- 66 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTlN Xonorable Wallaoo Hughston, Dlroator ;Potor Tranrportatlon Dlvlrion RaKlroad Cozxnlssion OS Texas Austin, Texas Dear Sir; b , Vernon’ a d Civil Statutes. otter or wae 30, rtmont as to whotJ.wr the riling 0r insur- aaoo ~olloiee re d motor aarriera. egulating motor buses all, in the granting or motor bus oompany ror persons as paseongers or hire, require the owner or t procure llablllty and property rrcxn a ooPlpany lioonood $0 make oh lnsuranoo Qolloy in the state 0r ing eaoh and every motor propelled vohlole whlls aotually being operated by suah np- pllcant. The amount of suoh policy or pollcles of insuranoo shall be fired by the Coivnlesloa by gen- eral order or otherwise, and the terms end oondl- tiona or said polioy or pollolee ooverlng eald motor vahlols are to be suoh as to indemnity the applloant against loss by rbanon 0r any personal injury to any perooa or loss or damage to the property of any person other thaa the assured and hi8 employees. such policy or polioles shall fur- 67 Hon. Wallaoo Hughston, page 2 thermoro provide that the insurer will pay all judwnts which may be recovered against the ln- sured motor bus company based on olalms ror loss or damage rrom personal injury or loss ot or in- jury to property ooourrlng during the term of the said policy or polioios and arislag out of the aotual operation or such motor bus or busses, and such policy or pollclee shall also provide ror suo- ooaslvo roooveriea to the oompleto exhaustion or the faoe amount thereof, aad that such judgment will be paid by the insurer irrospeotlvo or the solvency or inaolvenay of the lasurod. Such liabll- ity and property damage iasuranoe ae required by the Conrnlsslon ahaU be oontlnuously maintained in force on each and every motor propelled vehiolo while being operated in oorauon oarrler ssrvloor In addition to the insurance hsrolnabovo sot forth, thoamer or operator shall also protect his em- ployees by taking out vrorkeaen’a compensation in- suranoo either as provided by the Ptorlauen*s Com- pensat ion Laws of the State or Texas or in a ro- liable insuranoe company approved by the Railroad Convnlasloa of the State ot Texas. The ,taklng out of euoh indtmtdby policy or policies shall be a condition precedent to any operation and suah policy or policies as required under this Aot, shall be approved and riled with the Comlsslon and iallure to file and keep auoh policy or poli- oioa in forae and orfoot as provided herein shall be oauao for the rovooation of the aertlfloate and shall bubjrot the motor bus company so rall- iag to the penalties prosorlbod herein.* Likewise, Section 1% of Article Ollb, V.A.0.S. pro- vides that motor barriers shall also make bonds or obtain poll- oies of lnsuranoo covering personal injuries and damage to prop- erty. That seatfon reade: “Before any permit or oertiiloate of public aon- venlenoo and necessity may be issued to any motor carrier and berors any motor oarrler may lawrully operate under such permit or aertlfiaato as the ease may be, euoh motor oarrier shall Silo wlth the Co``lsslon bonds and/or lnwranoe polloles ls- sued by sone lnsuranca company including mutuals and ., . . 