Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1943 )

  •           OFFICE OF THE A?TORNEY           GENERAL      OF TEXAS
    tioh      we Quot., ln
    en (I&) mInIat. during the
    .    ID the noon hour oondder-
    ostho rahool6a``
    'I am *loo iaiormed that thlr ‘relligiour    lnrtruo-
    tion, 18 OS 8 Qwt1ouhr   dbzia8inbtloa OP 8QOt ox-
    oluriroly, end 18 aot merely 6OXWti lnrtrwtloa ln
    PO11&$Oa. T h 8M g u lalheolhour8uw
    r                  framSto0
    A.M. to 4tOO P.M. during the day.*
    Pou rtrtb thet you uw       Informed that the lnrtruotlon
    18   Of    e   PWtiOti-   dmcnniMtiOlL       '2hi8   OpiniOl3   i8   OQrO8Bl~
    Honorbblo    Joha 0. Yarbur@r, Q~O /a
    rritka      On th. a88UQtiOA      tbnt suoh iniMtiOn     18 oomot,
    end It la rooordirrgly
    oo llmlted.
    It 18 wu      ~IIOWII
    that 0~ Of th0 6PUIO8 Of the 20-8
    rp;,ia      ~a8 the aforoed MtlOnrJ r8llgloaof the Rapubllo
    A8 l 8OMOQUMIO0, b@rh%Ih    ~OVi81OIh8.    WOOP• inO~U6-
    ld la OUF*~Oll8titUtiOtt   to dlromr th8 rhurah f&8 tho dkta
    and to @wantee      abrolute reli OU8 hsednr.         88otion8 6 and
    7 ot ow Bill of alghta(Artlo         1 of the Tuaa Corutltutlon)
    r@tLd2'88peOti+@~ a8 iO33OTS@
    ,688. 6.  All am hat. a aetuml uad Indo-
    t to wrr8hlp Alalghtr God aboord-
    Oat08 Of theil,Om eOKl801OtIOO8.
    MO man ahall be ooxt~elledto attoad, rreot or
    mlppo~t any plao. of WOr8hip, or to rul.mtaln
    tinyminirt~ e@i.xUt hl8 OOn8.t.      IO hymn
    ~uthorlt ought, In aq oap* mhatevot, to oon-
    trelor In tbrfWr with the right8    of,ooarotenco
    In utter8 of relligion,and n0 pretwonoe rhlll
    6ver be given by law to any r~ellglou5 society or
    mode or uorshlp.   But it shall be tka dut of'
    tb  ``i8letUW    to p&58 ruoh &LU8 88 mrj L
    Ii40088W~ t0 pZ?OteCtl Q-u    W8m    Zeli&OW
    duuu8iaation ia thd paoeab 1 0 l njoymeat of it8
    om mod& or pub110 worahlp.o
    %*o. 7. Ho MDOJ ahall be appropriated, or
    dim    rp0raw ~r~8 uqs    the benoilt OS y
    8eOt; or Z+miOU8  800 0 , ~tiO&Oti    Or M
    1161OU8 8-l      MC       proport  bolong3ag
    to the state be approprlahdror any 8u0h pur-
    bootion 6 OS Artlcla VII, aonrtltutlon of Texar, pro-
    VidO8,     in &MI+, &I fOuOV8:
    ’ 04 l     And no law &all ever bo maoted ap
    oay pert oi the poraenent or arall-
    fUXbdtO~otber~8.           tit.Wsri
    Eono~       Johll   0. mrbwgrr,           page      #S
    aar dmll    the ume,        or
    U& 8W&5Uic80f#01J                l 0 l     “.        8U      a180 &tie
    ,   .  .  .
    ThW   p~0~i8101i8 ~0~0 bOfOF0 thr sU~r8W GOId   Of
    T-8   ia tb U8a Of -Oh       eta l. ta h r llOOl
    kt ti., 1 09
    6.1. ll.6. Ia that U(LM It RI hold in *Shot    that the hold-
    ingo imc dnglxmalrer                ln t&o pbllo 8oh0018 8hloh oon-
    8lrtd     of tuedlag       by the
    tuohor  rlthout ooameat of .non800-
    Wirn   UtreOt8 irao th0 Blblo, &nd th, 8lnglrr&Of aPPrOoprl-
    mugs,      in uhloh the pap118 were lntlkd but aot rsqulrad
    to jola, wu         eotlonablo uader the abow quoted prori-
    81OPI Of    tb                            8u      al80       Na.ffes            t8     Board          0r
    Eduaetlon (Wish.), 77 f. U. P60~ People u ml. Oollmar ve
    S~.U~OJ (Cola. , eb6 ?. 610~ mOk5tt  fe Brook8vlll0 (Iraded
    6ohoOl Wit.,  IIQ.), 87 8. I. 798) ~tO~WI8OlI 1, Fi8nyon, 7 k.
    Dirt. 1. 666. H0WW.P~ th0 OOUPt splphrtioall~8tim88Od t&O
