- i v OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTI@ Len Aleup A Zxsoutlvti Secretary-Director State Commission ror the Blind Land Cifice Bullding Austin, Texas /--A\ Dear Sir: s irom'the Fed- 9&k&estfng the opln- a antistion ;readrr'as Qm t&is~ department whether Seo- s~paeaad by the:Forty-second sq3slcu’l931, ~W,O@ld, pewit:. pt ~Sndb irdm +ho~S&gal 0 ids the' .La&i+8ure ,i federal .goye&ae'nt.'~and~,tag make,Trbports.:$~ ,~tbe ied- era1 go+e'rment. We bel~ieve thtit.undir tha $tio~l- siotis or-ssctiim 2 of the law creating ~ths Stata Cods~.l.on for the Blind, the sa.ia State Co~i~ss~on r honorable &On Alsup, Page 2 ir for the Blind Is given the authority to aooept -:.3unds~from th&federal government even though the federal govertient is not specifically referred to In the law. Y3i.&a there is a~possibility that iraderal lsgislatlon ,wlll be .~+sed the next few writhing weehe.lxi which this agency~m&y be given the au- thorltyto administer, additional work. for the blind raith .funds reoe%vLvd from the federal govern- ment, y would apprecia,te your prompt reply to thlrc matter.” , T&s Department. held In opinion Bo. O-2070 that “the estate Commission ror the, Ej.&$-has speoific statutory authority to rdoeive girts, bequests, or devioee from inal-: vldnale; as&oa&atlona or co~poratbons, and may spei3a thein .l?i ad&#lant$a: Mth- ~the qrovlglgns’~,``~th!h -k.alP.~,A.rtlole *07&i !?p&+%i~;``at~a -Qi.yfi :St&ntea. ,‘i in authority .to denier ist0.a oontxaot entitled ‘~Wentral. Control Plan” aa ~D@%I&?&hy the Utited States Offios-Q Educatfon, Department of :the .InteriorL Aa the State. Coma&selon for the Blind has a&dfi-o atatutory’au’thorlty~ to’raoaive gifts, bs- qaests ,oxi devises dDm individuals, assooiations ~01‘corpora- tbns, and may expend them In aooordanoe with the provisions . of the Aot and as the Commission may also bake euoh measures in oooperation with other authorities, as ‘it may deem advis- abla for the prevention of bllndneae or conservation of eye- sight, and in approplste oasse, fsr the eduoation of children .. ,. < I. anq'tha- vocatioraIlg@anoe of adults having seriously defect- : iv& sight, it is our;opinlbn that the above stated question should be ansv&re% .in.~the affirmative an&-la so answered. In.oonneotion with the foregoing we direct your at- bent&p..to our opipion 310. @-ii!J$i`` with.referen~e to the pro- oedure for the State %oml&sloh for:'the'.Bllna to follow In rdoeivlng mcinles donated;' .; Youra very truly ATTOREEPGb3EML OF T&AS ,A. APPROVED NMR19., X943 a/s Ard.311 Wi&llams AssIstant --. .
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5132
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017