- . OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS FI i AUSTIN tuam c. YInn ,lrC”“IY On”m*L Eonorabk Jaim D. Rood, Ccenlnrloaer Brrroru of &bar 8tatirtica Auatln, Toxa8 Dear art he Sour parading 3eatI.us shall not apply to steno&ephers'and pbmmaairt8r nor to meraan- tile ~atabll?bhmon~a,nor telepbom aad telegraN aompanra~ ln rural dlatriota, and ln uitier or tows or oillugsr ol lesr than three thousand (3,000) Lnhabltants au show by the last preasding Federal. Census, nor to 8uperLntendwMk, matrons ud nur808 and attendants o&ployed by, 13, end about SU 3r- phsna' homea as zwe charitable lnotltutlous not run IIonorabl* JobnD.Roed. page 2 for pro?ltr and not operated by tho State. In ame ommgonolea~ o f o x tr a o r dlna ry lwh as groat p ub llo edamltiea, OP rkmro it k0mo8 ruoeauty ror the FrotectAan of Inam life er property, lower hours say be uorkedj but for much tlrw not iesa then double tla aJmZ1 bo *id lwh tonaLa VU& &es txutunteY Hospitals are not 8poaiiiaaUy ammrated as beLass ombraeed rithla the toms of thin A& ami, unless tha pbmm "My other .aUblishMAt, LAStltUti'An Or aAt6E~a'LSOVhere iemles are uployodmla oonatrusdto ao lnohdm hospitala~ tker VU1 not be ulthti t&e scope of this bllL In lt&tutory oonstrwtirm it Aa a wdl ssttlod rule Of %AtO~tAti~OA tht a OXSO~tiOA ESkSS aS%A thS bt.At thSt the btatute should apply in all caa6a not excepted. Sutherlmnd OA 3tatutocf CoAatrwtloA @xl Ed.) ( 494@ p* 923; Pirat Texan Stat. Iaaururas Co. tb Wey, Ul Tex. 68, 228 So If. 550; Pedera2 Crude oil Co. V, roust-&to 015 coI, A22 Tu. 21, 52 a. Ye (2a) 39. ‘phla la, in our oplalon, the provw oonatoua- tlan to be plaaod upon the &mate Bill under dlsauaaiaa~ that tt ay;glZea to all establtabments, lnatftutlona and entoqdaea where fszmloa 8ro m.ployed save tboae speoiflcelly axeepted therofrcm by the prorSsioos of this Act. Such a GOmtrUOtlOA c o r ta lnlyl.ama to be aA expreaa&lA af the splat 0r the Aunt and further appears to be aarrylng out the intent of the kg- luaturo~ thatls~ to1inlttbonuaber orhonrrnthatfoalles may bo employed ulthln aort8ld apeelfied parloda of tlme~ TO furt&eZ mubmt~tlate our ~&AiOA, if suah need bs ntm6saary, wo rerer to the raat that Senate Bill 129 is de- FlVdU in Fat frcel Artloles l!m to 1572, Inclualve, or the pen01 Cado md Artlolea 5168 to 5172, liicliulve, of Vernan’a Annotatsd Clvtl StBtUtfJB, Which ln trUP UbP8 rs~bd by 3mhre 3n3 l2g in order to make full use 0r our wumm nanpovsr. me text of those repealed artlalea UL ulrsoh we are prlvrrlly Foturosted in this dlsuuse~on Were AOt utor6d Op aodlfled by said Senate Bill. Am ori n&y vritten these rqxaled arti- cba did oat exuept from fk air applicaizon aupaff5teadanta, umtrotm, or mraea and attendants employed by, in, aad about such orphans’ homes am ace charitable hatltutlonm wt run ior proiit and not operated by the Ytate. Thaao 4~8 csrtalnl~ not Honorable John 0. Reed, page 3 types of vark a8 those enunerated ~fn the artleles or in any manner irkin thereto, yet t&e Legislature deemed such Work as Uithin the ~UFV~UW Of the80 8t8tUtea, for t&8 418t hgish- ture 5peoiflCallg excepted them from the application thereof. This is further indicative of the Paot that the statuteo ap- ply to all ertablisbments, lnstituttons and enterprises where femalea are employed save there speo:Sicallg excepted there- from. Submitted vlth your requeot YSW the suggestion that the doctrine of ejusdem goner18 furnIshas the oorrect rule of conotruotion with regalid to tke quertlon under consideration. ‘il3at where there are general worda follovlng partioular and speolf'iowords, the former mwt be oonfined to thlnge of the came kind, 6nd hospitals, not being OS the olaa8ee enumerated in 3enate Bill 129, are not wl.thin its soope. As pointed out ia Sutherland on statutory Conatruotion, pager,642 and 843, rulee of lnterpmtatlon of atatutes are only intended to aid l.naso&rtaining the 1eCjislativeIntent and not for the purpore nf oontrolling the Intention or of oonfining the operation of a statute within narrower.limitr than vere intended by the '- 1awrrdikers.IA reading the bill uuder dlsausslon, Ft olca~lg appeaw to have beea the intent of the Legislature to regulate the number!of hours vhloh females may be employed in any and all,enterprises save those speslPloally exoepted. Purther- more, the doctrine of.ej~stie`` generis appear;s to have no ap- plicatlon vhere the spaciflo words are not of the same nature. We quote in part from Section 409 of Endllch on Interpretation of StatutesI "IiQrther,ths general principle in queatlon ap- plies only vhere the speolPlc words are of the sane nature. Whore they are of different genera, the meaning of the general vords remain unaffected by Its cormeatlon vith them. . . .” An examination of Seation 1 or Senate Bill 129 vi11 shov that the classes of enterprises enumerated are entirely Independent. of eaah other and of a vholly different nature. They are not United to one genus, such as factories, but to numerous and dlffcront genera, such as hotelg, restaurants, telegraph of- fleas, theaters, and beauty shopa. Therefore, ue believe the doctrine of ejusdom Feneris is not the proper oonstructloa tc be used in interpreting this bill, Honorable John D. Reed, page 4 It 1~ the opipion of this department that Sew&e Bill 129 applies to all es~ebllahmenta, Lnatltutlona a.ndenterprises aeve thoee apeaifloally exoepted, and hospitals, not being llst- ed among the exceptiona* are vltbin the purview thereof. Yours very truly ATTCEU?EYOXXAL OF TEXAS ;By Zred C. Chandler Aaaiatent 2 ,- g cYf-&&+ Robert 0. Koah ROKrdb t
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5142
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017