OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable John D. Reed, Commt88ioner Bureau of Labor Statirtiao Austin, Tom8 Dear sirr vhioh reada a8 fol lea8ion of our kgi8la- een amended 80 a8 to provide a%XU the prOVi8iOM Of the t becaam effeotive February for a month or two prier to to of the reeentl~ enacted naend- ring exhibition8 were h8ld tall-0 out the State that would be liable for grorr rMeipt8 tax. Pending pa88age ei the 3“55” thi8 amendment, quite a bit OS publioity VM given to rme, and 80me oi' the orgeniaation8 Ronorable John D. Reed, page 2 evidently underrtood that the law had already been amended; therefore, no IAx return ua8 filed, “In order to be clear on thlr matter, will you give me an opinion a8 to vhether or not there tam8 are 8tlll due the State for the erhlbltlons held ~ior to the effeotive date of the amend- luent. The tax to vhlah you refer 18 provided for by Chap- ter 241, Aotr of the 43rd Leglalatwe, Regular Se88lon, a8 amended by Chapter 21, Aat8 of the 43rd bgi8latUr0, Seoond Called &~88ion, vhlah 18 codified a8 Artlole 614-6, Vernon’s Annotated Penal cede, pnd read8 a8 fOllOW8: “Each individual, firm, dub, oopartnerrbip, a88oclatfon, aompany or corporation vhioh oonduotr any firtio uombat, boxing, 8parring or wrertling match, conteet or exblbltion vhereln the aontew tantr or partlcipakt* reoeive a meney remunqr8- tlon, pume, or prlre equivalent for their per- for&me or 8ervlaer in 8&me, and/or where an ad- ti88lOn fee 18 charged mrePdQeived, 8hall fUrni8h to the Cm88iOlur Of Labor 8tati8tiO8 et Austin, Texas, oithin forty-eight (48) hour8 after the ternUiat.lon of 8Uoh matoh, oontert or exhibition, a duly verified report thereof 8houing the number of tieket8 8Old, the VkWlOU8 prim8 reoelved therefor, and the amount. of groe8 reoelptr for the total number of tloket$ 8old therefer, 8nd at the 8ame time &all attaah to the Comml88lon- or Of abOr'8 report legal tender or BLSkO proper form of money order or exohange payable to the State Trea8urer In the amouat of tax for three *r oentum (3s) of the total po88 reaelptr from the rale of ticket8 of admir8ion to 8uoh oontelt, vhlch tax 8hall be Ieporlted to the oredit of the ‘Boxing and Wrertling Enforoement Fund.’ Ro other fee or tax either eneral or local, than a8 herein provided, rhal f be rrre88ed again8t or levled upon any ruoh metoh, Oonte8t or exhibl- tlon, aonteetant, or manager, or promoter there- of.* Bonerable John D. Reed, page 3 You have attaahed to your letter a copy of House Bill lo. 58, enaoted at the aurrent 8e88lon of the kgl8&ture, which amend8 the above mentioned aotr of the 43rd bgl8lature to provide, among other thingr, for the following eremptlon8: "(b) MOmof the provlrlon8 of thir Aat 8hall be applloable to 8nd enforoed agalnrt: "t(l) All nonprofit amateur athletlo a880- olatlonr ohartered under the lav8 0s the gtate 0s 'Eexa8 inoluding their affiliated memberrhlp olubr throughout the State for the promotion of a88teur athletlar. “(2) Any oontert8 or exhibltiom between 8tudentr Of 8uOh in8titUtiOll8 vhloh are OOndUGt- ed by any college, rohool or unlverrltj a8 p8rt 0s the inrtltution'r athletlo program. “(3) Oo nter ot8 r lxhibltion8 between 8iem- berr of ruoh unlti vhlah are oondnated by any troop, battery, oompany or unit8 0s the Texar Eatlonal Ward or fex88 Defen8e hard. Provided, none 0s the partloipant8 in ruoh oonte8tr or ex- hlbitlenr reoeive a money remuneration or purre or prlre equivalent for their performanae or 8er- doer therein.’ Said Eou8e Blll Ao. 58 crontalnrr no provldon raving the State'8 oau8e of aotion for taxer vhioh beoam8 due before th8 effeo- tire date of the exemptlonr, and, wuler our view of the lar, no 8UOh provi8lon'fr needed. 8OOtiQn 55 Of &tiOh III, Of the cOn8titUtiOn Of Texa8, a8 adopted Ilovember8, 1932, provldebrr "The Leglrlature ahall have no power to re- leare or extinguish, or to autheri%e the relea8- ing or extingulWng, In whole or in part, the indebtedne88, liability or obligation Of any oor- poration or Individual, to thir State or to any county or defined rubdlvlrlon thereof, or other munlalpal oorporatlon therein, lxwpt delinquent taxer whioh have been due for a period 0s at lea8t ten year8." Honorable John D. Reed, page 4 In the oare 0s Btate v. Pioneer Oil & Refining Oom- P-Y, 292 8. W. 869, the Supreme Court of Texa8 held that the repeal 0s a taxing 8tatute could net operate to defeat the atate' olalm for tax88 vhloh beoame due under the repealed ltatute prior to the effeot1ve date 0s the repeal, baring it8 deoI8Ion on the oon8tItutiOnal provirion denying to the bg- irlature power to relea8e or extinguirh any lndebtednerr, liability or obligation to the Mate. The SollovIng quota- tionr from th8 opinion 0s the oourt In that oare are appll- cable to the que8tIon here prelentedr ‘Ye do not rtop to oon8lder vhether a delinquent tax 18 an *Indebtednerl' or tobllga- tlon,' vlthln the meaning of the language quot- ed, for that It 18 a ~1IabllIty~ oannot be doubted. OllIver v. City of Hourton,
93 Tex. 206, 91 8. Y. 940 9431 City or Henrietta v. Rurtll,
87 Tex. 14, 26 2). U. 619. 9s th8 8tatute fir8t mentioned oompetently levied a tax, that tax became due and llabll- lty therefor matured, an Way25, 1923, In re8- peot to the 'fir8t report and payment.' ihi made plain by the term8 of the sot SixIng that qlate for *report and payment,' and providing penaltie8, eto., r0P default. There 18 in the opinion of the Court of Civil Appealr a state- ment or Implloatlon to the lffeot that the OUIAU vere lnahoate beoauee the report8 had not been made; but, In our opinion, no 8uOh lff8Ot oan be given the taxpayer8 dellnquenoy, for thnt vould mean the citizen vho obeyed the lav vould be di8- favorably olroum8tanoed a8 oompared vlth the oltlren vho dI8obeyed. . , . The general rule, 'that vhen a right depend8 solely upon a 8tatute vhioh 18 repealed, the right oea8e8 to exI8t,' mu8t be taken with it8 ovn 1ImItatlen. In the prerent oa8e the right 18 not inchoate, for nothing remained to be done to mature the tax; and it doe8 not tiespend 8olelyc upon a ‘statute vhloh 18 repealed,* for, having once becare a lIabll1ty, it8 lrrevooable nature find8 8eurOe In the oen- 8titUtiOilill prOV181Qn." ,Ronorable John D. Reed, page 5 It 18 therefore our opinion that, nOtVith8tandlng the prewnt l xeuption from taxation 0s a6rtain ola88er 0s boxing and'vreltling exhlbltloru, the taxer for the oonduat of 8uoh exhibit%onr which became due to the State prior to the effective date 0s the exemption8 ue~8till due. Iwrr very truly ATTORIIST QEBIRAL OF TRXAs U. 8. Allen NRArdb A88i8tMt
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5133
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017