Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1943 )

  • OFFICE OF ‘I’HE AT7’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable b. L. Hlnuron, Jr. county nuditor Llvlngaton,TQxtias Polk County Dear s1r: O~lnlon Ho. O-52J.8 2s: Can a luaber oompany whioh operates Ita own trucks for hauling tisber to ltr mill, eoae of which ir grown on it6 land and mme of whfoh le gurohar.4 from other@, regleter it8 truok6 with tara lloenser in8tead 0r comaerolallicenses. Your letter to ue doted hgrfl 6, 1943, propounded the r0il0wi~ q.clec5ti.n: vtmt8 bng lm6r Lumber c0ap4my, or thie 00uey own8 eereral truuko whioh thel uee to heul lo@ to their till fro& tinbsr owned bf them over the dlffarent p~-t8 0r th0 00my. They own roar-or the luid thl6 tlaber is on end only own the timber on ethos tracts wblcb thep buy Srom different people ovex the oountf." "Can Texas Lens Leaf Lumber Coapany, a Corporation of the Ytatc of Texas. regleter their truaks with Farm Llcenee Instead oi CommerolalLlcenee under the abow alrcui?i!3tRnocref" frr zos~onse to said latter our atiinistratl*e Psei6tRnt) Yx. S. C. Caeon mailed you copier of our Op5A~ons Hoe. O-3317, 0-33~1, and O-527, which we thought fully covered the C&0atlGsi of law involved in your situation. In reply to Sr. CRSOII*IIletter enaloelngthe Oplnionlrabse referred to, w P3OeiYfbd YOUr 16ttsr Or api 12, 1943, stating that the lumber Wnipany 8till II ifosotablo E. L. HInoon, Jr. pAge 2 ooatonded that it oould buy fern truok licenrw for ita tmeka. par Abttef ot kpril 12, you raqueot that wo epeelflo~Uy Ill. a~mer the tollowIng question: *Can Y Lumber Compagaay, ukleh operatea their own trucks ror t&z yurposa QI hauling logs to their O*UL Nell ior proobrslne and for eela of tha lumber, and who om the tlrober,refristartheir traoka with fara Iloam undor iirtlclo 667lk-E and Artlole 687so-6a.n Both of your lottorr 8tate that the Luabbr Co-9 hauls both timber groun 011ito own luad and tlmbm puromed trua other8 CO its nil1 r0r prooer8lng. In our Opin&oa Ho. W-827 Qated Aprlll7, 1.030,thir dbparkaent held that the bon6flt8 or artloles 667&p6a leo r uo u only to peratms transporting their own pro&ate end aot to thooo trur8portiog art10186 purohaeod Roar other*. In our Opinian lo. O-2201 thlr dopertint again oonstrued attic18 b69Seba fn whloh OpilrlonIt citbd with spproial and puotad Iron our 0 l~lon Ho. O-627 and hold that QM tranqxwting oattlo ``rohoood Rp01 AAOthSS VIAEnot OiItlttidto the LWAOritS ,., Of oe$d 6rtiOlO. Tha 47th LegIslaturolaondod article 6675``$o lffeetlvoApril No, lW, eo a8 to in~ludo %19tlbw in it8 naturAl akte* within itr oiarririoation. our OpinIona Boa. 0.589 and 04801, both of whloh conrtruod artlolo (ibT(k-ba were writton prior to the wndaont of oald artiule, and the Lqislature readopted tba phrareelogy 'hia oiaa poultry,* oto, thereby ffidmoing a legfdatire intont to adopt our aonotruotion of ulid IAA&uage. hrtfole 687ba-2 hem ao applioetlonwhotever to tka iaoto favolvrd hore. rt iouewa that our auwbr to four pubrrtlon ir t&t a lumbar oomperq whiah haut8 tSnbor puroharod from other8 A# USA &S that sn>m dn ita 0m land to fta aiu ror mmo~sing ir no tlntltlod to the beaefito yrrrridodby artfole Ob Sa-ba.

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5218

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1943

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017