i. , - ~--.- . OWICE OF THE ATI’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AU8TlN euul.Do.~ lrnouloaay ‘.. . Ronorable i¶elvla C. Eldean, Ymbeh EOard Or Regent8, State Tea&me COnO608 Runtsvllle, TeXae I. Your rii8t two queetlonr inquire whetbbr it is man- datory under.the Retirement dot that faoulty m6mbers of the Teacher8 Colleges' be retired,rlthout exaeption, upon their reaching age reventy. Seotkon S.of the Teacher Retire;oont Act, 88 amended by Chapter 377, Acts of ~ths 48th Legialatare~ (Art. 2922-1, Vernon's Annotated Civil %&Ute8) provides for volun- tary retirement 0r %anbersn Of the Retlrernent 3ylltellI at age ilonorable Llelvvin"C.iildsbi, page'f2 sixty, if the member shall tive caupletad twenty or more year9 of "oreditable 8ervlcem 80 drflued by the Aot; the sma section further provldest aAny member in'aervioo who 438 ettalned tl1O qe 0r 8eVwfl0) year8 ehnll be retired forth- By it8 axproos term, therefore, ths Act proVidU8 for tie ran-voluntary retlranont et age creventy 0r only those employ008 or the TeaO,hors cO113ge8~vho~er6 %enborsn 0r the F;ctIremnt $ystem, no't>&t term iq detined by Section 3 of the Act, a8 ameudedl,and, even.88 to members who reaoh ssventg yours of age, it ia prixided that-y remain in sorvioe with tho approval 0r their employare. There I8 no r9qulrenfmt contaiued in t.59Rstircuaent Act, therefore, that mambars or ti-19 faolrlties of tho TOnch0r8 Collegem bo retired without exceptlm, upon thdr~raaohing seventy year8 0r ~0. If such persona aro member8 of the Teacher RetIreneat System, thby nag rf2sd.h in SOrViCC 8rtor I&p3 80V3nty Otiy Upon, the S.rrbiIELtiVe sj.~20Vnl Or tholr OP lo rsl but, if suoh approval ia give, ma-Aors of tim Rettim* SJ’S OSI IStly OOlltinue in SWViOS. II. r Your third and fifth questions relsta to tim sane &em&l inquiry, aad will be COn8ider9d to&iiier; ci~syare a0 follow9: "(3) Sir.09 each a011989 ha8 a local cox- nittee calposed Or ttiee Of th0 E&gent8 eelectod from the Board, Should they be inveat9d with the power to decide to retain or dl8mIss member8 0r the ra:acultTwho have reached t3e age 0r seventy or should this nili% be by the entirs Board in- stead of tie uomittoe? iionomblc C. Xid8On, Pa&o $3 "(5) ifho i8 the OmplOyer Of a member Of the ra0uity who reach08 seventy year8 of 820 or more - the Dosrd 0r Regent.8, the locnl cr?;nittco, or the pre8ideXt of the COlle~o?" In the sense of t29 ultinate, the State of ToXas fo t-i-2onployer 0r members of tk0 r30ulti93 0r i&e sovo201 Stat0 Tonckxws Colleges. On Its behalf, howover, the Dowd of Re- ;ents of the State Foachers Collo~es by law is 'ckaza-;edwith tim ro3po~IbIlity of fhe @moral colltrol 3nd z~ns~c:~nt of. all State Teaohers Collo~ee for white persona CA X.Z~ % C -;I enploy aud dIsahrir;;epre3ident8 or priricipaln, tozckzs, trtxto- w3rs and other 91&07098t 0 9 0 ." ~(ArtiCb 2247, 'i'braX1'3 Araotatsd Civil Statutes.) The continued cr,plo;?.%cnt cL’ tkc several faculty saber3 of the State Teachers Colfo;2o, tllsrc- fore, ia expressly dependent upon the'exeraiso of tllspxcr of the Eoard of Rezents to mploy such persons on behalf of t‘% State under tho authority oonferred by tho quoted otntute. / ``~S;'eoasgl!%efrcm your qUe8tiXI3, howovcr, Lab hour lnquiribs``relfite'~to mz%tirmentn uader~ tAe 'fe?lc``r,'I!jt.~renent Act, rather~'than to tensiilation of services by’~irilrih~cl or bj failure of the Roard of Regents tzo aontinue the coztract of oaployaent In err9Ot. X8 above ob8erved, th0 iW&wmnt Act provide8 for automatic, non-voluntary retiremnt 0: zmbcrs of the RetireZmnt Sy8teIn upon their roaching the ago of %?~entg ye.9281 but it is provided that such a member my rcmati in service "with the apjjroval plicable to' ezsployees of the "c:~ployer* as wad in thl8 5 or L.-ection1 of the Retirment Act as follo~sr n '&ployert s'hallm~an the ?tate of Texas and any of ita deslmted &Sent8 or agencies with reapon8ibilIty end nuthority for public education, such a0 0.0 Q the board8 or rei;onto 0r State col- leges and *unIvorolties s +Y c .I' - ..d . . Honorable Rdelvln c. Eidson, pnco #4 Under the Ratlroment Act, thoreforo, .