8+S?i t&it 8014 ofti V0?. fWO?~?dOd Qlt&O?ihd @IlO? 18W8 88 8U- thoris by Arttola .XI &motion 4, of th0 OonstItPtlon of i8?6 both Or Said @iti.8 e+fdOntlj hating 8 p0ptuuOn Or 16,& inbabitfinte or 1088. It 18 t?W thtt f#OOtfOIS -4 Wld s lr 8til miOi0 x h8~0 bm ~OfidOd 8f1tOO tb 0?08tf~ Or 00.&d MTf68tiOR dist?iet tUld PadO to UtgPu ~t0 l lO5O WI&Or Or paOpi0 both Of aaid 8eOtiOM baring b8m ofmad It m lleotIon held oa August 3, 19O9, an4 p?oolai&ed on Soptsmber 4, 84 . gonorab1.r8helb7 I, Long, Pyo 9 1909, but rooh amdmntr d&d no t lhango the law 6OYOr th ~rWUl~1 ti #rid li4V145OtiOllboard. Arti& =, &hot "Ls on 5,( R rI & nua tArh(yu l llootlon hold oa Hotubor 5, 1912, aad ~ro0csah.d on Deeember j0, 1912 rhloh vu knovn aa tho lfolaaRule Irr*nadDnt Ma the olt7 o# &au5oot aa0pt0d tJll# altleAdaentin 191 ) bt raoh ohango ln ltr ohutor ai not makr my ohango E tho mmborrhlp of malidnarigatlonboard, ior tho roana that, in adopt aaid ohnrtor, it rorarvo6 all tho tkhtl, powon, lto.,30t a posrossed and a30706 b it aa rot o a t lboto in th4 quoktloa8 iron BeoWonr 5 and h of itr raid Bone Rule Ohartor all of uhloh ~8 authorized by Seotlan 6 ah tor 47 A& of tha ))rd Le&laturo MOO 307-4, 8 thO R&U- 808OiOn thOrOOr,VhiOh Vb parrod ln 1911 and 18 ~muall7 rorrrrad to a6 thr abla Aot to put r0.MXOmBulo AJB.enamMtinto 0rr0Ot. aa T d BOO- tion 6 is now ArtlOla lln or the Berise Oirll Statates or Y!eraror 1929 md 1s aa r0wVOt &aL’ 6. All poverr herstorere granted any olty by gcnoral law or speolal ohartrr an henby preserved te raoh of raid oitler, rospeotlrol7 findthe paver m oonterrod u#on auoh oltles otther by opeoial or general law, is hereby &rant4 to mob Oltld~ wbsn ~bnwwl In and nmlo a part of the ohartor adopted b7 suoh oltrt and protided, that, until the ohartierof suoh alt au the ~BPLI no 1lxlsts la mend@4 and adopted, t rhall be and 3[ muin 18 ruu roroo an4 lrr00t.* mm ii the aboptlon rf wld oltf 0r b3auaont or 8uoh xaw ohnrtor oould ham affeeoted id anr way thr mm&r- Alp of r8.M n&vi&ion bwr4 which wo Q not think eoald hrvr bow dono. vlthout aama obav&s in the lav under vhloh raid nwigatfon di*trlot wan.originally oreatwl, still, it nsorml to itdr In raid oharter all or tha povsrr that had been theretOion oon.frrreQ upoa it b7 hv, We thlak lt b -oloar therefol*, that the aarigatlon board of said Beaa- noat Bat&!atlon Dl~trlat or Jbttrrwn Oouat7, Tevm, 18 mm- poss6 oi tho Oom.tsrionemr~ Oourt of Jofterson County an& the Rayor tad Oc4ma.lrdoa~raor the @lt;r or Beapmoat, &(Ihas b,cm hold W four doputmat and •~ thhr &v oreating raid dlrtrfot &r been hentoiti 8onntrued by the aarieatlon board in ohargo thereor; !!.. 2 Trurtlag tint thh ratlriaotorll7amvrrm 7oar in- @ h 7 * we lw Ybr7 trul7 7oLIr• A¶l’ORXN OmXRAI. OT PEXAs FFf;“E:MAY 6, 1943

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5220

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1943

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017