    p o la ttb ettblx``I~s~o````l~lno~o~r.                      w*
    QUO- the f~llo~lng from th8 opinion of the oourt:
    ’ l +    l It    8O8   tb5    PUrpOW         Of     th0      cOll5titU-
    to forbid Uie u6e of publlofund8 for tha
    8uppO?t of any pertiotier             dmKdnatiOn     of                      ro-
    li&orU  PO 10, Wh0-r               th’3J b8 OhPi8tirn,                        OF
    of otbr  lpoP lgfoa.e."
    mdri6r0,         8XWOi808       ThiCh        would          holUd0          UiJ          OXQl'O88iOXl
    reptmeaWt6tho peoullaror dl8tinatlntlew.6rdo6wot uy
    Hot or duurirution would not ba taon8eoteriath Such lXWOiU8
    would ba ia +lol~tlon
    OS our Conrtltution.
    &Pi8            (&fOl'JMle, p-08                    w,           913)      it     18   8trt-
    ld that tbm 18 aom a tmdeno       both ln oonrtltutlonE1 prorl-
    810``8and In judloal oon8truot 3 on to exeludr any rollglou8 in-
    8tZ’UOtiOfl lIlth0 pub110 8OhO018. See r380 16 C. J., No. 604.
    &U supnV        aOUFt in the mlb~k                 Oa#O ha8 not                6OM         tbrt tOr,
    but it definitely omaultted               ltaelfto the doutrlnethat If ro-
    li&iOW     UWO18.8         @PO hrld,      they      EUBt       b       8tl’iotly           nOMOOt~;eIi
    in ehamato?.  You rtrto that the ln8truotlozr Is .of a partlou-
    Lu dwnmlmtioa or 8eot erolwlr~l~ and Ir not merely general
    lwtrwtlaa in r*llgloP.' Your first quartionIs, therefore,
    uu~med   b tha negatlvo.
    YOU    S8k     tithSF        thS     LlooLI    hOW         18   PU’t      Of     thb         8OhOO1
    day.    There         doubt thatunderArt1010R906,Retl8ed
    ou1 bo DO
    OiViL.8titUt@8, it IS. 800 that pert of Artlole 0906 whioh
    .A    .OhOO~      mOZ&h      8hdl       OOIlli8t           Oi tlOt       1088         thrn
    tibatr 8ohooldrp8, lnoluslto of                               h0lld~78,            and
    shall bs tau&   for not 1088 thaa                               8woa        hours
    ilItOti88iOn8 &                       ~eOOUb8.0
    gL$iEi:          sii$$Fif
    However, won without this statute ss think that ths
    noonhourmuldbs     a QIst of ths 8ShooldAy.      ThO baud  of  frw-
    tee6 drtWmin.8 th6 time U.d tOZl&h Of Z'tJOOS8O8~and thr 8tU-
    dents sre SubjeOt t0 tie SUpOmi8iOn    Ot   t&O 8OhOOl authoritior.
    Tour 8eoond question IS, ttrsreioro, uurered in tie afilrmatlYe.
    You ark the                 ooMeotion
    rsoond          with the ot-
    qu.stion          in
    iWing     of    X’S1iglOUS         i.MtZUOtiOa
    sohool.            in m
    W@ think it
    propw     to    8ktS ths lolloring rule uznounoed by the Supreme
    Court In Joralgen v. F'laley, 90 Tu. 206, 58 S. 7i. 24, in con-
    stzwlng that part OS Saotion 6, Art1010 vxx of the Constitution
    tioh we heye heretofor. qtlotodc
    sThs Lsglsleture osnnot do by lmllrootlon
    whst It oamot do dlrsotly.m
    W*    think
    thl8  r ulinglppllos to all three.of the oon-
    8titUtiOti  proYl8lon8 under oon8ideratlon.    In other 8Orb8,
    th8 rohool oennot ofrer religlow inrtruotlon of a seotarlen
    ohsractar ragerdlu8    0r when or how It 18 oftered. The 00h001
    osmot do by lndireotlon whst It oennotdo dlreotl7.
    Wr wish to thank you tar your very able brief.

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5037

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1943

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017