- OFFICE OF OF TEXAS +pnoral lleatloa held waa a oandldate for Wth Ju4lol~l Dlrtriot r 104P th Stat8 after oa Daoombor 8, and 00WOot tabulation8 of th8 voter for the rorpootlve Dlrtrlst oiflaar As *a a laQQ0 th 8oftloial elrotlon nturna file6 with the 3ao Btatr, and that C. X. polo reoolro& the hl&wrt numbu of voter oaat at said rlrotlon for raid 0iiic0 0f Dirtriot sOag0 or th0 87th suaiei81 Distriot. i rionorclblr George a. 3htppa:,4 PagOa Sk8 ttio furthor Irfla8t8 that a0 oOrtlfloatr of Ol@Otlom *aa over made oat 8lgnod an4 dollvtrtd to fitago Quln by th8 Oorernor aa provided tor la utlelt W3S V. K. C. 3. and t&t JUT@ C&D did OB Juwarr I), 1943 puallfy as JudgO of the Dlrtriet Court of the S9th fadlsial Dlrtrlot by takial) I& o&h of offloe, 8 8OtLiiiOd aubrorlblag t0 th0 ColI8titUtiOll81 009~ of whloh ~88, on February 10, 1943, tO6hthtr with a IJ. 3. Port Off108 koaoy Ord8r in the aaou5t of on. dollar payable to the 3e8retUJ oi Stab, wont to the Seorttary of State by JOdm '+tilJ TOgll88tfrythd Off18181 to 18BUO and tOrr&l'd to him 8 eoanlrrloa rl&aeb by t&e Ootunor a8 porldod for by 18W (8008188 m A?tt8& n Of th0 bUtitU.tiC’U Md AfiiOlO SC40V. A. C. 8. ) %%aSwrrtary ot Btatr reoelwa the m~aoy md lnrtramat8 forms484 by JuQo Qala. 80 eoadrrloa hr over Mea 188~84 to or raoeitd by Judge Q&L Artlrlr 803S 9. h. C. 8. readat ‘When tbr return8 hue be85 oountod, the Owumr oh4ll iur4Iatelr aah.aut, rign a54 dolit8r 8 6eEtifiO8to ot l18ati#, with the real Or thr s8a%O t&rbtO titiud, t0 the BU808 or person8 who 8haU hare noolrrd t& hl&h88t nub o r 0r vo )e8for laoh or uay or 88ld otfloer." ay four Letter or Tabruuy 10, 1943 addrtoud to Jude4 Qain you rtru8t4 of hi8 salary payment by rlrtur ot utiole L368, V. A. C. d. rbloh tsadr: Vo ofrlolal who fail8 or r*fiub8 to take out a oOrmi88iOn 8halL k llitititd t0 OOllOOt or reotlvolltAOr tram tha Gtate or iron lndlrid- 0018 my mnel a8 iU8 OS 0rri00 or ccm~*nratlon Sor otfloial 8arV1008. Welther tb Comptroller, Oonni88iOntt8 OOuFt, WXUit~lU&itOr DOr aOr othar pOreon *hall approve or Qsy any olaln or aooouat in favor ot any auoh offloor who ho PO failed or rerused. rhs utorttary of stat0 shall rror tlm8 to tlsa, a8 suoh oommiulon8 are issued by him, furnish a Llrt thorsol to laoh eomalrsioner8 oourt, lao& ooaatl wdltor and to Oh8 Coaptrollrr, with Umnmt of the oounty in rhioh ruoh ofrioor8 I&oh 3tat0, a18tr10t, oounty and proollnot ottloe; is require3 to apply for and reorltr hi8 aoIani~8lon. * 80 of thir opidoa that them 18 00 qPO8tiOn a8 t0 thr ta rTid tY Of tb blbOtiOU by VirtUO Of WhlOh the Ofi 18 Ob1Wd. TUB aaputmbtb t in oonatru* art1010 3681, rupr8, in our Oglnion No. O-4363 8aldt “Thi8 ATtiOh do.8 ,mt prohibit the dulr lp g o intoord lIebto4 #firid iroa rot- a8 8Urb krt prohibit8 hh irror8Oll8Otia( Ot rO- 8eirfa(rfrom tb fjk8tOOX Ladlvlb`` non07 a8 f8.8 Of Otfii8 Or oequntloa fw hi8 8erv10.8, 0 he8 Ot @ittOO. taoh Of th.8. Word8 iE@it8 tbTlbffft*aoo of raalt won tha put or tb . . . . b th bllb OtiOn OOlltO8t0680 Of Orth T. &na+ld88, lE8 9. pi (End) l.081,for tha offloo of county an4 dirtriot oltrk of Erook8 CouWy,tha Court 8aid: ‘It 18 impWhat to Wait Until tb retrM &y-Or the OlOOtio5 80 that the aanva#Bin~ bow.4 W&y hat. 4E OQ9OrtWit~ t0 OUlVWI8 tht VOtt8 ali6 dbolarr thb rb8ult or thb olaetlm, but Utrr th@ n8ti8 ha8 dbelarbd beta the 18mln6 of th8 oortlfloat8 of l lsotloo 18 l alnlrterlal duty an4 (Imu0 08ttor of form. . . .- ii0do not ballorothat Judge Quin felled or rttuud to take out a oom#l88lon, but oa tbilrur iZTiiSh0 that hm haa mb tnndla b 0ma ffbry duty hpoood upon him by law, e8d la 11~ of luoh tact m ImlU, that tha 18sunoe of a oommlulon 18 a alnlatrrlal duty a5d that aIldab cpin 18 bntltlbd t0 hi8 Ply a8 JuQb Ot t’ Dlrtrlot Court of the 67th Judlcl81 Dlrtriot from the date 0r hi0 qudirioeloa. It roii0w8 th4t LOU 8h0~ib ``SUO wurantr oororing suoh salary. Eo rrtorn hororlth all inatrumonts aubdtted with your lrttrr 0r repusrt. Your0 very truly, ATlWMif G.C4:913iAf.DB TEXM I’.
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5124
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017