Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1943 )

  • OFFICE OF THE AVORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Ga.naavllle,Tax86 Dear Slrr uastliitbf3opln.lccz ~ ad8 0 follovsr llaenws shall be lcera of the Beard and oertlf'ladoopy shall be riot Clerk US the County in resaes aIxl office i.8 auIlta1n- n.tonis ropucstedaa to vhetherthe abow mentionedpro~lslon, or any other provislan or th0 lav, wkes 1t mandatory upou oolmtiea to furnish a record book to be used by the Dlstrlot Clerk for recording lioenaes lsswd to ohiroprao- tars.” Ronorable R. A. Hwlrath, pa&w 2 Seotlsn 6 QS Hawe Bfll So. 20; eupra. rsads aa fOl3 .ovs : ‘All ltuanasa under this Act aballexplre on the thirty-firstday as Au&ust of sach year and ahall be renavedthen or thormftar br the Board, upea payant OS ``nsv&l Sac to be wt 821aw~X4 by the Board OS not more thux FUteea DoUar8 (&i), a ndth sp r wenta tloo fev5d8nc u latafactery o to a a fdB wr d,t.b a tth a sa fduo o nwa ,& th e y wr pwzadlng the ap#.laationfor remeual,attended aeIp(I Post Gradlnte oourae setlslaotory to the Board axadh at laaat one four-day or maa% e&l- catinrul refro&mr oourse w lnoutute aa ocm- ducted by the 80~4 under t&e rulm OS tDs iiaard axxd/orthe Tax&a State ChlrograotloAasoc~atlon Inoarporat6d~ perldad th8t the Beard may grant renmral Zlcenaa, but not oozuaoutlvemrm~l, to the Hoard t&w. upon a ahowingsattataotory attand8nw upen raid oducMamal ama VW uaavoltiblypruve11t8d; phW.ded wRsee &all be nwbered, Oi&md by tb oSftoersOS the Rwrd sad 8tto8tad by tha Soal. A osrtrilad aopy !&all be flied Vlth UW OiStFiOt CiWk Or th0 CcnUrtT Ux whloh the Iioensae re8fddS M offi is Proin- kfnadr Ran~81 feeear m&l1 ba appliad by UN Bosrd %llttrs~rslpo~maonor 8lxdto the saw purpere 68 provLded’ for in SatSl0S~tbf.S tit. %OU+Qer the Beard may, in lta Qisorsti@a,\IOlvaa~ romit anyparttwdll.seuehfoss fur anjone year; proitidad that no dlacrlnxlnatl~in tha oqLleot;lng, llolvlng cr r%mltting; of 8ame u-s !xsde licenre* un- der this Act.” It will be noted that the f&going sooticn of Houis Dill Eio.20, supro, does mt raqulre ltoenres OS chlropraotors to ,borecordad-inths aSfL00 OS the dfetrlat,alQk Ln which the 12asr~sc?ereeldes or siei3calman offloo. iiouau&ll Ro. 20, sups, does n3U zaqulre the rooordlng 3t chiropraotwsB licenses 2% q rastancabut aersl;lrequires Chat a crrtlf:ed copy sballbe l'lled vIth the dlatrict clerk OS the county ln vhich the lloeiueo ntsldea and ofSit La mafntalned. Uh%PO tha law wthorlzes or requires a pwty to rile 9 paper, It ~uply IM)~RSt%sr;ha 3hal.l3lac0 1; in -Sm 0ff:clal OUBE``X ?I the cfflcar. lxxtb was 0s 8xelaanV* chavallller, 14 To%. 399‘ It la atatoda (I . . . tha filifng. by the party, ia our prm- tl08, conatato alaply fn j3lacing the paper fn the hmxds OS the olerk, to be pruaorvadaad kapt by h3.m Saxhis oltlalal 8wtody, as 1111aruhlvo or rword, of vhloh US offiue beowss theucotorvsrd t&e anly proper rclpo81torya The@ tb anaent moda of cl- lagpapershas gcma l.ntodiswe, the g?.tnrsmalogy OS th0 ancleatpractloo:a retaaea. ui Uu cm s3pro6siow 'to file,' *to put ofiflle,b 'to tnka orf the rilaa,'ite.,ixa 'Sllud tha thresd. otrrag,or vlro uaod in anoluxtpraotlwr for eon- nrotirig the papers together. Tha term ‘file’ la also wad to danato the paper plroedvlth the Clerk, ub dla mfg aby odt&e ler to h&a ~Sflaialkeeplng. A file is a rsaord ot t&e Court. lt la the duty of the U&e?& uhma a paper 1s thu plaoed la hla awtedy, or ttlled* upoa it vlth him, to eauloc~e the date oi Ltr raosptlon, ad retain lt in us oif+lOsI subjsot to inspmtlr;P by vhowwvor It aaj f~wrw&utd tJW la vhst la rawat by hia ‘flllxt@ . Hut vhsre the lav requires OF author- lass a ty to ill&it, 1t aimpLyMan8 that be shall pr es It in the @Sflaialowtody of the Clsrk. That la all tb8t 1s’rsQulrsd of buni . . .' (Also HO Tena Jurisprudewo, Volume 36, pm&s bg and authorltleaolted.) In mauar ts your questlan,you are respoatfully ad- viaed t&at It ia our opinionthat tha lloemes oS chlropraotora lr a not required by larr to ba rooOrded. Tb?refbre, it tr not necessary Sor tha county to purchase a rooord book Sor that purpose. The statutemoly requlrw chu Ucmaaa to S11a a oertifladoopy OS his license vlth the diatPLOt OierX of the acunty in vhldi the 1:cenaee real&38 asd siisizxtaL.Im eu offlae. :, ...>-.la, 16, 19s Yours very truly Al'TOr?SEY GERBUL OF TEXAS .W:db

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5156

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1943

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017