Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1943 )

  • . .-, 585 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable George Moff att Aotlng Chairman 8tate Affaira Committsr Seaate of Texan Dear Slrr We are in r or YLarah9, 1943, In whlah you r*que8t epartaent aa the ~eonutitotionality 0S Thl8 bill relates to oertaln offioe tate and it8 pol- ltioal sabdfrlslo (rsrtiatPand pro- vides that the ab ofiioere or eunploys~a named; “in mll%ta et oreats a forfeiture or vaoano , and that upon of his term ifioirl dutier after thirty day~.h’aittc91 nottOe 10 of tutlola 16 o? our Constitution pro- ilmorablo Geargs Lloiibtt, Pa54 2 *The Lo&rlaturo *ball ro714s for 4444uo- tlon8 from the aalary of :!ub Y io offiooro why say ne&laut tb.e periorsanos of my duty thvt my br asrlgAed thacp by law.* tladsr th?s provirlon of tho Conrtltutionwe thlak the .Lagl8- lakrta i8 PUthOrlt6d to rovidr for the dlaohsr duties oi M officer durf na thb abssnoo or inab oiflcrr rho ir In tho ssrvloe of him oountry, 8uoh d~hs. 6~ ala0 thlnic that the Laglrlatum 18 author- fzmd to make t&s Uad~otlons trOn hla 8816ry proposed by tho bill orrdar8an8ldoratlon,durtng hi8 iho4Aos from the off100 and ior tha dbruatloa oi hl8 lnablllt~ ~00dlrohergo hia offi- ala1 dUbl.8. Lb rtated by Smtloa Sha? In the oano of Cerpeatrr v. 3ha?perd, 145 s. % (24) IL W th6 La&eleture ahotrlb aaaol~&o that M offlort In the Rrtional Guard oannot rrforn tho Uutlas.o? his ofl'%ar bald by ~hti in %i. Seato, rhlle tmporsrily lo the rctitr allltary 8arvlao oi the Vnlted Statea, It say .mCza pro- ~1810~ ior suah Inc\blllty, just aa it haa mde sl~llar ~rovlslnc8 in rclspaot to othar Stats offloes, v&exe the head ot.a deportmat :a uo- abls rot say rcnmi tr, prrfora’thr dutlsa of tho oftloa. It say ndjust aslarlcs on aacouat 0f t8tm0 CO briora the atab3 as81~6d to oiflora. beOt f aA 10, Articld 16, l%Aotlt~tizt.* so are of the opinion, h&evsr, that lnso~nr 88 the bill undortska$ ta Qx(Mte an4 define a “tzwqorery vaotsmp* la 8~ oifl~e it orsrataps the cor,otftutlenalbowiderlar. 10 80oas to us that tha offlao m~t6 bo v8aAAt or AOt V8Otit. Xi It br vnonnt, than there 18 and aIn be EO prosont inewo- bent, wbethsr rush raemay br tSibpOrbrY or pdramwnt. If it be vaoant, thon th* aoa#tltutIon, itseli, protidaa #a mathod Of filUnrJ. suoh WMtllWfbS hi UO8t ~AOtaAO68. In ruoh ollpae, oi aourse the La~hl8burr has A0 alt6?A6tiW the raoanay mttst be #illad in the, aauw .prerorlb6Q by tha oon8titutlon. Mar is a vnoanoy In offl~b C?aatad mere4 by virtum of the rbrunoo a? th0 OfflOOr in the .xflftarY a4CIleo. Bakdit0a V. xing, 206 23. 3. 953, Carwnt*r *. atop td U5 S. 9. (26) 562; Cramm to Stat* , ,1679. 311.(2d) 14% f'he &floor who 18 ebsant in the Bilitsry 8WVfOo OOAtiAuetY to - . ._ Xanotablo Ciaorgr Xoffrtt, h&e 3 be the inouiabsnt of the ottioo held by hi;aat the tima of hi8 1ndUtMm l&O the staed teroes in OOnt6aJtiat2OIIOf c2608. 33 and 40 of Art. 16 of the Conatitutioa, and ths ottios doe8 not booms veo.mt by ``880x1 of his ebronoe therofros. Craaer v. Stata, lupre. The Conatltution bs- Ing speoifla, we think the L3gialetur6 in not suthorkwd to orra8e 4 v404noy *teapor4ryw or otbsrwiae un&rr anoh 6irOuQatnllO8d. 84 or8 or the opinloa alao thrt ths yrovi8ion o? the bill whWh rrqulrse that tha otiiasr who has barn t6ap- orarily rbasn8 in the dlltary aatvloo, 48 dafiaad by bha statute, &ml1 not ?s4w44 tia duttra, lpor b4 Entitled to th? 6.~0lt;xsntaof ths atflor until aft43 ho has givsa thir- ty esyae not108 in writing to thr tesipmery aypomiae is u?nOcn4tltati~aal, 4s boiua in sodlict with G44tiea8 33 aad 1.0 at ~$1016 16 of our Ccnatitutioa. i;blla, na w6 hnvb h~rsirobove :.olatdl out, ths LrgialaOuro n4y provlda fop she rilechargu of his durisa , Surlsig she yu?od of his ab- a0500, he is, and wmtinwa to ba the woffl~et* sad sntitled t.5 the offiae. %hm hla parioit of' absaooe hse tarciimtad, and he is abla to w-utter upon tha dtaoharS6 o? hta offl- 0141 dutfre, h6 la entitled t0 do 80 4A2 to r506fv6 hi8 oomp6aan~tton ther @for, and auah ,i+& oslraot bs au&a Ut pandsnt upon prior notiaw to bhe appointas who has bean appoint6d and la 6utltled ta sax-v6 only durLns the, aba6A0a of the real offiasr. G’e think this Pi?‘.v is in %aWPd pibh tho axpr4salona of our Sopr656 Courb In the oases Of Carpa- tar T. She perd, 145 3. ‘ti. (24) 562 snd cr~+ur v* state, 167 9, 3. P26) 147. .Tms,tinq that the a hove fully EQSUQ~S yorU ia- qulry, *6 a?. ORTJ truly yours ~‘F&rillKT GEEXAL Of T’ZA.3

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5121

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1943

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017