$&no zomr;era of the Rotirament system on tho.faculties 3f t:;a':'oocnws* colleges, must retire rr0m aervlae, unZor3 the Roard of zese.ot3, by afflrmstlve action ap>rovos thair continuat:or in 3crviao of 7Z10 inetitutlon. Ce bcllove the above an3wrs j-::w fifth quaotlon. Pour third question in affect inquires w::cL;ar t:ie Board of ReSenta may dalegsto to o committee of t;roz t~;o .~GFJ~ to decldo rhothor faculty mombecs who rccrci savcni~ yticr.3of nRe sksll bo rotlred. Agoin, Re assumd t&t j-ir;* ii>.'.Jsti9r. ro- ht4S to thO34 enDlOY4OS i?lO BrB nt4dX?re OI" t29 ,'&ls.:es* .letiro- mont system. - - . i ., 9. A8 a (;enorsl rule; h .i3osrdor other ofl'&ial's e&n& wag dele;;ate to others tiia dlschar5o'of m&lotcrisl duti& which do not oall for the exeraioo of dlsaraticn; snd may not dolo&e to others the discharge of duties and functions atiah call for reason or discretion. Rome Zoolocioal drana Co. v. cat2 of Lsllas, 45 s. ;:. (2il)71~5~Sankntij;clo V. French; DO. 575, 15 S. G. 4408’ Eoeohtm, Rii&rOwsnd airicora, aem. 566, p. 36Ci; ,%4 Toxi'~Jtii&" 459,cTrB... _ ~,..~, .L ".'i 1% see no violation of th& rule asinst deiloLation of authority, horrevor, In the selection by the Bcnrd of Zie&onta of a committee of its members to review msndatory rotire:;ient aaaoa arlaing under tho ,Teaaher Retirement Act in too eovoral institutiona under their jurisdiation. Ths puLllc ',ood sub- sarved by the rule a&n& doloSation of powers 13 to ins-~-c the making of docislons of, pallag b7 the off iciols to si~om tk pnrticulsr dioorotlonary functiona ero entruatod; prcsuxably, they were soloctod to exorcise that~ JudDant or dlacrotlon bo- qouse the7 were deemed fit and aompetent. In the pressnt in- atmnce, however, the policy of rotlroment of mombars of the Teachor Retlramont System vh~n thay achieve th& &T-O of aevcnty yours Is the pub110 policy of the Stato declared bnw@ leS- lslative enactment; to this rule of r9tlreaont, t:heAct ~rovidea asl csccptlon; viz., ti%t mombsra over aevczty ma-j oohtinue tn . . Honor&lo Uelvln C. Eldson, pa;4 45 service upon tho approval of their Omploy4rs. b%ik33 ai'tiSl7l- ntivs aotlon of th4 employer approvirq continuationin aervico is taken, the requiraslentthat t&3 member retira fort:lrith up- on becoml~ seventy results by opuration at tke aiauuto. 3ir.c~ tho policy of retirement -hnobeen dotarminod 'ostii4Lailalature, the discretionary authority v$lch ia loft ta Lc cxcrcisad by tineRonrd of Rci;onts,as osploy4r under t2.eR!ctiror,Jnt Act, la not ahoth.zrto retire thoaa Rotirenont f.yat4z;f-5~:b~ar5 cho be- come sevonty, but rath4r'shethor it shall affk~itiv~ly cpprovo continued 4mploym4nt in exceptional cases of such zomboro. .\s in the lnatanoe of ori:lnal cmplo-ymontof psrao.%?el,tho 3oard certaialg any dblet>te t?lS i&otion of invosti~a~fcll and rccozx- tendation to a oosnittoo of its mnbera; ar.d, if tLa Eoard ap- i;rovoa tho action of the comnitte4, insofar as it concern5 th4 contractsmado with 0-k continued employwnt of those persons v&o ar4 selected to read:1 in.service, it has not abdicatad. Its functions to its comsittoe. Russell v. Gaze,
66 Tex. 428, 1s. U. 270; Golvestor.Counti~v. Gresham, (Tax. Clv. App.) 220 561. Thoao m4mbors of th4 Rotiremsnt System nho reach s. :';'. mandatory retirement u:o, and who arc not rec``onded by the conmitt for oontinuod service aro not diachar;:4d by the cow nittsc, nor rotlrad by tim Board; thy SiIilplg COnlCKit&in til0 ;4noral rule of policy pr4ocribed by tne Le.;iclaturu t.=L til4y shall ratire upon arriving at a:;eeoventy. III. Your last Inquiry is ambodied in your fourth ques- tion; viz: "(4) If swcbors of the faculty aoventy yaars of aso should be roloased from active ssrvloo, should nersbers of the Board of iio- dents who are seventy be rotaiwd as members of t:be Eoord?” As framed, the question seems to b4 ono of policy; 55 such it is beyond t:kogrovinco of this departmentto anover, for the dotermizatlonof zattors of policy in smh matter5 is . . Iionorable Melvin C. Eldeon, pa@ #S. a legislativefunction. Conaldered,~homoer, as a q\lestioa vhether otiktotl~lava ProYldo for retirment ot nmuors or the Doard of Rogmfs of the State Tercimrs*Collcps upon their roaching the a$p of eovsnty years, you are advised that t*heydo not. Very truly yours Oaynor Kendall Assistant
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5050
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017