68 cy)P. UaAAaooHu#uton, pagr6 rooiprooala or bondi- ooapany authortrod by law to trmnmaot buminrrm 18 hum in an -t to k fixed by thr Comiamion undo rlumb mlmr ti ro- alationa ma it uy preaoribo rhieh bond. aad % muranoo pollolem rhll pro&lo that tho obller thuoin will pay to tho lteat or tb ia00 w0tmt Of muoh iMtU0~00 pOliOi. lBd bowA mu jUd&WDBt8 which mmy be romovorod lg insttb yltor oarrirr oo ill- said 1nm~an.o polioler mid bonda, baud 08 01&u for lomm or bmgom froa poraoml in)or7 operation of mumb motor emrrior, ana o f th elo tua l lwh bond8and golioi;rm rkll alma mrldo ior luo- oommltorooovorlra t 0 the mo8plmto lxbaurtion oi the ior0 amunt thoroat and that lamb fudmatm till bm paid by tho obl.i&er 18 mid bonds aa& in- lu8moo polioior irroapeotiro ot the lolvoaoy or lnmol~oaoy or tho rotor oarrlmr, prootided, bonta, luoh bonds and polioier rholl not oovor por#na injurier lumtmlnod by the lonantm, uonta or oa- ployooa oi luoh aotor oarrlor. Provided further that in tho lTent the IaudI mhall lbMdoB him pornit or oortitioato and loato thm Btato, a olain- a nt lmaertin( a alain *Ithin thm prorialona of mad bonds or ``lioima, uy film muit uainat tk lurotlom lxooating rush bond or tb company immp- Lug muoh pollolaa in a ooart of ooapmtent jurlmdio- tiOB without tho BOOOSSity Or making the iBautOda part to maid suit. Rovldod homer, that tho comi uioa shall not roqulro fnauranoo owori* loam of or hua60 to oar* in amunt orooraivo for ?,ho ohu of lonioo to bo NBdorOd by lay motor oarrier. 2ooh auoh &or oarrler l hll, 08 or bororo thr data or tho upintion oi tho tm o ilay polioy or bond mo iilod by hir, fllo a ro- newal thermor, or new boadm or polloloa containin@ tho am torn8 and obli6atioBm of tb prooodin# bond8 and polioloa ln4 lhall roh lrar thoromftor 0~ or be- Soro the mxpfrmtio~ &to of tlu lximti bondamnd polloiem ii10 luab renewal polloiom 03 bondm lo am to pa&o OOBtinUOW mnd anbrokmn prOt.Stioa to tin pub110 huh& logal olrirr a6ainmt suoh motor Oar?iOr, SB~ in tho wont SUSh rwOWal bonds SBd poliolem are BOt mmfiled, tho aorlaaion, mrtmr noti.* to tho mtor oarrier, and houiau, mm~, w1thU it8 dimoro- tion if it ahall ilad and dotexmiao that tin ondm ot Jo&loo wlu bo bettor robrmod Wmroby, omnoel mlroh petit or oortiiioato for railare to imrnloh and 50; lr vido oaoh bonds or IBS~PMOO am huoln rOWrOde HOBe WalhOo fiUghStOB, WgO 4 Eaoh seation rrqulrem the lnsuranor poliolem or bond8 to be filed with the CornmissIon. Eaoh amotion alme providad for the nrooatlon or ounoellation of ths permit or certiriaste or oonvsnleaoo and naoessity for failure to ii18 poliolea or boada with the Coi;mniaaloa. You deslro to know whether the Cotiaaion mq fa 110~ Or the filing of the original policy and aaadmento ao- oept a oertitloate iron tho Umuranao company that a pol!oy ha8 bera issued whloh contain8 a summary o? ltm prinolpal roaturea. In our opinion, the Co;Pmiasloa puy not a o o o p tlwh a sumwry or oertiflaate, but should rewire the rUlag of tho polioy itself la order that it may examine and approto it. Tho whole policy of the law is that tha Railroad Conmission ohs11 determine whether or not the publlo la aooorded the protection required. iCaoh statute expressly requires the ineuranoe poll- oleo or bonds to be tiled rlth the Cournlaslon, and makes iallura to do 80 oa the part of tha motor bus oompany or motor oarrier, grounds for revocation or aanoelletlon o? it8 permit. The Com- mlmaioa la aot authorized to waive oompliahoa with the plain language and latent of ths atatutma. Yio see no objeation, howo?er,. to apyrornl by the Board of Insurance conmkisolonoro of a fern of rsnswal aertiri- oste whioh will be furnished the Railroad Co~nmiasion by tha lnsuranae company stating that the policy oa file with the Co&esion, together with all anen&sntS t0 lt, bs beeen rs- newed ior a team stated lB the tiertifi~at0. Your8 very truly JAS:EP
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5216
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017