- OFFICE OF THE AIT’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN tionorablsZoixiD. :ied, Corralssioner bureau of Labor 6tatistlos &ilstin,Texas 3rar Sir8 Your latter of Uroh weed to thin oftioe, reada as r0llows: Wu3sr our Texw .9of Bill 352 - &5th L 893), 60 amended turd (Aots 1939 aa used in the g0neratd.n~rate a 1.0~e pereon would would be a rsaoel ln 6,~wmnot be wed, by hot oil 300 and 1400 0.agreeefahreri&elt. 50 ths water pansea,through 8 a heated by a& in oentaat with tubas aining hot fluids, gume or air. “questioxinow pending before this Depsrtnkent ia whether or not s&oh ateam gmeratln~ plants bra sub- jaot to inspeotion and approval by thfs Departnmnt under the provisionsof our Texas Doiler L~w.~ gonorable John D. Bead, Cosunie8ioner - Page 2 da noted in your letter, Artiale 522b, whiah OM- talnllnumerouB Ieotionn, definer the tar& mboilara as rouor0: "'3oiler*as ueed heroin shall mean any verse1 u8ed for generating etaam for power or heating pur- poPea.- Beetion 2, among other ttinge provideat qploateam boiler, unlaa8 otharwlse speoiri0aU.y emmgted in this Aot, ahall be jparated rithia the State of Texas unlase suoh boiler k+p``b~q ngirtored with the Bureau of Labor stabfrtius-andthora a&all hare bean iaaued a Osrtflioata OS Operation Sor rlroh boiler, as harelnaftarprovided for, . . . lm Seotlon 3 reada am followrr wuuaption8 iron eot “Seotfon 3. The followliigbollesa am exempt from the prorlaionm or thlllAct: *l(l) Boilers under Psderel oontrol end sta- tionary bollare at round houaea, pumping etationr an& (Iapotrof railway mnpmlar under tha auprrrl- aion or inapaotion of the SuperLntaMbmt of Retire Power or ruoh reilwag aompanies; "T(2) Boilers on whfoh the prssrore does not OX0806 ilfteen (15) pOUnda par rpuare Inch) "'(3) Automobile boilers and bollers on road motor vahiolaai "'(4) Boilsrs used exaluaivsly for a~rlcultural plWp0tlCM; "'(5) Boil,erofor heeting in buildings ooouplsd @olaly for residence purposes with aoaommdationr not to exosed four (4) familiar{ 4 W*(6) Bolls~a uaad for oatton gina.** sonorable John D. lieed,Cosml44fon4r - Page 3 Those boilera daaoribsd_inthe foregoing seotion are tImme rererrml to Ln S40tion 2 a8 *otherwireapeoifioally exempted in thlr Aot.” It ~111 be noted that none of theas uoeptiona are based on any partloular method or mean8 by whioh ateam la generated, but upon use, Federal Control, preaaure, and aupervislonor inapeatlon. Seotlon 4 reads in part as followa~ 33eotion 4~. The Commissionerehall oauaa to be inapaoted Internally and externallynot lea8 frequently than onoe saoh twelve (12) nontha eaoh stationaryateam boiler aubfact to the provioiom OS this Aot. Eati portable atum boiler rubJo& to tha prorielona of this Aat ahall be inapooted axternallg eaoh tim it Ia tired to a new looation, provided that an interam inapeotion ahall be made of each 9uoh boiler at leart onoo eeoh twelve (12) laonths. Xi auoh boilcm reformb to herein are found, u&Mmlnapsetlon, to be in a aaia oondition for operation, 4 Certliloateof Opratlcui shall be iaaued by the GOmaiaaionarfor its operation for a period not longor than one year from date of auoh iua~eetion. . . . .I Said aeotion prOvidea the prooedum to ba tolDme whexe an inag@ot4d boiler i4 Sound %O be in an uim& or daageroue oon&itlm,* and for withholdiq of a Certlileate of Operation by the G~mmi88lontir. It La apparent that the purpose of this Lagfalation is to psoteot life and property frownaxplo8io11aor ateas boilera. You are adrisrd it is our opinion that tha al.888 of boiler6 deaoribed tn your~letter PI~O 8ubjeot t0 YOUF in$psction, unlaaa~ex~pted therefrm by one or sore of the apaoifioally naned exoeptfona enumerated in Ssotion 3. Yours very truly Dsticjw. Beath basiatal;t I
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5139
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017